Wassup Doc

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A/n: So I'm sick and I didn't go to school today.

My stuffed nose and headache gave me inspiration, here you go!

Love you


Sunday morning was always calmed and quiet for John and Alex, they had no work, no classes and no stress.

John rolled around over the bed to face his fiancé. He smiled at the sight of him. The freckled man pecked his cheek to wake him up. "Rise and shine, honey. "

Alex fluttered his eyes open and sleepily grinned. "Hi."

The taller stood up and streched. "I'm gonna make some breakfast, mind to help?"

Alex yawned and nodded. "Sure, I'll be right the-Achoo!!"

They stood in silence. "Oh no." Alex panicked.

"Oh yes. " John sighed. He walked towards Alex and sat on the bed next to him. He placed his hand on his forehead. "You're still not hot enough for a fever. Come on, get up."

"I can't get sick, John, I need you finish-"

"Alex... "

"-And I have to send those papers before Tuesday and-"

"Alex... "

"This is our last year John, I will never find a job if I fail, I-"

"Alex... "

"I'm going to be a good for nothing husband cause I didn't finish college cause I failed a class cause I didn't send a paper on time cause of a stupid sickness!"

"Alexander Hamilton!"

"That's my name. " He looked up at John with worried eyes and shaky breath. "So-sorry."

John removed the sheets from over him and got up. "Just get a shower, I'll be back with some chicken soup and medicine in a few. "

Alex got in the bathroom and took a quick warm shower. His head was hammering and his nose started feeling stuffy. He hated feeling sick, he felt helpless and useless. Like a burden on John's and everyone else's shoulders.

By the time he got out and dressed up, now feeling uncommonly cold, John walked inside the room with a steaming small bowl of soup and some funny looking pills.

"I'm freezing, turn the a/c down." Alex stammered hugging himself and throwing a cozy blanket over his shoulders and head.

"Babe, the a/c is already off. " John chuckled, lifting a spoon in front of Alex's mouth. "Open up, "

Alex frowned. "I'm not a child, I'm a grown ass ma- mmhp!"

John had stuffed a full spoon inside Alex's mouth. "Sure." He smiled.

Alex rolled his eyes but kept taking the soup from John's hands. When the plate was almost over, he already was full.

"What about my papers?"

"I'm going to help you finish them, but you gotta rest first. "

"I'm not even sleepy!" Alex grumbled.

"After you take this pain killers, I promise you will be. " John passed a glass and the pills.

Alex looked at them as if they were on fire. "Are you trying to drug me?!"

John rolled his eyes. "Yes, I'm drugging you, then I'll kidnap you and rape you, take the goddamned pills, Hamilton. "

"Bleh bleh bleh... " He mocked, taking it with a disgusted face. "I hate this. "

"Good for you. "

"And I hate you. "

"We both know that's a fallacy, babygirl. " John smirked, pecking Alex's lips.

"You're getting sick too. " He warned.

"Nah, I do have good alimentation and enough hours of sleep. " He shrugged. "That reminds me, " He cocked an eyebrow. "Next time you sneak out of bed at 2 am to keep overdoing work, I'm tying you up to the bed. "

Alex smirked. "Kinky."

"I'm serious. "


"I'm going to finish your things and clean up a little, you have some sleep."

Alex pouted as John walked out. "But-"

"Nothing. Sleep. Love you. "  He closed the door.

Alex had to admit he loved when John got all protective and took care of him, but he did not love at all when he couldn't do something. Anything.

Though, he knew for his own sake that staying in bed was the best. He could repay John later. Before he could think anymore, he was already drifted off to sleep.

At 5:00 PM John finished all he had to. After he cleaned up the apartment all by himself he sat and tried to follow ahead on Alex's work. He only made like 3 pages before could almost feel his brain begging for mercy.

He didn't understand how Alex could sit down and write twenty pages about some complicated and sophisticated topics in less than an hour. That little man was surely nonstop.

John gave up and decided to go check on Alex instead. The first thing he saw when he entered the room was an enormous human burrito snoring over the bad, also known as, his significant other.

He smiled lovingly at the sight. He knew Alex didn't like being sick, but he also knew that when he was, he did nothing about it, so it was always John's job since they started dating, to keep Alex's from dying.

His relationship was equilibrated, actually. There was times where Alex had to be John's guardian, as funny as it sounds, he can be a real warrior when  he needed to be. That's what John loves the most about him. His sense of belonging and his way of taking care of the things.

They were a team.

John quickly took his clothes off and took a shower. He changed into some pajama pants only and snuggled next to Alex, hugging him. The smaller man rubbed his face against his chest.

"Mmm... I love you. "

"I love you too, babygirl. "


Next morning Alex was the first on waking up. He felt better. Fresh and rested. He only needed some good rest and food. He smiled and rolled up to face his boyfriend, who was slowly stretching since Alex's movements had woken him too.

"Good morning, love!" Alex cheered.

John gave him a sleepy smile. "Good morning, Alexan- Achoo!"

Alex bursted out laughing as hiatus boyfriend held both sides of his head. "No fucking way. " Grinned, getting up.

Johns nose was red and his eyes we're watery. Yeah, he was sick.

"What was that about, how dis you place it? 'Good alimentation and enough hours of sleep?'" He mocked.

John glared at him. "Shut up."


Guys, I am so happy I started doing this, god I love each and everyone of you. Really.

Yours truly, thus crazy,cheesy motherfucker,


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