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'Hey' Charlie said with a warm smile on his face, as he walked into Hollie side room, a few days after her first chemotherapy session 'How is she doing?' Connie smiled down at her daughter who was laying asleep in her arms, sweeping Hollie's hair to one side 'she being very brave...it's tiring her out but other than that she doing okay'.

Charlie moved into the room smiling as he took a seat beside Hollie's bed, reaching a hand forward to hold Connie's free hand 'and how are you doing?' Connie took a deep breath closing her eyes, not wanting him to see how truly frighten she was 'I'm okay, I'm trying to think of Hollie, not me, she is my priority right now' Charlie looked to them both 'are you eating?' Connie rolled her eyes 'here and there, I'm not particularly hungry and I hate leaving her, once she home it will be different, in our own little bubble'.

Charlie and Connie sat talking all afternoon, Connie soon noticing a boy outside Hollie's window, she smiled at him as Charlie eyes wandered to who had made her smile, Connie waved him in, welcoming him into the room.

Blake slowly entered the room, a weak smile on his face 'I just came to bring Hollie this, see how she was' Connie smiled 'she'll love it' Hollie began to stir, her eyes fluttering open 'hey sleeping beauty' Hollie turned to Connie 'Mum' Hollie hadn't noticed Charlie or Blake in the room, she slowly sat up, rubbing her eyes.

Connie kissed Hollie's cheek and whispered in her ear 'you've got a visitor' Hollie turned slight to see Blake, a smile coming to her face 'Blake what are you doing here?' He stepped forward handing her a bear, which held a heart saying 'We miss you' me, Liv and Hugo got you this and I wanted to see you' she smiled excepting the bear.

'Connie how about me and you go and get something to eat in the cafe over the road while Blake and Hollie talk?' Connie went to argue, Hollie turned to her mother 'Mum I'll be fine, plus their is loads of doctors and nurses around, go eat I'll be fine' Connie nodded kissing Hollie's forehead 'ring me' Hollie rolled her eyes smiling while nodding, Connie headed to the door stopping and turning back once more and seeing a wide smile on Hollie's face, something Connie had missed seeing.

'So how are you really?' Hollie sighed, patting the bed moving over for Blake to come and sit with her, he sat on the bed beside her, his arm automatically moving around her shoulder, while Hollie rested her head on his chest, she closed her eyes listening to his heart beat.

'I'm trying to be okay, stay strong for my mum but.....but I'm scared......I'm really scared Blake, scared I'll died......I.......I don't want to leave her on her own.......I'm all she has......I'll be celebrating my birthday in here and I don't want her to remember it as my last birthday if it is....the doctors say there is lots of different treatment...but I don't wanna stay stuck in a hospital, I want to be in my own bed....hanging out with you guy....dancing....exams.....I don't want to be the girl who's sick'.

Blake squeezed his arm around her and held her close to him 'Hollie, I'm telling you, you're not the girl who's sick, you're the kind, incredible, strong, talented and funny girl, my best friend, you're get through this and when you do we're do everything you want to do' she smiled at him leaning up and kissing his cheek 'you Blake are the sweetest guy, but I miss my old life, life with you, Liv and Hugo at dance, messing around, me and my Mum shopping, laughing, it's all so serious'.

Hollie soon fell asleep in Blake's arms, the door to the room crept open and Blake lifted his eyes up from watching a sleeping Hollie to see Jacob stood in the doorway, Jacob looked to Hollie then to Blake.

'Blake you're Mum asked me to check you was still here' Blake nodded then looked back to Hollie 'I'm not going anywhere until her Mum is back' Jacob nodded 'she reminds me of the first and only girl to ever have my heart' Blake looked to Jacob smiling.

'What happened?' Jacob stepped into the room his eyes on Hollie and how she slept on Blake chest 'even the way she sleeps remembers me of the only person I ever loved', Blake kissed Hollie's forehead 'what happened to you and the girl?'.

Jacob sighed closing his eyes 'her father, he was an abusive man, her mother liked me but....but when she died, Con had to live with her dad, he didn't believe whites and blacks should mix and he definitely didn't agree with mixed relationships, we kept it secret for a long time but one day he found out and had his men beat me in front of her' his eyes closing remembering the scene 'one of them held her as they beat me, her screams filled the air, begging for them to stop, as her father laughed, I'll never forget those screams' Blake looked to Jacob a sad expression on both their faces.

'She left me to keep me safe, she told me while I lay beaten that she was....she...she was pregnant.....somewhere out there I have a child....a child and a women who both have my heart....no one has ever come close to how I feel for Connie, she'll always be my sweetcheeks' Jacob sighed thinking about Connie and his child turning towards the door 'look I'll take you home, Elle...you're Mum I mean is working late and I said I'd drop you home, seeing as she helped me get this nursing job' Jacob went to leave but Blake spoke 'do you ever think you're see them again?' Jacob nodded confidently 'yes...yes I do...I've been searching for them ever since, if you love someone set them free, if you find each other again than it's meant to be.....and my heart tells me I'll find them soon' Blake's nodded turning his focus back on to a sleeping Hollie.

Jacob left the room and Hollie began to stir, she stretched 'who was that?' Blake smiled moving the hair that had fallen, 'that was my mum's friend' Hollie cuddled into Blake 'what did he want', 'just to see if I was still here, he's always been around, he kinda like an uncle to me, he came back a few months ago when my dad walked out' Hollie smiled looking up to Blake, 'you should get going if he waiting' Blake shook his head, running his hands through Hollie's hair 'he fine waiting for me and I'm not going anywhere until you're Mum is back'.

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