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Connie heard her phone receive a text message, she walked out from the living room into the kitchen, opening the message up seeing it was Zoe needing her to sign something at work that's deadline was today, Connie looked at the time deciding she had plenty of time to popped into work before collecting Hollie from dance rehearsal.

'Hey how are you?' Hollie turned smiling to Blake who stood beside her at her locker, 'I'm good thanks you?' He smiled 'same, looking forward to dance practice later' Hollie laughed as she shut her locker and the pair walked towards their lesson, 'and why would that be' Blake smiled stopping outside his classroom door leaning forward and whispering in her ear 'because I get to dance with the most beautiful girl in the school' Hollie's eyes widen, as Blake walked into his class before shouting back to her 'SEE YOU LATER', Hollie bit her lip shaking her head as she laughed trying to hide redness from her cheeks.

Connie looked up at the time her eyes widen, she hadn't realised how long she'd been in the ED, she'd been asked to help with an emergency and she just got so caught up in it all.

'Charlie I need you to find me another doctor, I was meant to be collecting Hollie twenty minute ago, I only came into sign a paper Zoe needed me to sign and now I've been here two hours' Charlie called Zoe in to resus 'Go quickly before someone else needs you for something'.

Hollie ran in to the house, her cheeks tear stained, she didn't bother turning anything on, she threw down her bag and ran up to her bedroom, throwing herself down on her bed.

Connie pulled up outside the school, but Hollie wasn't there, Connie parked the car up and walked around trying to find Hollie, she noticed a group of girls laughing and staring, one of the girls pointed and made a comment making the group of girls laugh even louder, Connie put on her best icy queen stare before walking away.

Connie walked back to the car climbing in, she noticed Liv sat all a wall outside the school grounds, she drove up to the wall 'Hey Liv' Connie called as she wound her window down, 'oh hey Mrs Beauchamp' Connie smiled 'where's Hollie?' Liv eyes widened 'oh erm...she left early....said she wasn't feeling well...but....but.....it's nothing' Connie frowned 'Liv what is it?' Liv looked around before coming closer to the car 'Maddison hasn't been very nice and I think it got to much and she felt dizzy' Connie nodded 'Thankyou Liv for telling me' Liv turned her head, seeing the same group of girls Connie had seen earlier, 'I take it that's her' Liv nodded before turning to see if the girls had gone 'do you need me to drop you home' Liv shook her head 'no I'm okay thanks' Connie looked around 'but it's getting dark' Liv shrugged 'my Mum said she'd collect me so I've just got to wait' Connie gave Liv a warm smile 'remember you're always welcome at our house' Liv smiled 'I don't care what the girls say, Hollie lucky to have a Mum like you' Connie smiled before watching Liv turn and walk back to the wall.

Connie walked into the house, she turned on the hallway light to see Hollie's bag thrown on the floor, she sighed, as she saw Hollie's phoned out on the floor with many other things from her bag.

Connie noticed the phone had many messages on it, some from Connie herself, some from Hugo and one from Blake, her eyes drawing to what Blake's messaged said 'I'm sorry, I never meant to in embarrass you, you're my friend but I do really like you, don't listen to Maddison she just jealous of you, can we forget about the kiss and be friends again? B xx' Connie sighed and ran her fingers threw her hair pushing her hair behind her ear, she began picking up the other things that had fallen out, she lifted up a book when she noticed a small bit of paper on the floor, she picked it up, it had been a note that someone had past to Hollie in class "you know what you're not? A daddy's girl because you're mums a whore!!!' Connie picked up Hollie's bag to find another one 'Hollie is frigid, she's always going to be a virgin, won't even let the boys have a feel' Connie hand covered her mouth as she read the notes, she raced up to Hollie's bedroom.

Connie heard Hollie's sobbing from the door, she slowly opened the door, her heart breaking in two at the site in front of her, her little girl hurting because of her and her past because she'd tried to protect Hollie and Jacob, but caused more pain.

Connie climbed on to the bed, pulling Hollie into her, Connie's mind flashing back to the day Jacob did the same to her, she wrapped her arms around Hollie as Hollie sobbed into her.

'Sweetie, I've seen the notes and it not true, why do they think I'm a whore?' Hollie looked up to her mother, her eyes full of tears, she wiped her eyes sitting up, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around them.
'Maddison over heard me and Liv talking, I was talking to Liv about what you told me about yours and dad's first time and how I'd loved someone to do it for me like that but...but...but Maddison started saying how you was a whore because you had me young, telling....telling everyone how...how you opened you're legs for anyone and...and....how....how no one will love me because....because I wouldn't....I wouldn't do....I'm.....I'm just not ready Mum' Hollie fell into Connie chest sobbing.

'And the kiss?' Hollie looked up to Connie 'how do you know' Connie smiled 'Blake texted you, what happened?' Hollie sat up pulling her legs into her chest 'we....we were dancing, we're in a ballet duet just the two of us and at the end of the dance he kissed me, but I pulled away and when I turned Maddison was there pointing and laughing, I just panicked and ran, I'm not ready to...to....and now all I hear is Maddison calling me frigid' Connie pulled Hollie into her chest.

Connie ran her fingers through Hollie's hair 'baby you are not frigid, just because you're not ready...you're 14...you don't need to rush this...I'd rather you'd wait until you're ready...it's a huge thing, I'm so proud of you...you know that right' she felt Hollie head nod slightly 'I'd do anything to keep you save from harm and protect you...I'm going down the school first thing Monday' Hollie sat up 'no Mum please...let me just get this show over, it's starts Monday, I'll be fine until then, it's...it's just' Hollie turned her head away from Connie as she spoke '..just today it seemed everyone's dad turned up to watch...and....and....it just got to me, seeing everyone ran to there dads and fool around and dance with them' Connie kissed her daughters head 'I'm sorry baby' Hollie gave Connie a small smile 'don't be sorry Mum, you've been a brilliant Mum and Dad, I couldn't have asked for better'.

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