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Weeks had past and Jacob found that he was visiting and checking up on Hollie more and more, he always seemed to go up when everyone had just left.

There was something about this young girl caught his attention, he felt like he knew her, like something was bring him to her but he couldn't figure out what it was or why he couldn't get her out of his head and why she reminded him so much of Connie he tried to stay away but each day he would go up and just check she was okay, check her progress, he needed to know how she was getting on.

He walked upstairs carrying a game of uno in his hand one evening, he smiled at the thought of them talking again, getting to know her that little bit more, how her smile was infectious and she seemed to act so positive about her illness, as he walked into her side room he found it empty.

Jacob moved to the nurses station 'excuse me where's the young girl from room 412?' The young nurse smiled at him, 'she been allowed home for a few days, it's her birthday and she pleaded with the doctors to let her home, seems like she making progress, she'll be back in three days' Jacob nodded 'oh....oh okay Thankyou'.

Connie helped Hollie through the front door, Hollie laughed 'Mum I can do it', as Connie placed an arm around Hollie waist 'I know sweetie but I want to help you'.

They spent the morning curled up on the sofa, Hollie was snuggled on the sofa with Connie, blankets wrapped around the both of them, the fire on keeping the room warm for Hollie, Connie and Hollie were sat talking when the door bell went, Connie sat up and smiled 'I'll get it'.

Charlie, Duffy, Liv, Hugo and Blake were stood on the door step, Blake smiled 'we heard she home, please can we see her?' Connie nodded smiling 'she'd like that, but please don't act to shocked when you see her' he nodded, Blake, Liv and Hugo headed straight into the living room.

Hollie hadn't seen her friends since she'd cut her hair off, she'd tried to stay positive but deep down she hate not having her hair, the one thing she really liked about herself and now she felt self conscious, worried about what people would think of her.

'Hey you' Hollie turned her eyes wide as she grabbed her scarf, Blake moved forward grabbing her hand 'Hey you look good with or without it' Hollie relaxed slightly before seeing Liv and Hugo stood at the door just staring at her, the thoughts in her head taunting her about her hair, she closed her eyes trying to shut them up and remain positive.

Blake turned seeing there faces 'hey guys come on show Hollie the films we brought round' he gave them a look of disgust at how they had acted knowing they had heard what Connie had said at the door, before turning back to Hollie 'Liv picked them so don't blame us' Liv swallowed past the lump in her throat and moved forward smiling at Hollie.

They all soon relaxed around each other going back to how they all where, Hollie watched as Liv snuggled into Hugo, she nudged Blake and whispered to him 'when did they happen?' Blake turned and smiled 'about a week ago' Hollie frowned 'why didn't she tell me?' He looked down at Hollie 'she didn't want to rub it in you're face, you stuck in hospital and her getting into a relationship' Hollie nodded snuggling back into Blake's chest.

Connie came into the living room, 'I'm just going to pop out and collect dinner, with Charlie and Duffy won't be long' Hollie nodded 'who's staying for dinner?' Liv turned to Connie 'me and Hugo will be leaving soon, we're going to the cinema tonight' Connie nodded 'Blake what about you' Blake looked towards Connie 'I'll stay if that's okay, make sure my mum can pick me up' Connie nodded 'we're getting a Chinese, is that okay?' He smiled 'my favourite'.

Connie left with Charlie and Duffy, not long after Liv stood up 'sorry Hollie we've got to go, I'll come see you soon' Hollie stood up and walked over to give her a hug 'I want all the goss next time, no leaving me out just because I'm stuck in hospital, I want to hear it all' moving her head towards Hugo, Liv laughed 'of course I've missed my best friend'.

Hollie collapsed on to the sofa next to Blake 'so come on, how bad do I look' Blake shook his head 'you don't, you look beautiful' Blake moved forward and placed a gentle kiss on Hollie's lips, as he pulled away, their eyes met, Hollie face lit up, her eyes giving away how happy she felt in that moment.

Blake move forward to kiss her again when his phone started to ring, he sighed as he answered it 'Jacob I'm at Hollie's...what is she okay.....okay can you come an get me?.....okay thanks'.

Blake cupped Hollie's face 'sorry something happened at work with my Mum, she wants me, but I'll be round tomorrow, for you're birthday, I want to see the birthday, happy and smiling' Hollie smiled, closing her eyes remembering this moment in time, the warmth from his hands on her cheeks, he lent forward and kissed her forehead.

Jacob sat outside the house, he picked up his ph9me to ring Blake when he noticed a car pull up, he watched the car not realising who's house he was sat outside, he watched Charlie and Duffy climb out, frowning to himself how did his work colleagues know Hollie, his eyes scanning over the car to see who else was in it, that's when he saw her, he saw the one person he'd long to see for years, his voice barely a whisper 'sweetcheeks'.

Jacob couldn't take his eyes off of her, they followed her to the door, watching as she stood next to Hollie, wrapping her arms around Hollie, his eyes widen 'Hollie....Connie.....my daughter'.

He was brought out of his thought with Blake climbing into the car 'you okay?.......Jacob.......Jacob' Jacob looked at him and nodded, 'yeah...yeah sorry...day dreaming' Jacob still staring at the space Hollie and Connie were stood 'was that Hollie's Mum?' Blake nodded 'yeah...Connie' he smiled 'is really cool....is Mum okay? It's just it's ...it's Hollie's birthday tomorrow and I don't want to miss it' Jacob nodded 'yeah...yeah you're Mum is fine' the moment sinking into him, the moment he'd wished for so long, his sweetcheeks and his baby together, he had a daughter, his heart breaking at that moment remembering way she had been in hospital.

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