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A/N: So the cursive means they're speaking Spanish. Personally this is one of my favorites (cause my first language is Spanish and I feel good.) Translations would be at the final note. Enjoy!

Alex's P.O.V

"Then she told me she liked me back. Can you believe it? She likes me back! " Peggy squealed like a little girl. I laughed.

"I'm happy for you, Pegs. " I smiled.

"Yeah... " She sighed dreamily. "It's just a matter of time for Laurens to declare his love to you too, then my ship will sail." She smirked wiggling her eyebrows.

I felt the heat grow on my face and I drinked from my coffee cup. I glared at her shooking my head. "No seas tonta, Pegs, no le gusto, solo somos amigos(1). Nothing else. " I mumbled shamefully.

"Speaking of the devil... " She sang looking behind me.

I turned around and there he was, walking towards us with his particular bright smile.

"Yeah, it is possible for you to get redder, Alex. " Peggy chuckled.

"Shut up. " I hissed, when John sat beside me.

"Hey Pegs!" He highfived her and turned to me. "Hi Lexi" He smiled, pinching my cheeks.

I smiled nervously and turned to Peggy, she was looking at me with a cocky grin. I showed her my middle finger.

"Jódete.(2)" She stuck out her tongue.

"Jódeme.(3)" I mocked her.

"¿Por qué no le dices a quien tienes al lado?(4)  " She asked arching and eyebrow. I flustered and she laughed.

"Uh, I'm still here guys. " John chuckled.

"Sorry Johnny, is just that Alex here doesn't like when people spit some truths. " She looked at me, then at John. "Whatever, why are you late. You've been getting here later in the last few weeks. " She stuffed her mouth with a french fry.

"I've been taking some extra classes. " He shrugged.

Peggy nodded, eating more fries. She was stuffing more and more, very excitedly. She looked at both of us. "What?" She tried to talk with her mouth full.

I chuckled. "Breath Peggy, you're gonna choke. " I drank from my cup disinterestly.

"¿Así como quieres que te atragante él con su lengua o más salvaje?(5)"

Then I started to cough. Great.

"Alex! " John patted my back "are you alright?" He said concerned. I nodded recomposing, taking deep breaths.

Peggy was also deep breathing.  But because she was laughing like a maniac. That fucker....

"Te odio.(6)  " I gave her a death glare.

"You love me. " She winked at me. "Pero lo amas más a él(7). " She murmured.

"Enough! " I stood up and took my bag.

I wasn't angry, I was just really embarrassed. John was laughing. Why the heck was he laughing?

"Bye." I snorted, starting to walk. Just a few seconds after, John reached me, starting to walk by my side.

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