Night Shift

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Did you miss me? Cause I certainly missed you.



Alex's P.O.V

Just two more hours and I am done. Right?


I hated the night shift, almost nobody came to buy anything, and when they did it was always for the fucking vending machine.

I was basically just making sure nobody stole anything. But I lost a bet against Gilbert, so we had to swap shifts for a week.

Who would have thought shrimps could see more colors than humans?

Obviously not me.

Luckily for me, it was Friday, so my torture ended in...

One hour and fourth seven minutes.

Fuck my life.

Once again, the familiar tinkering of the bell announced someone entering the shop. I looked over to see a pair of dudes walking towards de fridges.

Well, at least they're not buying from the vending machine.

I sighed as one of them walked to the cashier. I knew him.

It was John Fuckwad Laurens. A rich jackass who assisted school with Laf and I. Pretty smart, but a total jerk.


I said, looking dawn at what he was handing me. He didn't answer but just put the stuff over the counter.

A fucking sixpack of beer.

"I.D, please."

He lifted an eyebrow at me... So I lifted one back.


"Do I look I like I'm joking?"

My tone was beyond bored, and my eyes instinctively rolled.

A total fuckwad. Kinda hot, but a fuckwad after all.

He stared at me for some seconds and I actually couldn't tell if he was annoyed, surprised, confused... or all of those.

"I know you. You're in my history class."

Woah, well... I actually wasn't expecting him to recognize me. Still, I played cool and shrugged.

"Yeah. So if you're buying those, then I need your I.D."

I repeated, watching as the other guy walked toward us, putting some chips and a pack of cigarettes."

"I'll need an I.D for those too."

Both men looked annoyed. Great.

I cynically smiled, taking the chips and scanning them.

"So... I.D?"

"Don't you know who I am?"

John asked. He was angry, I could tell. His friend, which I recognized as Laff's  crush, Hercules, was just bored to be there.

And me? Well I was enjoying myself.

"Man, we could just go to the store around the corner, they don't ask for anything there..."

Hercules started talking, being interrupted by John's words once again.

"Don't you?"

I looked at him dead in the eyes, before sighing.

"Yup, I just reaaaaally don't care."

My fave was stoic. Johns has was dropped. Hercules was at the verge of tears from laughter.

"So are you gonna give me an I.D or you're just taking the chips?"

His furrowed brows were a piece of art. He looked so offended I thought he could start crying at any time.

My insistence was, if I can be brutally honest, cause I knew none of them had valid I.D's to buy alcohol or cigarettes. They were my age, 18.

With a growl, he hissed at me.

"Fuck you."

I bit my lip to not start laughing, as he stomped out of the shop, followed by a choked Hercules who kindly waved at me.

"Have a good night too, John!"

I mocked, calling him by his name so he knew I did know him.

Oh well, night shift isn't so bad after all.

I looked down at my phone. Still one hour and twenty minutes to go.

Nope. It's still sucks.



I came here to make some shameless self promotion, even though you may hate me so much cause I disappeared fondo long (?)

I still love you tho❤️

So the thing is; I sorta kinda made and instagram page where I'm gonna be uploading some covers cause I """"""""sing"""""""" so I'm here asking for your support once again.

That's if you have and ig, of course.

The user is @srsly.ely (yeah, with a point in the middle)

If you do go follow me, comment on the last post with an orange heart "🧡" so I know you come from Wattpad

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If you do go follow me, comment on the last post with an orange heart "🧡" so I know you come from Wattpad.

I will love you so fucking much if you do, and you can comment here what you think of it.


once again, I love you.

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