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Alex's P. O. V

"Look at me. " He cupped my face, wiping away my tears, even if new ones streamed down my cheeks. "You are not useless. "

He shook his head, clenching his teeth. "You're not a goddamn piece of trash, you're not. " He shut his eyes, breathing deeply.

"You're the most beautiful person I know. " He wipes a few more tears. "You're not worthless, you're the most talented person, so smart that sometimes I feel you might be an alien. " He chuckles under his breath and I give him a half smile.

"You have so much inside that its almost incredible, fantastical."

He places his forehead over mine and kisses my lips. "Every part of you is awesome and unique, and you should never let anyone tell you otherwise. Cause it's not true. None of those thing they say it's true. "

He kissed my cheeks, taking away more tears.

"You're an angel, you're my angel." He pulls my hair back and pecks my forehead. "You have the brightest mind, the biggest ideas, the hottest body and the cutest boyfriend. " He joked, his freckles standing out as he smiled.

He winked at me making me giggle, he proceeded to kiss my lips once again.

"I love you, never doubt it. Everything about you is so fucking perfect and it's so yours as it is mine... Please love yourself as much as I love you, or even more. "

Now the kiss went further, it took me directly to the happiest place, went to my soul. Then it took us to bed.


It's 3am heh

Remember that you are lovely always <3


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