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Hollie was being moved up to the children's ward, all the staff eyes were on Connie and Charlie as they walked with Hollie, Robyn moved towards Connie 'Mrs Beauchamp, if there is anything you need please don't hesitate to ask' Connie could feel herself choking up, she give a small tight lipped smiled and nodded her head, a few tears having left her eyes as she looked back to Hollie, Robyn looked down to Hollie 'she is truly beautiful' Connie voice vulnerable and scared 'she really is, she my little dancing star' Robyn placed a gentle a hand to Connie's arm before the lift doors opened.

Charlie had sorted it for Hollie to have a side room on her own, she still lay unconscious on the bed while Connie sat holding her hand staring out of the window, the sky was now dark and the stars twinkled in the sky, her eyes full of unshed tears, her face told everyone the pain she was feeling, she looked back to Hollie, feeling so hopeless a top doctor but she couldn't fix her baby.

Charlie walked in 'Connie you should get some rest' she shook her head, her voice barely recognisable 'no...I'm not leaving her' he sighed 'how about I go home and get you both some bits then' she nodded 'what shall I get?' Connie shrugged 'anything' Duffy walked in and Charlie turned to her 'why don't you come with me, you'll know what they both need' Duffy nodded.

Charlie walked over to Hollie kissing her forehead 'won't be long princess' he then walked over to Connie and did the same before heading to the door, he stepped outside and the door began to close, Connie's eyes widen 'CHARLIE' he stepped back into the room 'yes darling, her dog teddy on the bed, buster she'll need him' he smiled and nodded 'of course sweetie, I'll make sure I've got him'.

Connie leant forward running her finger tips gently over Hollie's face 'you sang so beautifully today, I was....I am so proud of you, I can't believe what a talented little girl I have, no matter how old you are, you're always be my baby, my little dancing star'.

Charlie walked through the ED many staff coming over to him, Iain, jez and Cal standing with Charlie 'Charlie how is Hollie' Iain could sense that Charlie was emotional, 'hey guys let's leave Charlie to do what he needs' Charlie gave Iain a welcomed smile as he and Duffy headed out the doors to the car, Duffy took Charlie's hand 'they're be okay', Charlie sniffed as he stared up to the stars 'I seriously hope so'.

Charlie came back an hour later to find Connie resting her head on the bed, her hand still holding Hollie's, he stepped forward placing Hollie's teddy beside her and placing the blanket he'd brought in over Connie, he pulled up another chair placing it next to Connie's, Connie moved in her sleep, she still kept hold of Hollie's hand but her head now resting against Charlie, he moved the blanket around her carefully making sure he kept her warm, he gently kissed Connie's head 'I'll be here every step of the way for you both'.

The sun slowly began to rise when Hollie's finger slowly started to twitch, her head slowly turning as she slowly fluttered her eye adjusting to the sun as it gently filled the room, she felt warmth surrounding her hand, her eyes wandering to her hand, smiling as she saw her mum's hand holding on to hers tight, her eyes moving along Connie's arm to see Connie curled up with Charlie.

'Mum' Hollie's voice quiet and sleepy 'Mum' Connie began to stir 'mummy' Connie's eyes opened immediately jumping up and leaning forward 'Hollie' Connie's hand running through Hollie's hair 'baby you're awake' Hollie groaned 'where am I' Connie looked around 'sweetie you're in hospital' Hollie looked confused 'why....what happened' Charlie leant forward 'hey sweetie you're wake' she gave a small smile to Charlie before looking back to Connie.

Connie swallowed hard looking to Charlie to help 'sweetie you collapsed at the show and now the doctors are running some tests on you to make sure you're okay' Hollie looked to Connie 'Mum.....Mum it's more than that....what is it? What isn't Charlie telling me' Connie swallowed past the lump but couldn't bring herself to say it, her eyes filled it's tears as Hollie watched on 'Mum you're scaring me' Charlie placed a comforting hand to Connie's back encouraging her to tell Hollie.

'You see.....the doctors in the ED seem to think you're blood works are indicating to you having.....having....le.....leu..... leukaemia' Hollie didn't say anything she just stared at Connie, Connie moved to sit on the bed beside Hollie placing an arm around Hollie's shoulder 'but it's okay princess....we're beat this....we're in this together'.

Charlie could tell they need some time alone 'how about I go grab us something nice to eat from the cafe over the road, I'll get you you're favourite Hollie' Hollie didn't respond, she just sat cuddling her teddy, Charlie left the room, leaving the two on their own.

As soon as Charlie was gone, Hollie curled into Connie and started to cry 'Mum....Mum...I'm....scared' Connie pressed her lips tight together trying to calm herself before speaking, she kissed the top of Hollie's head pulling her in close 'I know baby I know but...but I'm going to look after you, I'll be here every step of the way and.....I'll do everything I can' Hollie grip of Connie tighten 'I'm scared of leaving you all alone Mum' Connie couldn't help the tears that rolled down her cheeks, her sobs becoming loud as the two cried together, both completely unaware of Charlie and Duffy stood outside the window watching them.

'There be okay, she strong she'll fight this' Charlie looked to Duffy 'but they have had to fight so much already, I'm worried Connie won't cope if...if the worst was to happening to Hollie, she nearly lost her once....she won't cope if she loses her this time'.

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