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It had been six long weeks since the bone marrow transplant but Hollie was now showing great improvements, she smiled watching her parents outside her ward window,  Jacob wrap his arms around Connie, as he lent forward passionately kissing her, Hollie smile grew wider as she saw her mum's face light up, she'd never seen her this happy with anyone, Hollie had finally got the family they'd all dreamed of, Doctor Chimes walked down the corridor and into Hollie's room, he smiled at both her parents as he walked past with them both soon following his footsteps.

'Well I've got good news and bad news, which would you like first?' Hollie thought for a moment 'good news please?' He smiled 'if all you're test come back as they have been I'm happy to discharge you home tomorrow afternoon' Connie clapped her hands over her mouth as her eyes filled with tears as she moved closer to Hollie, pulling her into her arms 'My baby is coming home' kissing the top of her head.

Hollie paused for a moment 'but what's the bad news then?' Doctor Chimes smiled 'you're still have to see my face for a while, regular testing and appointments but you're be able to go home' Hollie smiled 'that's not bad news that good news and greater news' all the adults laughed 'right well I shall see you tomorrow to discharge you, sleep well tonight'.

Jacob came over and sat on the bed with Hollie and Connie 'I get to take you both out and spoil you now' Hollie laughed 'but tonight you're taking Mum out on a date night, wine her and dine her before I come home' Connie shook her head 'no sweetie I want to stay here' and Hollie raised her eyebrow 'for me' Connie laughed, Jacob clapped his hands together 'well I best go get planning' he kissed Hollie's head 'I'll be back in the morning' Hollie laughed 'more like afternoon', she pulled at his hand moving her hand to cover his ear so Connie couldn't hear 'make it special, something she won't think of' he nodded 'of course princess' he kissed the top of her head 'love you sweetheart' she smiled 'stay safe, use protection' she laughed, Connie eyes grew wide listening to her daughter as Jacob shook his head laughing before turning to Connie 'I'll pick you up at seven sweetcheeks' she bit the corner of her lip as she smiled.

Hollie turned to Connie who was watching Jacob as he walked away 'I've never seen you like that about a man before Mum' Connie frowned 'I've never brought anyone home to meet you' Hollie laughed 'not to meet me but you've brought them home' Connie face turned a bright red colour 'just make sure I'm asleep' Connie's eyes grew wide 'I'm sorry' Hollie laughed 'Mum it's fine we tell each other everything, I knew you had needs and didn't want to just bring home any guy to meet me but you told me where you were going, we've always been open about it all and....and when I'm ready to have sex with...with.....well it doesn't matter at the moment because I'm not but when I am I'll talk to you first' Connie kissed the top of Hollie's head.

They had been sat curled up talking aimlessly about everything when Hollie's door opened, stood in the doorway was Liv, her face looking sad, with tears marks down her cheeks, Connie stood up 'I'll leave you girls to it' she kissed Hollie's head and walked over to Liv hugging the tearful young girl 'I'll be back tomorrow' Hollie nodded patting the space next to her for Liv to come and lay with her.

Liv climbed on the bed beside Hollie, Connie stood watching through the window, Hollie's arms wrapped around Liv tightly as Liv cried, Connie blew Hollie a kiss, Hollie returned a small smile before talking to Liv.

'Liv what's happened?' Liv closed her eyes 'I don't know what to do....I.....I'm....not sure I can be a Mum.....I....I....won't be able to protect the baby, I....I can't even protect myself from her, the burns, the punches, the kicks how....how does a mother do that to her child...what if I'm like her' Hollie was horrified at what her friend was telling her, Hollie tried to hide her shock 'you mean you're Mum hurts you?' Liv nodded, lifting up her the sleeves of her top to show the bruises and burns, Hollie's eyes grew.

'I want to live with my dad, I've wanted to for years but...but I can't even phone my dad she put some app on my phone and....and can see who I'm sending messages to and who I'm phoning' Hollie looked at Liv, Liv buried her face in her hands, trying to hide her face in shame, Hollie lifted Liv's face, out of her hands 'hey you've done nothing wrong' Liv closed her eyes 'I'm a slut....who couldn't keep her legging shut.....I'm trash......im' Hollie shook her head 'no...no you're not, you slept with you're boyfriend, who's you've known for years since we were little, you're not going around sleeping with half the school, you've slept with one person, that's doesn't make you a slut', Hollie held Liv as she sobbed.

Liv tears finally slowing down, she looked to Hollie without saying a word she lifted her top to revel her stomach, written across it in marker pen 'SLUT' Hollie shook her head 'does Hugo know how bad it is?' Liv shook her head 'I don't take my top off, he doesn't see the marks' Hollie nodded and pulled her friend in closer to her 'i wish you'd told me sooner' Liv cried into Hollie's chest again 'I....I...I...couldn't...you're ill....you needed to think of you..but.....but....I can't do this' Hollie reached for her phone 'phone you're dad, tell him to come here, we're sort this and if he can't help you, you're live with us...you....you also need to tell Hugo' holding out her little finger 'bffs forever remember' Liv gave a small smile linking her finger with Hollie's.

Connie sat at home curling her hair, she looked to the clock 6.30, she was nearly ready and he'd be here soon, she could feel the butterflies in her stomach as the thought of their date came to her mind, she looked down to her dressing table, a photo of her and Hollie together that Charlie had taken a few summers before, both stood in the back garden smiling, Hollies arms wrapped around her mothers waist as Connie's arms wrapped around Hollies shoulders, she picked up her phone sending a message to Hollie.

'Babygirl.....I don't even know where to start, to tell you how proud I am of you....I'm so very proud of you and everything you do, the way you set you're mind to completing something and finish it, the way you dance and sing, touching people emotions through it all, you're so supportive to Liv and her baby, but the way  you've fought this illness, yes there been moments you've wanted to give up but haven't and I'm so very proud of you for that, I'm proud of the caring, kind, intelligent and beautiful daughter I have, I love you so very much and can't wait for you to be back home with us tomorrow, hope everything wit Liv is okay, love you to the moon and back and to infinity and beyond, love always the proudest Mum ever xx'.

Connie placed her phone back down as she finished her hair, she just applied the finishing touches to her lipstick as the door bell went.

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