Final note

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Okay so...

I think it's obvious that I am actually NOT gonna write anything else for this book.

Not because I don't ship Lams anymore, but because I don't have the time/inspiration to do it, and I don't know if any of you are still expecting something, but if you are, now you can stop, cause I am officially announcing the end of this project.

I love each and everyone of you who invested time reading what I had to offer and I appreciate all the love and support that you gave me and this book.

Also, the fact that I'm not writing for this book anymore doesn't mean a single project cannot happen, but I'm also not making any promises.

Again, thanks a lot for the comments and the love and votes and just for the fact of considering this worthy of your time.

Remember my inbox is always open for you if you want to message me for whatever reason, you are more than welcome.

Hope to read you later,

Ely ❤️

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