Here, You Dropped It

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A/n: Historical appearances, cause is the closest I can get to do.

John's P. O. V

"I'm gonna slice him up!"

Alex came bursting into the dorm.

I dropped my pencil and stood up to grab him.

"Yo, chill... " I frowned. He shook his head.

"No! That bastard is getting what's coming to him, I'm-"

"Alex... "

"He's an idiot, I'm gonna beat his ass, he's gonna regret-"

"Alexander." I called once again.

He kept rambling and walking in circles, his face was red and his hands we're curled up in tight fists.

"John, I'm going to fuck his face off. " He yelled, looking at the ceiling. "OH MY GOD, I HATE HIS GUTS!"






"HE-... why are we yelling?"

I shrugged. "I just was trying to catch up with your mood. " I chuckled.

He huffed. "I'm so pissed."

"What did he do this time?" I repeated, sitting at the edge of the bed.

I patted my side signaling Alex to sit down. He did and looked at me.

"He first started making fun of me, calling me names and stuff, but I was roasting him back so he... " Alex blushed as he shook his head.

I cocked an eyebrow. "What?"

"He sorta kinda, started talking about you and how you were my boyfriend or some shit. " He said quickly.

It was my face that felt hot now. "Oh..."

"Yeah... But don't worry! I let him know we weren't dating or anything, he was just trying to get into my nerves. " He brushed his hands all over his face, throwing his back on the bed.

"He accomplished his mission, apparently. " I layed next to him.

He was looking up at the ceiling and I was looking at his profile. He was frowning slightly and his cheeks were a little pinky still. His hair was splattered all over the mattress and his arms were up over his head.

I smiled at the sight. Alex was the most beautiful person I've ever seen.

"He did." Alex rolled his eyes. "I'm beating his ass. "

"No you're not." I remarked.

"Says who? You?" He snorted.

I shook my head as I sat again. "Says professor Washington and the ultimatum he gave you last week when you punched Thomas on debating class. "

He grunted. "But he's so annoying. "

I chuckled. "He thinks the same about you. "

"Yeah well, I'm amazing. " He smirked.

I grabbed on air quickly, as I was trying to catch on something, then catched it. "Here." I handed him my empty fist.


"Your modesty. " I smirked.

He chuckled, pushing me slightly as he sat. "Idiot."


"It wasn't a compliment, you know?" He laughed.

"Really? Couldn't tell. " I shrugged, still smiling.

He stared at me for a while and talked. "You know what bugs me the most?"


"Thomas was right."

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What do you mean?"

"We really should be dating. "

My eyes widened and my cheeks grew hot. "I-I-I-"

Alex giggled. "English please. "

I cleared my throat. "I thought you were straight. "

Alex snorted. "Yeah, as straight as my hair."

"So you're gay?" I muttered.

"Bisexual, actually. " He smiled.

"Oh..." I nodded. "In that case, yeah I g-guess we could go out sometime. "

He nodded, his smile never leaving his face. "That'd be lovely." He mumbled as he leaned on my shoulder.

"Can you promise something, though?"

"Don't ask me NOT to punch Jefferson's face, because that's not gonna happen. " He looked up at me, cocking an eyebrow.

I sighed. "You're impossible. "

"I'm amazing. " He corrected.

I chuckled and tangled my arm in over his shoulders, looking down at him.

"You are."


Yours truly, with only like five days left of Christmas break but still reminding you how beautiful and lovely you are,


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