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Sorry for lack of updates been really poorly this week and have struggled to get any writing done xx

Hollie's chemotherapy sessions had taken there toll on Hollie, if she wasn't sleeping she was being sick, she tried to remain positive but both Hollie and Connie found it extremely difficult.

'Princess it's okay I've got you' Connie said as she ran a soothing hand up and down Hollie's back, as Hollie tried but failed to stop herself from being sick, Hollie collapsed back on to the bed, trying hard to fight the tiredness from taking over.

Connie moved to sit beside her, Hollie snuggled into her side, as Charlie walked into the side ward, he gave Connie a sympathetic smile 'how is she?' Connie shook her head 'it's really taking its toll on her, she exhausted and.....I.....I feel helpless' Charlie moved closer, resting a hand on her knee 'Connie you're exhausted to, you need some rest and to eat properly' Connie shook her head 'I can't leave her'.

Hollie spoke without opening her eyes 'Mum.....please listen to Grandad Charlie....I'm so tired I'm just going to sleep' Connie ran her fingers over Hollie's cheek, a small smile appearing on Hollie's face at her mothers touch 'but what if you need me' Hollie shuffled back slightly 'then I'll ring, please Mum.....you're no good to me if you become ill, let Charlie and Duffy look after you, this place is full of doctors and nurses, I'm sure....I know I'll be fine'.

Connie kissed Hollie's cheek, stroking her finger over Hollie's cheek 'I love you princess, I'll be back in the morning, sleep well my babygirl'.

Charlie placed a comforting hand on Connie's shoulder as they leave the ward 'now let me take care of you, hot bubble bath, dinner and bed' Connie smiled, closing her eyes momentarily as she wandered away from the ward she'd spent so much time in the last few weeks, worry and fear coming over her at the thought of leaving Hollie all night.

Connie was soon fast asleep in Charlie's car as they drove back to his and Duffy's house, he'd texted Duffy before leaving the house to prepare the spare room and to ran Connie a bubble bath, he soon pulled up into his drove, 'Connie .....darling we're back' Connie slowly began to stir 'Hollie' Charlie sighed 'she's still at the hospital, tonight I'm caring for you, they will ring me if we're needed, now Duffy has run you a hot bath and has started making us all a proper dinner tonight, then I think you should get an early night' Connie nodded 'Thankyou Charlie' Charlie shook his head 'we're family remember, family sticks together' Connie turned getting out the car, muttering to herself 'not always'.

Hollie was fast asleep when the nurse walked in to check on her, he watched as she slept, writing down her obs and checking she was okay, Hollie began to stir, a nightmare seeming to take over her mind 'Mum.....no please....I...I want Mum' the nurse moved closer to her 'Hey hey it's okay' Hollie quickly sat up, her breathing fast, her eyes wide as she panicked, he gave her a warm smile, placing his hands either side of her shoulders 'Right Hollie look at me okay, I'm a nurse and I'm going to help you, just copy me, breath in and out' she nodded, Hollie copied him, breathing in and out like he was, 'that's it, well done'.

After a few minutes her breathing calmed and he pulled up a chair next to her bed 'want me to phone you're parents' she shook her head 'no...no...she...my mum needs to rest' he gave her a smile 'okay, want to talk about you're dream' she closed her eyes 'what's you're name? I've not seen you around here' he laughed 'I'm Jacob, I don't normally work in the children's ward I'm a nurse from the ED' Hollie laughed 'my mum was the clinical lead down there.....well.....well until I got ill and now she here all the time....tonight's the first night she left me....I can't get her to come back'.

Jacob gave Hollie a small smile 'well then I'll stay with you until you fall back to sleep, I'm sure Blake would like that to' Hollie face lit up with the mention of Blake 'oh....you're Blake's dad' Jacob chuckled 'no no I'm not Blake's dad I'm his Mum friend have been for years and well I'm more of a godfather to him' Hollie nodded 'how is he? I know he spent me a few messages but I've been so rough with the chemo that if I'm not asleep I'm being sick'.

Jacob sat forward, resting his elbows on his knees 'he understands, I'll tell him later that you're okay' she nodded, he could see she was starting to get tired 'try get some sleep, hopefully tomorrow will be a brighter day for you' she bit the corner of her lip, Jacob laughed 'I use to know a girl who bit the corner of her lip when she wanted to ask something but was to scared, what is it princess?' her eyes heavy 'will you stroke my forehead? when I can't sleep or this all gets to much that what my mum does, it helps me sleep' Jacob stood up 'of course'.

Hollie was soon asleep, Jacob stood watching her, something so familiar about her but he wasn't sure what, but he knew she was something special and wanted to check on her again.

Charlie stood in the doorway, he'd been stood their for a while just watching her sleep, his mind full of thoughts of Connie and Hollie and what they had been through, he wasn't sure how long he'd been stood there, he hadn't heard Duffy walking up the stairs or walking up behind him, he only realised she was there when he felt her hand on his shoulder, she gently squeezed it 'they be okay, she has relaxed, she's eaten and now she is resting, tomorrow I'll make sure she has a good breakfast and then I'll drive her back to the hospital okay' he nodded 'you need to get some sleep' he shook his head 'I'll come to bed soon, I just want to stay here for a moment make sure she's okay' Duffy kissed his cheek 'okay my darling, but remember you need to rest to' he nodded 'I love you Charlie fairhead' he kissed her forehead 'I love you to'.

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