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Hollie climbed out of bed, she pulled a blanket with her as she walked over and looked out the window, pulling a chair with her, she sat on the chair pulling her legs up and cuddling her knees as she looking out over the city, wrapping the blanket around herself.

Hollie pulled out her phone looking through it, she felt so bad, all she wanted was to be healthy and out of the hospital, she hated that she couldn't be home, she couldn't even hug her Mum, but most of all she hated that meeting her dad wasn't how she planned or ever imagined and now she was pushing them all away.

Hollie looked through the photos on her phone, her eyes fell to a photo of her and Connie, Hollie was about six years old, she closed her eyes remembering the day.

'So babygirl me and Grandad Charlie have a surprise this Christmas for you' the young girl smiled at her Mum 'Mummy what is it?' Connie helped Hollie put her coat on 'you're soon find out, but you need to wrap up warm, hat, scarf and gloves' Hollie nodded grabbing it all, Charlie smiled as he watched the pair, they were so close, they did everything together, Hollie always wanted to be at her mum's side, sitting for hours watching Connie write essay and do work.

'Mummy where are we going please, please tell me' Connie looked to Charlie and smiled as the three sat on the train together, Hollie moving to sit on top of Connie's lap and look out the window, she cuddled into Connie's chest and played with Connie's hair, this always brought a smile to Connie's face 'we're going to do something especially for Christmas' Hollie nodded and sighed 'do you think Santa has my letter' Connie smiled 'I think the elves have I put it with all the good girls and boys letters' Charlie turned to Hollie 'Do you remember what have you asked for in the letter?' Hollie looked out the window 'a baby doll and....and....' Hollie thought for a moment 'I....I can't remember'.

Hollies eyes lit up when she saw the huge signs, tugging at Connie's hand 'mummy....mummy' Hollies voice excitable 'are...are we going to that' Hollie pointing to the Disney on ice sign 'please mummy....please Grandad...pretty please' Connie smiled bending down to Hollie's level 'yes baby, that's where we're going' Hollie jumped up and down before hugging Connie and Charlie 'Thankyou...thankyou....thankyou' Connie smiled 'but first let's go get you a princess dress first to wear'.

Hollie, Connie and Charlie had front row seats, Hollie eyes glued to the view in front of her, the show started and Hollie's eyes lit up bright, a huge smile on her face, she stood up and moved on to Connie's lap, Connie's rested her chin on Hollie's shoulder, during the interval Charlie called them both, he pulled out his phone and told them to smile as he took a photo'.

Hollie was brought back to the room feeling her phone vibrate in her hand, she looked seeing she had a text from Liv, she looked back once more to the photo of her and Connie before sighing and opening the text.

'Hollie I need you....I need a friend' Hollie sighed they hadn't seen each other for weeks, she hadn't heard from Liv since waking up.

Hollie closed the text and carried on looking through her phone, soon finding a photo of her and Liv a smile coming to her face looking at the photo, both smiling at the phone taking a selfie, with their little finger wrapped around each other, Hollie could hear Liv voice 'best friends forever, no matter what, always there, no matter how far we're here always' Hollie looked back to the message before replying.

'Liv, I'm here you know I am, what's the matter H xx' Hollie looked back to the outside world before feeling her phone ring, she saw the same photo come up with the name 'BFF LIV' Hollie answered it bring it to her ear.


'Hollie....I......I....I've been so stupid'

Hollie looked up onto the sky 'nothing new then' with a slightly chuckle but she knew it was serious when Liv didn't laugh back

'Liv What is it?'

'I....I....my mum will kill me'

'Liv it can't be that bad, she can't be that bad'

'My Mum isn't like yours Hollie, you're lucky, you're Mum is supportive with everything you do, she comes to all you're shows, she picks you up and drops you off to places, she cares for you when you're ill, you're Mum cares about you...if it was me in hospital I'd be on my own, Connie, she always there with you, she has always cared, but my mum will kill me when I tell her'

Hollie sighed she knew Liv was right, her Mum was one of a kind and she was proud that she was her mum,

'Liv tell me what the matter is?'

Liv swallowed past the lump 'I...I....I'm pregnant....how can I be so stupid...we....we've only been together a short while...and....and...we've only done it a few times....Hollie I'm scared' Liv broke down on the phone,

'Liv it will work out I promise, Hugo a good guy he'll stick by you and I'll always be there for you and so will my Mum....you're Mum might go mad at first but...but she'll come round'

Liv cried even harder 'she won't Hollie, she crazy...we've been friends for years why do you think I don't let you come to my house, she....she.....she hates me...she....she hits me....I can't go home.....I...can't...stay.....I'm sorry.....Hollie...I....' Hollie cut her off.

'Go to Hugo's and talk, it's no good keeping it to yourself, you can't run forever, promise me you're go to him and come see me in the morning..don't do anything silly like running away, I need my best friend....don't make me pull the sick girl card on you'

Liv chuckled 'you wouldn't?' Hollie sighed 'trust me I've been a bitch the last few days I would....I....I've pushed my Mum so far away...I hate that she can't hug me...that I finally meet my dad and I'm stuck here'.

Liv tried to sound cheerful 'Hollie it will all be over soon' Hollie looked back out over Holby 'so everyone keeps telling me...anyway get to Hugo and text me telling me you're there, I need to message someone'.

'okay Hollie love ya' Hollie smiled 'missed you and love ya, come see me soon please' Liv nodded 'of course babe'.

Hollie looked back to the photo of her and Connie before typing out a message,

"Mummy, Wow haven't called you that in a while.
I'm sorry, words aren't enough to describe how sorry I am, I've pushed you away, the one person other than grandad who had always been there, the one person I've ever needed, my Mum, my best friend, my number one...Mum I love you and I'm so lucky you're my Mum, you're kind, caring and always so supportive, you've always put me first and all I did was push you away, I'll never be able to so you how truly sorry I am but....but I'm so happy you're my Mum, I love you to the moon and back and to infinity and beyond, please come back, love always you're little girl H xx'.

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