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Hollie stood looking out the window of her hospital room, a tear rolling down her eye, her breathing fast and rapid, she closed her eyes trying to calm herself, she didn't hear the footsteps enter the room, until she could smell her mother perfume, she felt her mothers hand on her shoulder, she instantly felt safe and calmer.

Connie pulled Hollie into her embrace 'you're be fine baby, I'll be here, we've been through some much and look how far we've come, I'll always be here for you' Hollie held Connie slightly tighter 'Mum....I....I'm scared....I....what happens if it doesn't work...what happens if dad dies under the knife....what.....what' Connie placed a hand under Hollie's chin, lifting it to her 'no ifs or but...when you're better we're be a family out of here'.

Jacob lay on the trolley, he smiled as Hollie came closer 'please be okay' he smiled cupping her face 'of course I will, I want to know everything about you, I'll be waking up and soon we're be out of here, eating popcorn watching you're favourite movies, riding roller coasters until you threw up and dancing like there is no tomorrow' Hollie smiled kissing his cheek 'I'll see you on the other side princess' Hollie nodded 'I...I....I need you dad' he smiled 'I'll be there for you princess'.

Connie stepped closer, kissing his lips softly 'come back to us...come back to me...I can't lose you again' Jacob took Connie's hand squeezing it tightly 'I'll be back...back to love you like there's no tomorrow...show you how much I love you....to watch I'll girl get better so she can show me everything she likes to do...I'll be back to go on a family holiday with you all....I'll be back to make you my wife one day, I promise you that' Connie smiled kissing his lips, Jacob deepening it, Connie pulled away as she heard footsteps coming up to the bed, knowing it was his time to go, she wrapped an arm around Hollie 'see you soon muscles' as Jacob waved at his two girls.

Connie walked Hollie to her bed 'right let's get you ready to go to the transplant room' Hollie nodded 'Mum' Connie hummed in response 'will it hurt?' Connie looked up seeing the fear in her daughters eyes 'no baby, once the needles is in, it will be fine' Hollie nodded, Connie sat on the bed with Hollie, taking her hand 'I'll be there with you and I promise you're be fine' Hollie nodded, resting her head on Connie shoulder.

'Mum promise....promise when dad's better you to will go out fo the night before I come home, go have some dates before you're lumbered with me at home' Connie turned her head, cupping Hollie's chin, bringing her face to look up at her 'A) we will never be lumbered with you we love you B) I still want our mother/daughter days and nights and sleepovers and C) if you say we must I'm sure I can handle a date night with you're father.' Hollie chuckled 'but Hollie i mean it, I don't know what my life would have been without you in it'.

Hollie curled into Connie side 'it's going to be weird...it's not just us two anymore....I'll kind of miss it....Mum and Hollie against the word' Connie ran her fingers over the small bits of hair that had started to grew back on Hollie's head 'it can still be us' Hollie shook her head 'no....as long as we still get our days, I'll be happy'.

Night soon fell, Jacob had been wheeled back up hours ago and was allowed to stay in Hollie's room, he had been drifting into and out of sleep all afternoon, Hollie had been down for her first session and was also drifting in and out of sleep, Connie had placed a chair between them, her hand in Jacob's arm as she sat stroking Hollie's cheek.

Jacob stirred, Connie turned toward him, an oxygen tube under his nose, he slowly opened his eyes, Connie sat forward smiling at him, bring his hand up to her mouth to kiss, brushing the back of her hand against his cheek, Jacob smiled at her, his eyes still looking sleepy, his voice husky 'seven billion smiles in this world and yours is and always will be my favourite, especially to wake up to' she placed another kiss to the top of his head 'always the charmer aren't you muscles, but you can't say that anymore, you have a daughter who might get jealous' he chuckled quietly 'okay, yours is my second favourite, Hollie's is my favourite' Connie laughed, she could see he was tired, 'get some rest muscles, we've got all the time in the world together now' closing his eyes, as he started to fell back to sleep 'My Queen and my princess, I can finally have the life with you I've always dreamed of' Connie smiled placing a kiss to his forehead, placing a hand on his arm and the other hand on Hollie's hand 'a life I always knew we'd get to have together'.

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