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Hollie threw herself down against her bed, wrapping the duvet around her, smiling as she was finally able to lay in her double bed, not a small hard hospital bed.

Hollie turned to her bedside table, picking up the photo frame next to her bed, a photo of Connie and herself in it, Connie's arms wrapped around Hollie's shoulders, sun setting in the background, a smile coming to her face as she thought about the day the photo was taken.

Connie walked up the stairs, she was starting to finally feel relaxed, after months of worrying and stressing and sleeping in hospital chairs or a small hospital bed, she finally had her baby home, where she belonged, she stood outside Hollie's room to see if she was still on the phone, she knock on the door gently, Hollie's eyes not leaving the photo, as she heard the door slowly opening.

Connie's head poked around the door, the smile on her face spreading as she saw her daughter laying on her bed.

Connie walked into the room and laid down on the bed next to Hollie, Hollie instantly curled into Connie, 'I've missed this' Connie kissed the top of Hollie's head 'we had cuddles in hospital' Hollie shook her head, her eyes looking up to Connie 'no not the cuddles, I'll always have cuddles wherever we are...but this....us....just me and you time...on a beach...exploring counties' Connie pulled her closer.

Connie held her tight 'we're go away again soon but this time just with dad' Hollie nodded 'a family holiday....not....not that it wasn't before...I just mean with a Mum, a dad and their child' Connie smiled 'I get it.....although you had me, you missed having him around' Hollie tightened her grip on Connie 'but I'd never change it, I loved that it was just me and you, our relationship isn't like other parents, I love how open and honest we are, I can talk to you about anything and everything, so many of the girls hate their mums but you.....you're Mum wonder women, my one in a million Mum, the best Mum that I could ever have' Connie's eyes filled with tears 'I want to be more like, you're my idol Mum, my best friend, a wonderful Mum, a talented doctor and I wish I was as pretty as you'.

Connie lifted Hollie's chin to look at her, as a tear rolled down Connie's face, she kissed Hollie's forehead, 'you are beautiful inside and out' Hollie closed her eyes, and moved her head as she snuggled into Connie's neck, breathing in her scent, the one smell that totally relaxed her, that made her feel at home, 'I wouldn't change a thing about you Mum, I love you' Connie tightened her grip on Hollie 'I wouldn't change a thing about you either baby, you're always be my baby, I love you more babygirl'.

Jacob stepped into the room, looking around the door 'is there room in this hug for one more?' Connie looked up 'sorry it's a mother daughter hug' Hollie shook her head as she laughed 'I'm sure we can let dad join this mother daughter time this once' Connie and Jacob smiled at each other as Jacob walked in and laid on the bed the opposite side of Connie, with Hollie in the middle 'finally a group hug in our home' Connie said as she smiled.

Jacob soon sat up 'dinners ready, it will be cold if we don't go down soon, you're Mum was meant to bring you down when she came up' Hollie chuckled sitting up, taking Jacob hand to help her up, Hollie falling into his chest, her arms wrapping around his waist, Jacob wrapped his strong arms around her shoulders 'love you princess' Hollie looked up 'you to dad'.

Hollie walked towards the door as Jacob held out his hand to help Connie up from the bed 'what's for dinner then' Connie laughed 'somethings don't change she's always like her food'.

Jacob pulled Connie into his chest 'finally we can be a proper family' Jacob smiled, Connie leaning up claiming his lips, only pulling apart from Hollie shouting up 'come on Mum, Dad, I'm starving' Jacob laughed 'most definitely you're daughter' Connie shook her head as she walked out in front of him, Jacob stopping and pulling her back to his chest, Connie's back pressed close against his chest 'you're phenomenal' he whispered in her ear making her whole baby tingle.

They walked down the stairs holding hands, their fingers entwined, Hollie saw the way they looked at each other, she watched how her mums face lite up when she was around Jacob.

Jacob lifted Connie up, spinning her around, Connie screamed as he spun them both 'Jacob Masters if you drop me I'll kill you' Hollie laughed, filming her parents, a smile spreading across her face watching them, 'Jacob seriously dinner, we need dinner' Jacob placed her down 'okay come on you two go sit at the table'.

They sat down, Jacob bring out their food, 'lamb curry, for my two favourite girls' Connie smelt the food 'smell amazing muscles', 'I second that but not the muscles bit' Hollie shook her head trying not to laugh, Connie rolled her eyes 'come on girls, get eating it'.

Hollie watched them both throughout their meal, something she found herself doing a lot, since Jacob had come back into their lives, a smile never far from her mother's face when he was near, a warm glow about her showed Hollie how much she liked having him back, how she had never seen her mother with any man like this, Hollie was lost in thought just watching the pair, noticing how Jacob eyes hardly left Connie, his smile wide as they spoke and laughed about old times Hollie listening to their stories.

'Remember when you're Mum made you dress up as in that toga and it was the wrong day' Connie laughed as she spoke, Jacob shook his head and laughed 'and you took you're shirt off in the toilet and made it like a toga so I wasn't the only one' Hollies eyes grew wide 'how old were you?' Connie bit her lip 'ten or eleven, couldn't have my best friend walking around in a  toga on his own'.

Hours past, the night during in and their stories still being told.

Hollie curled up on the sofa, her head resting on Connie's lap, Jacob walked in and preached on the arm of the sofa 'she'll be a sleep within minutes' Connie nodded, running her fingers through Hollie's hair 'I'm so glad to have her home, her hair growing back, she always loved having long hair and getting me to do pretty hair styles for her, you being here, I love watching you with her, it makes me sad that you missed out on so much with her' Jacob placed a hand to Connie's cheek 'all that matters is the time we have now' she nodded 'Everything is finally fitting into place' Jacob lent down kissing the top of Connie's head.

'I'm going to wake her up send her to bed' Jacob shook his head 'no, I'll carry her' Jacob crouched down, picking her up and carrying her bridal style up the stairs, Connie walked in front opening her bedroom door and pulling back her bedcovers, Jacob laid her down without waking her, he stepped back allowing Connie in, she pulled up her covers 'night babygirl' Jacob wrapped his arms around Connie waist 'I still can't believe I've found you both....one day....one day I'll make you my wife and we're get our happily ever after'.

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