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Connie wake up the next morning, she could feel the warmth of his body next to hers, his arms wrapped around her holding her into place, she smiled as she looked up to him, her head on his chest, listening to the rhythm of his heartbeat soothed her, closing her eyes once again, her mind turned to Hollie, she sighed opening her eyes and turning slightly looking at the alarm clock 6am, sighing once again, she reached for her phone.

Connie's eyes grew as she saw a message from Hollie, she sat herself up as she looked to the time it had been sent '3am', Connie hoped it was Hollie asking for her to come back, but she feared it would be her telling her to stay away, she took a deep breath as she opened the message.

Connie could feel the tears running down her face as she read the message, she'd sat there and reread it countless times, she managed to get out of Jacob's grip before climbing out of bed, she quickly got herself dressed, leaving a rushed note for Jacob on her pillow, before heading out to her car driving as fast as she could to the hospital.

Connie rushed to Hollie's room as fast as she could, she only slowed down once she was outside the room, her heart melted at the scene in front of her, Hollie asleep curled up with her mum's jumper and blanket wrapped around her holding onto the childhood teddy Charlie had brought her on her first birthday.

Connie smiled as she opened the door, walking quietly to Hollie's chair, she crouched beside her, gently moving the hair that had been growing back, her soft hand rubbed against Hollie's cheek 'babygirl' her voice soft and gentle 'baby...come on let's get you to bed' Hollie's eyes slowly flutter open, her voice sleepily and husky 'mummy' Connie smiled kissing Hollie's forehead 'I'm here baby...I'm here...Doctor Chimes will kill me when he sees what I'm about to do but my baby needs me'.

Connie helped Hollie into bed before taking her coat and shoes off and climbing onto the bed beside Hollie, Hollie smiled and snuggled into her Mum 'but what about' Connie cut her off 'best form of medicine is a cuddle' Hollie smiled and curled into Connie 'Mum I'm so sorry, i never' Connie cut her off 'Hollie you're so like me, we push the ones we love the most away, make them think we don't need them, I know you never meant it and I know you're sorry and but know more than anything, I love you and I've missed this just as much as you have' Hollie smiled and tried to hide her yawn 'now get some sleep princess, what were you doing up at 3 this morning' Hollie was falling asleep as she sleepily spoke 'Liv phoned me telling me she is pregnant' Hollie couldn't help herself, she was exhausted and fell straight to sleep after telling her Mum.

Connie sat wide eyed as she took in Liv news, she looked down to Hollie and smiled, running her fingers through Hollies short hair 'I'm glad she had you to talk to and confide in, I wish I had someone like you, to talk to when I was pregnant', Connie sat watching Hollie for a while, before slowly moving down slightly and resting her head on Hollie's 'I love you baby, night night'.

Doctor Chimes walked in masked and gowned up, Connie stirred as he walked in, he sighed seeing her 'Ms Beauchamp you know what I said' she held her hand up 'yes I know, but I also know my daughter and she doesn't push me away like that unless she feeling very low and the only person to bring her back up is me and spending time with me curled up, so I did what was best for my daughter' he shook his head 'but infections' she glared at him, her voice growing angry 'are you the one listening to you're child in pain, telling you she wants it all to end, she'd rather not be here, NO....' she looked back to a sleeping Hollie 'no you're not, I'm a Doctor I know the risks but I also know my daughter and how to help her, now do you're job and stop thinking you know best'.

Doctor Chimes woke Hollie up and did the blood tests he needed to do before heading out, Hollie turned to her Mum and laughed, 'what you laughing at?' Hollie looked up 'you...you went all Connie Beauchamp on him, Grandad Charlie always told me the stories of how you'd tell the staff off but I never got to see it, you really are scary' Connie hugged Hollie 'anyone who tries to come between us will get that treatment' Hollie snuggled into Connie chest, her eyes closed as she held her Mum.

Connie stroked Hollies back 'so you said Liv's pregnant' Hollie nodded 'she was going to run...her Mum....well isn't the best, she really horrible to Liv and won't let her see her dad, Liv's meant to come and see me but I haven't heard from her yet' Connie nodded 'well she lucky to have you, maybe you should encourage her to get in touch with her dad, I'm sure he'd support her' Hollie nodded, she smiled seeing Jacob stood outside talking to doctor Chimes with Charlie.

Hollie looked back down to her fingers her fingers her voice quiet and unsure if herself 'So when I come home will it be us or...or' looking back out the window to see Jacob smiling in 'will dad be moving in' Connie's eyes widen, a lump rising in her throat, her silence speaking volumes to Hollie 'Mum don't freak out it just I thought well' Connie kissed Hollie she'd 'no baby just us, us against the world remember' Hollie looked up to Connie who was looking at Jacob, watching as Jacob smiled at them both with his warm, affectionate smile.

'Mum you know I wouldn't mind.....you've waited fifteen and half years way wait anymore...please don't because of me....if you're happy I'm happy' Connie looked back to her daughter 'it's not that simple' Hollie sat up looking at Connie 'Mum who's been at the house with you every night you've not been here?....who's made sure you've looked after yourself while I've been here?....who's been the one you've cried to?' Hollie raised an eyebrow 'who's the one you've wanted to be part of our family since before I was born? Don't make it complicated just make yourself happy, ask him to move in, I know deep down it's what you really want?' Connie hugged Hollie tight 'are you sure?' Hollie nodded 'we're still have girly days and I know you're still love me but now we're have family days to....we.....we.....we can be a normal family' Connie kissed the top of Hollie's head 'when did my baby girl get so grown up' Hollie looked up and laughed 'the leukaemia made me grow up, I mean it Mum, let's be happy from now on, life is to short to waste it'.

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