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I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to get back into writing this, I haven't forgotten but I just have had the time or been mentally able to, hope you're still enjoying this.

In the early hours of the morning Hollie lay in bed, tossing and turning, mumbling away in her still, pain echoed across her face as she turned, her face covered in sweat, her breathing fast and heavy, her heart pounding hard in her chest, she sat up right with a fright,she shook her head as she took big deep breathes, she turned to her night stand seeing her alarm clock said 2am, had had a terrible dream, she was back on the operating table, but this time she wasn't lucky, that she had died, Connie was in the room screaming, Hollie could still hear the screaming in her head, slowly she climbed out of bed walking toward Connie's room.

Pushing the door slightly, she rubbed her eyes showing how tired she really was, Hollie saw the pair curled up together, Connie's head resting on Jacob chest, sighing to herself, she turned to leave them to sleep, when she saw one of her mothers hoodies hanging on the chair in Connie's room, she creeped in and picked it up, carrying it out with her.

In the hallway Hollie put on the hoody, bring the fabric up to cover her nose, she inhaled deeply as she could smell Connie perfume on it, it helped Hollie to relax, calming how she felt inside, slowly she made her way downstairs, walking into the kitchen, she opened up the fridge and pulled out the milk, placing it on the side as she lent up grabbing a mug out the cupboard, before she knew it her ankle caved causing her to lose her balance and drop the mug smashing it, quietly cursing herself, as she fell to the floor, she sat still for a moment to see if the noise had woken her parents.

Jacob had been fast asleep when he heard the smash, he listened and could hear movement from downstairs.

Jacob look down to his chest seeing Connie in a deep sleep on him, he slowly and gentle moved her on to the pillow, pulling on a pair of jogging bottoms and a vest time as he quietly made his way to the kitchen.

He entered the kitchen seeing Hollie on the floor in the dark, picking up the smashed mug, he switched the light on 'Hollie leave it, let me get it' Hollie looked up 'sorry I didn't mean to wake you' Jacob smiled as he moved closer to her, bending down and picking up the broken mug 'it's doesn't matter as long as you're okay'.

Jacob placed all the broken part into newspaper and wrapped them up before placing it carefully in the bin, he moved closer to Hollie, she was stood resting against the kitchen work top rubbing her ankle, he walked over to her wrapping his arm around her should 'how about I make you a hot chocolate' Hollie had moved her head to rest on his shoulder, her voice quiet 'please' Jacob smiled 'go sit in the living room and I'll bring them in'.

Jacob made the drinks and carried them through into the living room, his smiled widened when he saw Hollie, curled up on the sofa with a blanket still wearing Connie's hoodie.

'So what are you doing out of bed at this ungodly hour?' Hollie shrugged 'couldn't sleep' Jacob raised an eyebrow he watched as Hollie nervously held the cup in one hand while the other hands fingers moved around the rim of the mug, Jacob sat forward, placing a hand on knee 'come on, what's got you up?' Hollie sighed 'it stupid...I'm stupid.....' Hollie closed her eyes as she took a deep breath 'I....I....had bad dream....and.....and normally I'd climb into bed with Mum..but....but I went to her room and  you were both asleep....I guess....I guess I didn't think about it...that you'd be in bed with her....and I didn't want to go back to my room..so I came down here' Hollies eyes never leaving her mug.

Jacob placed his hand gently under her chin, lifting it her face to look at him, he could see the unshed tears in Hollies eyes, 'it's not stupid, you're not stupid, you wanted you're Mum, that perfectly understandable and I would have moved for you' Hollie gave a small smile 'I didn't want you to....it's just....it's been just us...I just sleepily forgot....brain didn't think...you....her...' Jacob chuckled cutting her off as he rested back against the sofa 'Hollie you don't need to be so nervous around me' Hollie smiled 'I'm not...I just don't want to upset you by you thinking I'd forgotten or anything' Jacob opened up his arms moving his head calling Hollie over to him, Hollie stood up and pulled the blanket with her, she snuggled down on to his chest as he placed the blanket over the two of them, running his fingers through her hair, he placed a kiss to her forehead 'You know I will never come between you and you're Mum, I know it's a change having me around but you and you're Mum have a bond that I could never come between, and I'd never want to...you're Mum did a fabulous job bring you up when I couldn't be around' Hollie snuggled into his chest, trying to hide her emotions, Jacob held on to her tight 'so come on, what did you have a bad dream about?'.

Hollie wrapped her arm across his chest holding him tight, bring the blanket up close around her neck 'that I was in theatre and that I died, that they couldn't restart my heart and I could hear Mum screaming' he could see how upset and tired she was, holding her tight to him, he kissed the top of her head 'shhh it's okay, dad's here and I won't let anything happen to you or you're mum'.

Hollies eyes soon became heavy, his body warmth keeping her warm, she listened to his chest beating and found it soothed her much like her mothers smell did, Jacob ran his fingers through her short hair as he watched her drifted off to sleep on him, pulling another blanket from the back of the sofa, he placed it over them both as he slowly feel asleep, with a smile on his face, his mind filled with happy thoughts as he held his sleeping daughter in his arms.

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