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Jacob drove Connie home, Connie stared out of the window into the dark skies, Jacob glanced at her, he gently placed a hand on to her knee, Connie close her eyes, she looked up the to the roof of the car to try and stop the tears from falling.

Jacob pulled up outside her he smiled at her, all Connie wanted to do was curl up with Jacob and forget the pain in her chest, as her heart was silently breaking, Jacob placed a hand back on Connie's knee, 'I'll leave you to get some sleep' her face dropped 'oh....oh yeah...okay' she went to climb out the car as he grabbed her hand, he saw the hurt and disappointment in her eyes, the pain across her face 'Connie' she pulled her hand away, shaking her head 'night jacob'.

Connie climbed out the car and rushed to the front door, she could hear Jacob close the car door, the sound of his footsteps following after her 'Connie Wait' she slammed the front door shut just as he started climbing up the front steps.

Her whole body was exhausted, leaning with her back against the door, her knees gave way, her body sliding down the front door, wrapping her arms around her legs she cried into her knees.

'Connie...please....I just thought you'd want to be on your own...get some rest' Jacob could hear her cries from the door, he turned leaning his head against the door, he closed his eyes sighing 'Connie I know you're worried, I'm stupid to have thought you'd want to be by yourself, I'm sorry, I....I just want to do this right by you....I want to be here for you...please....please let me in'.

Connie pushed herself up from the floor and away from the door, she couldn't stand to hear him tell her he loved her, he was right she needed time alone, if she couldn't have Hollie with her she'd rather be by herself, she was going to do what she knew best, push him away, be by herself, she walked into the kitchen grabbing a bottle of wine from the fridge, opening the top and taking a large swig, carrying it with her as she climbed the stairs, looking at all the photos of her and Hollie as she walked up the stairs, running her finger over the photo of them both wearing princess tiaras, both smiling, she closed her eyes remembering back to that day.

'Oh come on Mum, it's just us, do we care what others think, we're Beauchamp girls, it's us against the world, you and me.....and it will be a laugh' Hollie said as they stood in the shop, Hollie holding the tiaras in her hands, Connie sighed laughing as she rolled her eyes 'come on then princess Hollie' Hollie smirked 'come on queen B'.

Connie took another large swig of wine as she remember how they laughed walking around town with their crowns on their heads, Hollie cuddling into Connie 'you know what Mum, you're the best mum EVER' as they climbed into the car that night.

Connie walked to the top of the stairs taking another large swig of the wine, walking towards Hollies bedroom, running her finger over Hollie's name on the bedroom door, looking at the certificates and awards that had been stuck up on the door, photos of them both from over the years, Connie hand hesitantly reached the handle, she took a large breath in as she pushed it down, slowly opening the door, she looked around the room, seeing Hollie's make up on the dressing table, photos of Liv, Hugo, Hollie and Blake stuck on her mirror, walking into the room more, she noticed the small teddy sat on her bedside table.

Hollie's favourite polar bear teddy that she named 'ba-ba' when she was a baby, Charlie had brought her the bear the first time they'd gone out for the day, Hollie had turned one and Charlie had talked Connie into the three of them going to the zoo for the day, Connie held the teddy close to her chest, closing her eyes picturing the day.

Connie held Hollie, a big smile on both their faces, Hollie in Connie's arms as she pointed out the monkeys to her, Hollie smiled clapping her hands and giggling, Connie kissed Hollie head gently, Charlie pushing the buggy as they walked.

'Thankyou Charlie, Hollie has loved coming here, we should do this every year, a family outing, just the three of us' Charlie's smile grew wider on his face 'yes..yes we must, a family outing, I'd like that very much, maybe we could do it more regularly than once a year thou' Connie kissed his cheek and smile 'yes, of course' before walking closer to the penguins and holding up a very excitable Hollie on the side, Hollie bounced on her feet watching as they penguins swam around.

Jacob walked around the back of the house, he saw all the lights were off, he took a step back looking up to the top of the house, seeing a light on in the room he'd known to be Hollie's, from the few times he'd stayed with Connie, he looked around seeing he could climb up the tree and climb across to the window.

Connie picked up a jumper from the floor, bringing it to her face, she could still smell Hollie on it, tears rolling down her face, the realisation that she was in the house all by herself, she didn't want to be alone, she'd been apart from him for so long, all she wanted was Hollie and Jacob to be with her now, pulling her phone out of her pocket, the wine kicking into her system, Jacob was on the branch of the tree when he felt his phone ringing, he pulled it out of his pocket, he looked to the window seeing her sat on Hollie's bed, he smiled picking up the phone.

'Sweetcheeks' Jacob smiled as he spoke down the phone to her, Connie's voice drunk and vulnerable 'Jacob I'm sorry come back', he smiled 'look out the window' he watched as she stood up stumbling towards the window 'I never left' Connie smiled as she opened the window and watched as he climbed around on to the roof and into the bedroom window.

Jacob took her in his arms 'let's get you to bed babe, tomorrow is a new day' Connie nodded holding on to him tight, a drunk Connie slurring her words she spoke 'let's not show our daughter how to sneak guys in or her out like you just came in' Jacob laughed 'trust me, if I caught a guy climbing in her window like that I won't be laughing'.

That night he watched as Connie slept on his chest, running his fingers through her hair 'I love you so much Connie, I never want to be apart from you'.

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