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'Hollie......Hollie......Hollie.....hols where are you, you were meant to meet me' Connie raised her hand to her forehead, panic rising in her, as she spoke to the answering machine at home, Charlie walked into Connie's office and could see something was wrong 'please darling, text me or ring me, I'm worried, I'll be leaving soon, I love you' Connie ended the call, she closed her eyes trying to calm herself.

Charlie walked over placing his hand on her shoulder 'she probably at home with the music playing, dancing around in her bedroom, practicing for her dance show' Connie looked at him 'I'm worried, she not been herself lately, and....and....she tells me everything' Charlie saw the worry in Connie's eyes, he knew her better than anyone, to the other staff she was the ice maiden, the dragon but to Charlie she was like a daughter and when he watched her with Hollie, she melted his heart, pulling her into a hug, 'go home and see her' Connie opened her mouth to object but Charlie shook his head 'Connie it's dead out there and you're not the only doctor here' Charlie looked to the staff outside the office 'they don't know the sweet, gentle Connie I know, they don't know what you've been through, go home, see you're daughter, make sure Hollie is okay' she looked into his eyes, seeing them full of warmth and comfort nodding her head as she grabbed her bag and blue coat 'Thankyou Charlie' kissing his cheek as she walked past, he grabbed her hand 'no need to thank me, you're like a daughter to me and Hollie like a granddaughter' she smiled squeezing his hand as she walked away.

As Connie walked through the ED reception, the smile that she had with Charlie soon hidden away, the ice queen maiden glare on her face as she walked through 'Mrs Beauchamp.....Mrs Beauchamp I need' Connie stopped in her tracks, pushing her tongue to her teeth, turning sharply towards the young doctor calling her 'Doctor Hardy, as you can see, I have my coat on with my handbag on my shoulder what does that tell you?' The young doctor, swallowed down hard, pushing up his glasses, she could tell he was becoming nervous 'erm.....erm....erm that you're leaving' she nodded 'yes...yes I am, so find another doctor, you know this place is full of them' he nodded 'I'm sorry, have a good evening'.

Connie walked into the house, she could hear Hollie phone buzzing with text messages coming through but couldn't hear Hollie, she walked into the living room to find Hollie asleep on the sofa.

Connie crouched down in front of her, stroking Hollie's cheek, Hollie sleepily opened her eye, her eyelids fluttering open and shut, the light to strong for her eyes, Connie placed a hand on Hollie's forehead 'baby you feel hot...do you feel' Connie watched as Hollie shivered 'okay?' Hollie closed her eyes, moving to snuggle into the sofa 'I'm so tired' her voice weak and sleepily.

Connie stepped into the kitchen and got herself a drink and Hollie a glass of water, she quickly changed into some shorts and a vest top, she brought down Hollie's duvet.

As she walked down the stairs, she smiled looking at the photos on the wall, her finger tips running over an image of a six year old Hollie wearing a princess crown, Connie's arms wrapped around Hollie's shoulders, Connie wearing a matching Princess crown, both wearing huge smiles on their faces, Connie smiled as she moved along looking at another photo, one photo that always made her heart ache, the memories come flooding back, Connie stood there with her eyes closed as her mind played back the scene.

'Jay....jay....Jacob please put me down' he laughed as he stepped closer to the water, Jacob dropped her into the water, her screams filling the beach, he laughed 'sweetcheeks, you told me to put you down' she stood up splashing him 'oh it's war', they both ran along the beach laughing and smiling all afternoon.
As the sunset Connie lay between his legs, his fingers running through her hair, a smile on her face as she felt safe and protected with him 'I don't want to home, I want to stay like this with you forever' He leant forward placing a kiss to her forehead 'soon baby, soon were be able to get away, just me and you and start a new life' she lifted her phone into the air 'smile muscles' both of them smiling as she took a plumber of photos, pulling silly faces, him kissing her head but her favourite photos was how she captured his loving eyes, looking down to her, so full of love and warmth'.

Connie opened her eyes, seeing that photo, her hand pressed up against the photo, a tear rolling down her cheek, she wiped it away before continuing down the stairs towards Hollie.

Connie sighed watching as Hollie shivered on the sofa, she gently placed the duvet over Hollie, as Hollie shiver yet was slightly swearing at the same time, Connie moved to where Hollie's head lay on a pillow, she lifted it up and sat where Hollie's head had been laying perviously, gently lowering Hollie's head to her lap.

Connie sat quietly reading a book as Hollie slept on her lap, gently running her hands through Hollie's hair, 'Hollie Beauchamp you are my perfect Princess, I hate seeing you poorly...' Connie eyes watching the gentle rise and fall of Hollie's chest 'I love you so very much' stroking Hollie's cheek as she spoke 'I know your dad would love you and be proud of you'.

The next morning, Hollie woke up first, she smiled smelling her mother perfume and feeling the warmth from Connie's body against hers, she coughed, causing Connie to stir, Hollie sat up and curled into Connie side 'sorry Mum, I didn't mean to woke you' she smiled looking at her.

Connie stroked Hollie's cheek 'it's okay baby...how are you feeling now?' Hollie forced a smile 'I'm okay, just a cold, I'll be okay....I've got dance practice after school, so I'll meet you at the hospital if that's okay' Connie looked into Hollie's eyes 'baby I think you sh' Hollie shook her head 'Mum I'll be fine and if I feel ill I'll ring you to come and get me', Connie nodded 'okay but let me drop you off and tonight we come home order a takeaway and watch a chick flick' Hollie smiled before cuddling into Connie 'let's just stay like this for a few more minutes please'.

'Ahh Connie I was hoping to bump into you' she rolled her eyes 'Sam this isn't bumping into me, this is dragging me into the store cupboard..what do you want' Sam's hands resting on Connie's hips, he smirked at her as he lent forward his lips millimetres from hers 'you' his lips claiming hers, moans leaving her mouth as she closed her eyes, she was lost in the moment with him, her body aching for attention to be pleasured.

'Hollie you still coming to dance practice?' Hollie smiled linking her open with her best friend Liv 'of course, I'm meeting my Mum at the hospital after thou, we're going to spend the evening together, takeaway and movies', Liv squeezed Hollie's hand 'you know I'm so jealous of yours and your mums relationship, I'd love to be like that with my Mum but she....she  nothing like you're Mum...you're Mum so open with you and you tell her everything....OH MY GOD look Hugo and Blake coming over'.

'Hey Hollie...hi Liv' Hollie smiled 'Hey Hugo, hey Blake', he stepped closer to her 'Hollie I was wondering if I....erm.....erm....could I have your number' he lowered his eyes scared of her reaction, she smiled holding out her hand 'yeah Hugo...' he looked up smiling, she laughed as he just looked at her hand 'helps if you give me your phone' he laughed as he handed it over, before the bell ringing and the girls going a different way to Hugo 'OMG he is so into you' Liv squealed as they walked to English, Hollie rolled her eyes 'No he isn't Liv, anyway Blake is in the show as well and I think Hugo is helping out behind the scenes', Liv shook her head 'Hollie Hugo is so into you, he watching as walk' Hollie rolled her eyes not daring to look back.

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