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Connie had been awake for an hour, making sure the house was perfect for Hollie, she needed everything to be perfect just for this one day, she smiled hoping that when Hollie woke up, she'd like it all, Connie had decorated the living room with birthday banners, photos of Hollie and Connie from over the years, she'd laid out her presents on the table and had balloons around the room, all of Hollie's favourite colours.

Connie walked into Hollie's bedroom, with a tray, on the tray was a glass of orange juice, with Hollie medication and an array of breakfast pastries for them both, there was also a few cards that had been sent for Hollie.

Connie placed the tray down on Hollie's side table and sat on the bed beside her, she ran a finger over Hollie's forehead, Hollie began to stir 'morning baby' Hollie turned cuddling into Connie 'happy birthday princess' Hollie stayed cuddled into Connie 'Mum can we just stay here, like this' Connie rubbed her hand up and down Hollie's arm and kissed her forehead 'we can for a bit, all you're presents are downstairs and Charlie and Duffy will be by this afternoon' Hollie nodded not moving from her mother 'but for now we can stay curled up like this'.

Connie held onto Hollie tight 'how about a birthday selfie' Hollie laughed 'Mum I look rough' Connie shook her head 'beautiful baby....you look beautiful' Hollie took her mothers phone and opened up snapchat, she picked a filter 'Mum smile' Connie smiled as Hollie took a number of different photos, both of them smiling and happy.

Connie turned to Hollie 'once this is over, we can go and will go anywhere you chose baby' Hollie cuddled into Connie while taking a photo of Connie looking down at Hollie and Hollie smiling 'as long as I'm with you I'm happy Mum'.

Jacob walked up to the children's ward 'hello I'd like to see the doctor in charge of Hollie Beauchamp case' the nurse looked on the system 'and can I ask who you are?', Jacob nodded 'a possible bone marrow match' the nurses eyes widened 'hold on while I go see the doctor'.

A gentlemen walked out, holding a hand out 'hello I'm Doctor Chimes, how can I help' Jacob shook his hand 'I'm Jacob Masters and I believe Hollie is my daughter, but I'd rather them not know and get their hopes up until we have the results, our history is complicated and I don't want to make Connie's life hard for no reason'.

Doctor Chimes nodded 'okay, I will look at when we can arrange for you to be tested' Jacob shook his head 'I want to be tested now....I want to know my daughter before it's to late, please.....please can we just do it now?'.

The older gentleman and Jacob moved into his office, Doctor Chimes moved behind his desk looking at his computer 'you're lucky, I have a spare hour that has become available, Jacob smiled 'Thankyou'.

Hollie and Connie were still laid on Hollie's bed 'Mum do you ever think we're see him again?' Connie turned her head slightly 'who darling?' Hollie bit her lip 'dad....it's....it's....just this illness....I don't want to die not knowing him....I know that the reasons behind it all is to painful for you to tell me but.....but' Connie cupped Hollie's face 'mine and your fathers love is strong and.....and I believe we will all find each other one day....and I hope when we do....know one will break us up....we're be a family' Hollie cuddled into Connie and closed her eyes, a smile on her face hoping one day she'd see him...one day they could all be a family.

Jacob lay on the bed 'right so I've numbed the skin, I shall be inserting a needle into your bone and will use a syringe to withdraw liquid from the bone marrow, I will then send this off to get tested and we shall have the results within a few days' Jacob nodded 'can we just get on with this please'.

Hollie and Connie and moved downstairs, Hollie had just finished opening Hollie's present 'Mum you really didn't need to get me all of this' Connie placed an arm around Hollie 'I wanted to baby' just then the door bell went 'I'll get it mum'.

Hollie moved towards the door, her head started to hurt and she felt a little unwell, Hollie opened the door and their stood Charlie and Duffy 'hey birthday girl, how are you feeling?' Hollie smiled she was trying hard to cover up how she truly felt, not wanting to ruin what her mum had planned 'I'm okay Thankyou, come in'.

Charlie walked straight through to see Connie while Duffy waited for Hollie who was trying not to be seen leaning against the wall 'are you okay really?' Hollie couldn't bring herself to answer, she looked up to Duffy and faked a smile while nodding 'come on they will think we are lost'.

Soon a few more people turned up at their house to see Hollie and wish her a happy birthday, Blake being one of them, he saw through her fake smile, he saw how tired she was looking 'Hollie sit down' she shook her head 'people have come to see me, I cant' he took her hand 'and you're ill, they will understand' she pulled her hand away 'no...my mum has worked hard on this...I'm not ruining it' she turned away, her head dizzy, she lost her balance and leant against the wall for a second time that afternoon 'Hollie please' she shook her head as she walked off towards everyone.

Connie noticed how tired Hollie looked, she went up behind her and took her hand 'why don't you go and lay down baby, I'll get everyone to go home' Hollie shook her head 'no it's fine' Connie placed her hands either side of Hollies shoulders 'go now' Hollie sighed 'only if you come and lay with me' Connie smiled 'I'll be up shortly'.

Blake, Connie, Charlie and Duffy were tidying up downstairs after everyone had left 'Thankyou all for helping and coming today' Connie smiled as Charlie placed a hand on her shoulder 'go on up to Hollie we're finish up here' Connie moved toward the door 'Thankyou'.

She walked towards the stairs, Hollie was at the top of the stairs looking very unwell 'Hollie?' Connie voice frightened, her daughter looked pale and sweaty 'I...I don't feel' before Hollie could finish she'd passed out falling down the stairs.

Charlie, Duffy and Blake all ran out the kitchen to see what the crash was, Connie was kneeling beside Hollie, her hand held over a wound that was bleeding from Hollie's neck, as she fallen and broken a vase at the bottom of the stairs, glass embedded in her neck, Connie trying to steam the bleeding, she looked up to Charlie, tears running down her face, Charlie turned to Duffy 'Duffy call an ambulance now' Charlie turned back to Connie 'I'll take' Connie shook her head 'no...I can do'.

Blake stood watching the scene unfold in front of his eyes, Hollie's body laying at the bottom of the stairs lifeless, blood slowly trickling down the hallway, he swallowed past the lump in his throat, stepping forward 'Hollie' his voice barely a whisper, he took her hand in his 'Hollie it's okay, we're all here, they've got you'.

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