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'If you know what's good for him you're never contact him again, I'm warning you Constance people like us don't mix with people like him!' She turned to look at him playing football with his friends, before moving her hands to her stomach and swallowing past the lump in her throat, tears filled her eyes, she felt his hand roughly pulled at her face, turning her face to look at him, his mouth moving to her ear, his voice quiet but full of venom 'if I caught you with him again, I'll make sure those pretty boy looks are gone and that he'll never see the light of day again' she closed her eyes, tears rolling down her cheek as she nodded, knowing he meant business.

Connie sat on the sandy beach with her arms wrapped around her 14 year old daughter Hollie shoulders, they sat watching the sun rise on their last morning of their holiday before catching a flight home 'Mum this trip has been a amazing, I'm so grateful I've got you' Connie kissed the girls forehead 'it's been amazing because of you'.

Hollie held up her phone taking a selfie of their mother daughter moment 'smile Mum' both sat smiling with huge smiles on their faces, both looking so happy and content, they both knew they had an unbreakable bond, more than just a mother a daughter bond, they were best friends, told each other everything, their wasn't a secret between them.

Connie watched as Hollie upload the photo to her social media site 'making memories with the best mum ever, not only my mum but she my dad to, she my rock and my best friend, wouldn't know what to do without her, I love you mama', Connie smile as she read what Hollie had written, she kissed her head 'I love you so Mum my little Hollie bob I wouldn't change us for the world, you are my world'.

Hollie smiled as she turned curling into Connie's side, 'Mum....' Connie smiled tightening her grip on her teenage daughter 'yes princess' Hollie looked up to Connie 'tell me a story of how you and dad met, tell me about him' Connie smiled closing her eyes picturing him, his warm face entering her mind, she smiled remember his smile, his eyes, she bit her lip as she remember his body, the way he held her close to him.

She laughed as she remember their first day 'I'd started at a new school, half way through year seven, I had my head low as I was following the paper map I'd been given, when I was straight into him' she laughed 'even then he had muscles, it sent me falling on to the floor'.

'Sorry I cant believe I didn't see something as beautiful as you walking up to me' Connie lowered her head as she felt her cheeks go a shade of crimson 'erm erm, sorry I'm new here and was following the map' Jacob smiled holding out his hand helping her up, he then bent down and picked up her books 'there you go, all fixed now, i'm Jacob' holding out the books for her to take 'I'm Connie' Jacob smiled at her, her eyes captivated him 'so what lesson you trying to find?' Connie smiled 'I'm looking for the science block, I'm got biology with Mrs Hater' Jacob smiled 'same here, I'll lead the way' he held out his arm for her to take, she laughed and linked arms with him.

He helped me pick my bits up and walked me to my class, we both had science so I sat with him, that was the day he'd changed my life, he became my best friend' Connie face turning sad 'he...he was my soul mate'.

Hollie looked up to Connie 'tell me...tell me what he looked like' Connie held the locket around her neck, she opened it up showing Hollie the image in it of him when they were younger, 'He was handsome, loving..' she smiled reminding him 'annoying, he'd give it the big man act but really he was a gentle soul who would do anything to help anyone, he was so caring, that's definitely something I loved about him, my mum...your nan, she told me we were made for each other and I shouldn't let him go....I remember our first date, we were 13 and he'd planned a picnic, he'd laid out blankets, he'd hung fairy lights everywhere and packed all my favourite snacks, he brought his guitar, we spent the evening, curled up eating, looking at the stars and' she laughed a little 'we sang...I'd known him for a few years by then but I never knew he could play the guitar let alone could sing', Connie played with Hollie's hair.

'What did you sing?' Connie looked up to the sky watching as the colours changed in the sky, she quietly sung in Hollie's ear the lyrics they had sung all those years ago.

'A drop in the ocean, A change in the weather
I was praying that you and me might end up together.'

Connie looked down to her mobile 'come on...we have to get going, our flight leaves soon', Connie held out a hand to help Hollie up 'Mum...' Connie turned to look at Hollie 'you know....the love could still be there' Connie cupped her daughters face 'it probably is but....but the risk....you're to young to know the whole story but...but I promise I will tell you when your older'  Hollie closed her eyes nodding 'I'm sorry baby' Hollie looked up to Connie's eyes 'you know he'd be proud of you...single teenage Mum...going to uni...finishing uni and becoming an outstanding doctor....bring me up and giving me everything I could ask for...but you know all I need is you' Connie cupped Hollie's face bring her head close to Connie lips 'how is it you're so grown up?' Connie kissed Hollies forehead looking into her eyes 'you know he'd be so proud of you baby, you remind me so much of him, I love you' Hollie took Connie hand 'I love you most...you make me proud to call you my Mum, Liv always tells me she hates her Mum, but I never could hate you, you really are my best friend, I love you Mum, not just my Mum but my dad, my best friend' Connie rested their foreheads together a tear rolling down Connie cheek, Hollie wiped it away 'don't cry Mum' Connie smiled 'these are happy tears, happy tears that I've got you, you're all I'll ever need' Hollie turned her face back to the sunrise 'come on Mum...let's go'.

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