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Months had past and although they had struggled they were all finally settling into their normal family life.

Hollie laid on her front looking up toward the house, watching her dad move around in the kitchen, 'Mum..' Connie hummed as they laid out in the garden enjoying the sun 'will you and dad ever get married?' Connie pushed up from the floor to sit up looking at Hollie, Connie following Hollie's eye line to see her watching Jacob who was still pottering about in the kitchen getting everything ready for their barbecue, Jacob saw both his girls watching him , he smiled blowing them both a kiss.

Connie sighed, a smile coming to her face as she looked between the two most important people in her life, 'maybe one day, if he was ever to ask me' Hollie looked to Connie and then to Jacob, a smile growing on Hollie's face 'oh Mum he will, I've never seen anyone look at each other the way you to do, you really love him?' Connie nodded running her fingers through Hollie's hair 'and the way he talks about you when you're not around, he madly in love with you mum'.

Connie smiled, tilting her head cupping Hollie's face with one hand, 'but you know you're always be my number one priority' Hollie smiled nodding at her Mum, placing an arm around her and snuggling into her 'I know Mum but.....but' Connie shook her head 'but nothing you come before anyone else' Hollie smile.

'Mum I love this' Connie laid down pulling Hollie with her, kissing the top of Hollies head 'I love it to baby, I'll always make time for this....for us', Hollie cuddled into Connie's side 'Mum you're still young enough to have more children so I won't be you're only priority and' Connie pulled Hollie closer 'you're always my number one' Hollie laughed 'Mum listen to me....if you have more children, I'd be okay with it, if I'm honest it wouldn't bother me having to share you with dad or a baby sister or brother, I know I struggled having to share you at first but....but I wouldn't mind you know'.

Connie sat up frowning 'where's this all coming from?' Hollie sat up crossing her legs and pulling at the blades of grass around her, shrugging she lowered her head as she spoke 'it's just....you....I....you've always did what's best for me b...but...but now I think it's time to do something that you want, I mean...I....I dunno...just' Hollie closed her eyes as she played with her fingers, opening them she focused on her hands 'it's just, I think you and dad raising a baby together would be good, you'd both finally have the family you truly wanted'.

Connie cupped Hollie's face again lifting her head to look at Connie 'you are the family I've always wanted, having another child wouldn't make that happen' Hollie smiled 'I know, I just want you to be happy and to know that I'm not against having a sibling' Connie pulled Hollie into a hug, kissing the top of Hollie's head 'I love you baby girl' Hollie cuddled into her Mum tight 'love you to Mum, always and forever'.

Jacob stood behind the Barbecue as Connie walked over and wrapped her arms around his waist, her head resting against his back 'something smells nice' Jacob smirked 'why thankyou' Connie shook her head as Jacob turned around 'I meant the barbecue not you' Jacob pretended to act hurt as Connie laughed.

Connie's eyes watching Hollie in her bedroom dancing around, she cuddle back into Jacob 'I'm so lucky to have you two, I just....' closing her eyes and breathing in his scent 'I just wish we'd been like it from the beginning' Jacob cupped Connie cheek 'what's brought this on' she sighed, resting her head against his chest 'just....it's....Hollie...she said something about us having another baby...but...I...' Jacob lifted her chin her eyes meeting his 'Connie I'm happy as us if that's what you'd want or if you wanted more children I'd happily have more children with you...what ever you want I'm happy with....as long as you're happy, Hollie's happy, that's all I care about, yours and Hollie's happiness' Connie gave him a small smile, cupping his cheek, her thumbs rubbing across his cheek, 'but if you could choose would you have more?' Jacob smiled 'another child which is a little bit of me and a little bit of you would be amazing but like I said we already have that' his head turning to look up at Hollie's bedroom 'we had that 16 years ago and look at the fabulous young lady you've brought up' Connie looked from Hollie to Jacob 'but you never got to be part of that....' Jacob kissed Connie to stop her talking 'I love that I have you both in my life, we don't need to rush anything Connie, we're both still young, maybe in a year or two we could try but right now I want you and Hollie' Connie nodded 'I love you' Jacob kissed her once again 'I love you more'.

The door bell rang, Connie lifted her head from his chest 'that's Charlie and Duffy, best let them in' Jacob kissed her nose 'remember I love you always...always and forever'.

The afternoon soon past, Charlie, Duffy, Connie and Jacob sat outside in the sun, chatting away all afternoon, Hollie soon appearing as the food began to be served up.

'Hey princess...you okay' Hollie nodded as she rubbed her eyes 'sorry I was tired' Connie smiled as she pulled Hollie on to her lap 'you sure you're okay' Hollie nodded and she cuddled into Connie 'hey grandad...hello Duffy....sorry I didn't mean to be rude' Charlie smiled 'it's okay darling....you've only been home a few months, I'm sure you're get more energy as time goes on' Hollie smiled 'I have the energy it's more, I was up texting Liv and practising my dance, I want to get back into it, dancing makes me feel like me' Connie squeezed Hollie's shoulders 'you're do it darling, you're a Beau' Connie looked up to Jacob 'you're a Masters...you're do it' Jacob looked to Connie a huge grin on his face.

'About that Mum, when are we going to change out names?' Jacob chuckled as he watched his two girls, Connie raised an eyebrow looking at Jacob 'well sweetheart you can change you're surname when ever but me I have to wait to be asked' Hollie curled into Connie 'I'll wait until you do mum'.

Jacob walked over some of the food before moving to stand behind his girls 'my two favourite girls' as he bend down to kiss the top of both of their heads, Duffy looked at the three of them smiling 'stay there' she stepped back turning her phone to the side, waving her hands to indicate for them to move closer, Jacob bending down lower his arms around both girls 'smile' all three of them smiled at the camera, Duffy snapping the photo turning the camera to show them, 'I'm printing that and putting it in my office' Connie turned smiling up at Jacob placing a gentle kiss to his cheek 'the Masters family' he nodded as they continued eating and talking throughout the evening.

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