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They walked into the hospital hand in hand, a happy uplifted mood about them both, Charlie saw them, he noticed Connie's smile straight away, rushing over to them with a smile on his face 'well you look happy' she smile to Jacob 'I'm feeling that today will be a good day, Hollie hopefully will wake up' Charlie hugged Connie 'let me know...I'll be up after my shift' she nodded kissing his cheek 'of course....she'll want to see her grandad'.

Elle watched on, Jacob noticed her looking over at them, he could see the venom in her eyes, he shook his head at her before pulling Connie into him, he heard someone call his name turning to see Blake stood behind him.

'Hey Jacob, how's Hollie? Mum won't allow me to visit....but I miss her' Jacob smiled 'she doesn't know you're movements all the time' winking at him 'come see her later, we won't tell her' Blake smiled before giving Jacob a fist bump.

Connie turned from Charlie and noticed Blake 'hello stranger' he smiled as he hugged Connie 'tell Hollie I miss her' she smiled looking at him 'why don't you come and see her' Blake saw his Mum watching 'she won't let me...I'll be in trouble just talking to you two...since Jacob told her he was Hollie's dad she been on one...says you're a ......it doesn't matter...I know how much Hollie wanted her dad around...bet she loving it' Connie gave him a sad smile 'she still in a coma Blake...but....but hopefully they will wake her today' he took his bag off his back and pulled out a gift bag 'I got Hollie this....it's just something silly, but....but the ballerina remind me of her' Connie pulled out the music box from the bag and lifted the lid, her eyes filled with tears, she gave him a smile 'You know what I think' Blake shrugged 'I think you should give it to her, when you visit, she'll love it' Blake smiled, his yes widening as he watched his mother storming over, his voice quick 'please just give it to her from me'.

'BLAKE' her voice loud and dominant 'get away from them now...what did you give them' Blake rolled his eyes 'a present for Hollie...you may have banned me from seeing her but she is my best friend and I miss her.....and you know what....I HATE you..you're a control freak, no wonder dad left you and doesn't talk to us...it....it's all you're fault....I......I.....I wish Jacob was my dad, he'd be better than you and dad, all you care about is yourself', Connie and Jacob watched on, Jacob took Connie hand squeezing it tight.

Elle stepped forward, raising a hand to her son, Connie dropped Jacob's hand as she stepped in front of Blake, protecting him from his mother's outburst 'Dr Gardener I don't think that would be very professional or very motherly, you're son is hurting, you're his mother, you're the one meant to be protecting him, caring for him and loving him, he could lose his best friend and all you care about is stopping him from seeing her, from seeing Jacob' Elle turned her nose up at him 'Jacob will let you down, just like he does everyone, he doesn't let anyone get close, uses them for one thing then goes cold, you watch Connie you are no different' she turned her back and walked off, Connie looked to Jacob.

Jacob shook his head, taking Connie's hand 'sweetcheeks it's not true, you're the only one I've ever wanted, I'll never let you down, I love you' She smiled cupping his face, she lent in and kissed him gently a smile on both their faces as they rested their foreheads together.

Blake coughed awkwardly 'she jealous' Connie and Jacob both pulling away from each other to look at Blake 'she wanted Jacob to look at her the way he looks at you, she always wanted to be more than friends with him, but he never cottoned on' Connie laughed 'no wonder she hates me and Hollie then...I need to get to the ward...remember you're always welcome to visit...I'm sure she'd love to see you once she is awake, I'll pass this on to her' Blake smiled 'I'll try to come up, when she not around' moving his head in the direction Elle had moved.

'Aaaa Mrs Beauchamp....I started to reduced Hollie's medication last night and as off the early hours of this morning she has had none, now it's down to Hollie and her body to woke when they went to, as you know....sometimes it takes hours....sometimes it takes days, but keep talking to her...playing her favourite music, we find it helps' Connie nodded taking Hollies hand.

Connie spent the whole day holding Hollie's hand, talking about old memories they had shared, playing music from her phone that reminded her of times they spent dancing around together or music that reminded her of particular memories,Jacob smiling at her as he listening, Connie only leaving Hollie's side for a bathroom break.

As the day wore on Connie smile and positivity dropped, she turned to Jacob a sad expression on her face 'she's not going to wake up is she?' He leant forward, taking her free hand in his 'she will...when she is ready...bets she is as stubborn as you were' a small chuckle leaving her lips, she stood up calling him over to her seat, as soon as he sat down Connie curled into him, her hand still holding Hollie's, Jacob's hand on top of theirs.

He watched as night fell and Connie eyes became heavy, he felt her shiver on him 'baby want my hoody?' Connie smiled and nodded,  she stood up as he walked over to get his bag with his hoody in and he pulled out a blanket to, she soon snuggled into him once his hoody was wrapped around her, she smiled closing her eyes as she inhaled his scent.

Hours past and he found he couldn't sleep, he found that his eyes drifted back and forth between Hollie and Connie, his girls he thought smiling to himself, running his hand through Connie's hair, she snuggled closer to him, he kissed her hair gentle 'you two are my world and I can't wait to be a family...be a dad to you Hollie and hopefully a husband to you Connie'.

His eyes were fixed on Connie, as he noticed something from the corner of his eye, he turned seeing the bed sheet moved ever so slightly, his eyes falling to Hollie as he saw her hand move ever so slightly, he gently shook Connie 'sweetcheeks...I...I think she waking up...Hollie....Hollie'.

Connie stirred her eyes not wanting to wake up until she heard him call Hollie's name again, she turned and sat forward holding Hollie's hand tight 'baby....baby open you're eyes for me' slowly Hollie's eyes fluttered open, a groan left her mouth, Connie moved closer to the bed, kissing Hollie's head 'baby I'm here...mummy's here' Hollie voice barely a whisper 'm.....m....mum...Mum' Connie sat on the bed next to her 'I'm here babygirl...I'm right here' Hollie could barely open her eyes 'Mum I'm so tired, lay...lay with me' Connie smiled at Jacob as she climbed on the bed, wrapping her arms around her little girl as she felt Hollie snuggle into her chest 'that it baby, go back to sleep, I'm...we're right here' Connie smiled holding a hand out for Jacob to take 'she's awake...our babygirl is awake' he smiled kissing Connie hand 'of course, she strong like the most amazing women who raised her' Connie smiled looking back to Hollie, holding her tight and enjoying the warmth that came from her, she looked back to her hand, seeing how Jacob's fitted in it perfectly, she squeezed it 'I'm so happy, you've found us and now my...our babygirl is waking....I couldn't be happier'.

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