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Charlie and Duffy walked into Hollie's room a few days later, a smile spread across his face at what he saw, Connie, Hollie and Jacob all wrapped up together on the small hospital bed, he quickly pulled out his phone and took a phone, knowing that Connie and Jacob would appreciate it.

Duffy took Charlie's hand squeezing it gently before looking at him and smiling, whispering to him 'I can't believe I fell for a man who made this happen, help a young new Mum, raise her child, encourage her to continue on with her dreams with a small child, who helped her every step of the way, looked after her and supported her like his own daughter' Charlie looked back to a sleeping Connie, placing a hand to his heart 'Duffy I really feel like she is my daughter' Duffy kissed his cheek 'and she looks at you like you are her father'.

Charlie turned as he heard footsteps outside the room, he watched as the doctor entered the room 'oh sorry...I thought they'd be awake by now' Charlie smiled 'we've just got here and I didn't have the heart to wake them' Doctor Chimes smiled 'I need to do some blood tests, make sure the infection is all cleared up'.

Connie began to stir, her eyes slowly fluttering open as she noticed the voices in the room, she smiled noticing chalice in the room before she slowly moved to untangle herself from Hollie and Jacob, she sat up listening to the gentleman.

Duffy noticed Connie sitting up 'good morning Connie' Doctor Chimes turned to Connie 'arrr yes hello Mrs Beauchamp, I was hoping Hollie would be awake so I could run the blood tests so we can set a date for the transplant' Connie looked to Hollie and Jacob at how they were cuddled up together, Connie nodded 'I'll wake her' Doctor Chimes shook his head 'I'll come back in an hour, let her sleep, she needs her rest'.

He left the room, leaving Connie, Charlie and Duffy together, Charlie and Duffy sat on the chairs beside the bed, Connie placing her hand on top of Hollie's.

The three sat talking about the last few days and nights before and how Hollie had opened up to Jacob, 'Charlie I never knew she'd wished every birthday, or wrote to Santa asking for him...I should have found him sooner, I should have told him where we were sooner' Charlie placed a hand to her knee 'Connie she as happy, she had a happy childhood, she knows how much you love her' Connie looked down to Hollie, she watched as Hollie snuggled into her 'I guess'.

Charlie shook his head 'Connie you know she was, you made so many happy memories with her, remember her face the first time we took her to Disney on ice, or when you and her camped out in the back garden all night, or what about her face when you give her concert tickets for her birthday a few years back, all the holidays you've been on' Connie looked up to Charlie 'one of my favourite holiday was when you were with us...Charlie I...I....I've never said this before but....but I've always wished it was you...that you were my dad...my real dad' Charlie smiled pulling her into a hug, kissing the top of her head 'oh Connie sweetheart, it doesn't matter that we aren't blood related, to me you are my daughter and Hollie my granddaughter and I wouldn't have it any other way...I love you both dearly'.

A few hours had past Charlie and Duffy had gone leaving, Connie and Jacob with Hollie, when Doctors Chimes entered Hollie's room 'hello Hollie' he smiled 'hi' she said quietly gloomily 'what's the matter?' She sighed 'I just want to get out of here, I've been here in this room for what feels likes months' he smiled looking to Connie and Jacob 'well hopefully that will change soon'.

The doctor looked at his notes in his hands 'from you're latest blood test it shows the infection has gone' he looked to her smiling 'Hollie with your chemotherapy and radiation complete after todays session, it means we can start the stem cell transplant as soon as possible' Hollies eyes widened 'really? You mean....I....I can go home soon' he looked at Connie and back to Hollie nodding 'hopefully within a few weeks' Hollie turned to Connie hugging her tight then turned to Jacob hugging him 'Thankyou....thankyou' He kissed the top of her head 'I'd do anything for my princess'.

Doctor Chimes soon left leaving Connie and Jacob with Hollie, Connie noticed Hollie fiddling with her hands 'you okay darling?' Hollie nodded 'just nervous I guess' Jacob stood up and moved to sit next to her 'don't be princess you're be fine' she smiled, then looked to Connie, she stood up and walked over to her, Connie opened her arms pulling her into a hug.

Hollie sat on Connie's lap, 'Mum how does it all work? How do they take it from dad?' Connie smiled taking Hollie's hand 'he'll go down to theatre, where an anaesthetist will put you're dad to sleep, while a doctor uses a needle to withdraw liquid from his marrow which is at the back of his pelvic bone' Hollie's eyes widened her voice quiet 'will it hurt him?' Jacob smiled taking the seat next to Hollie and Connie, placing a hand on her knee 'no sweetheart it won't but even if it did I'd do it' Hollie bite her lip, Jacob cupped her cheek 'Hollie I'd do it a hundred times over if it meant I got to spend time with you and you're Mum' Hollie smiled cuddling into her Mum.

'Mum how does it work with me? How do I get it?' Connie ran a hand up Hollie's back 'it's delivered into you bloodstream, usually through a tube called a central venous catheter which is similar to a blood transfusion, it means the stem cells will travel through the blood into the bone marrow' Hollies head laid on her mum's chest 'when will I be able to come home?' Connie sighed 'it will take some more time baby, once they see a steady return of normal blood cells and depending on how you get on, but usually it can take two to six weeks but we will still have regular check ups and you might have to still come in daily for a few weeks' Hollie nodded 'and dad's recovery?' Connie smiled looking to Jacob 'he should be back into normal in a few weeks, most people return back to work within a few days'.

Hollie snuggled into Connie that night 'I can't wait to come home and be in our house again, just me, you.....and dad' Connie kissed the top of Hollie's head 'me to baby me to'.

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