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Blake came to the door, he looked through the window, seeing Hollie curled I on her side holding her mum's hand as she slept, he smiled as he watched Connie holding her hand as she read a book.

Blake slowly opened it, Connie looking up from her book and smiled 'hello stranger' he stepped in 'hey...how is she?' Connie smiled looking back to Hollie, placing her book down, 'hopefully she'll be okay, I'm praying this will work...Jacob was a match and they started the bone marrow transplant, today was her first session, she'll have a few more then hopefully in a few weeks she'll be home' Blake smiled sitting next to Hollie 'I can't wait, I miss her....things seem to be changing but all I want is the old times, me, Hollie, liv and Hugo, dancing in the studios, laughing on the school field or just hanging out, I miss having someone I can talk to' Connie looked at Blake as Blake just stared at Hollie.

They sat not talking for a while, she watched as Blake held Hollie's hand, how he brought her hand up to his cheek and rubbed it on his cheek, Connie could see he was emotional but was trying to hide it, 'So how are things at home?' Blake shrugged 'I try to home as little as possible.....all Mum does is bad mouth you and.....and I know it's not true, she hates I stick up for you...that I stick up for Jacob, she forgets who was there for us when dad left...who helped pick up the pieces when she fell apart, Jacob was...he took me to football, who took me to school, came to dance shows, while....while she couldn't face getting up in the mornings, she....she just jealous and....I hate it....she doesn't know what you and Hollie have been through, how hard it was for you both...I know Hollie tried not to let it show but I knew how when all the dads came to our rehearsals or we had father/daughter dances.....'he looked at Connie then back to Hollie 'I use to see the hurt in her eyes, she'd never once complained, she always said how she loved it just you and her' Connie smiled at Blake 'it's hard being an adult, you're Mum probably' he cut Connie off 'please Ms Beauchamp don't stick up for her, she doesn't deserve it' Connie nodded.

'How is everyone else?' We haven't seen you all for a while' Blake looked to Hollie 'she texted saying she didn't want any of us to visit, Liv was really hurt, still is but I tried to explain but I think she misses Hollie, misses having someone to talk girly with, I know she use to tell her a lot about her homelife which none of us know about, I tried to get her to come tonight but she said she couldn't, but....but I thin' she really needs to talk to Hollie, something isn't right with her and she needs her best friend' Connie nodded 'I know she'll be pleased you came, I know she really misses you all, but I also know how stubborn she can be...gets it from me...but....but please tell Liv, Hollie misses her just as much as Liv misses Hollie' he nodded.

Hours soon past they had both been sat chatting aimlessly about many things, school, coursework, work experience, future plans, Connie smiled 'you're a good lad Blake, I can see you're have a brilliant future and react those goals you aim for' Blake shrugged 'Mum doesn't think so, she thinks I'll be a waster like my dad, she....she..let's not talk about her' Connie nodded.

The night skies turned dark, as the hours flew past, both of them started to fell asleep, Blake laid with his arms crossed resting his head on them, Connie dozed in the chair, still holding Hollie's hand with one hand and resting her other hand on Jacob's arm.

Charlie was stood outside the room smiling at the scene in front of him, soon hearing footsteps coming behind him 'that's where he is' he watched as Elle stormed towards the door, Charlie stepping in front of her 'don't even think about it' Elle's voice angry and loud 'THAT'S MY SON AND HE IS BANNED FROM SEEING THEM' Charlie calmly spoke to her 'Elle, that young girl has been extremely poorly, today she underwent a procedure that we as medical people know, may or may not work, do you think going in now guns blazing will help her? She you scream and shout at her friend, her mother and father will make her feel any better? As a mother yourself if that was your child in that bed, would you want someone walking in there screaming and shouting when your child is trying to rest?'.

Elle looked to Hollie, she looked taking in her appearance, she had the same nose as Jacob and the dark hair but the rest, her face shape, her lips, the way she lay was all Connie, Elle stopped looking at Hollie her eyes finding Connie, her voice dripping with venom 'SHE TOOK MY MAN' Charlie shook his head, he voice becoming frustrated 'I've known Connie along time and she has loved Jacob all her life, I've watched her raise her daughter without him, watched how she has cried herself to sleep at night wishing he was there with them, wishing....' Elle rolled her eyes, cutting Charlie off, nor really caring about what he was saying 'Charlie just get my son' Charlie shook his head 'you really are a nasty piece of work'.

Charlie walked into the room, he crouched down beside Blake, his voice low, trying not to disturb the others 'Blake....Blake...you're mum is outside, she wants you out' Blake sat up rubbing his eyes sleepily, Connie beginning to stir, she said still listening to the pair of them talking 'but I want to stay' Charlie sighed 'Blake if I don't get you out of here she'll come in screaming and shouting and we both know that is not what Hollie needs right know' he nodded, he stood up kissing Hollie's cheek 'I'll be back soon'.

Connie sat watching as Blake walked towards the door, 'Blake, you're always welcome here with us..Jacob was a bit part of you're life, we won't be taking him away from you' Blake smiled at Connie, looking to Jacob then to Hollie 'I know but.....but he needs to look after his real family now....but I'll always be grateful for what he did for us...for me' Connie smiled at Blake getting up and rushing to him, hugging him 'you're always be family to Jacob, Blake, you know that, he'll always want you around' Blake nodded slowly, his voice turning to a whisper as he saw Elle glare at him as Connie still had an arm around him 'but....but you guys don't need the drama at the moment...tell...tell Hollie I'll see her soon....that I miss her' Connie hugged Blake tight 'I mean it...we're always be here for you' before Connie could say anything Blake quickly left the room, storming past Elle and storming out the hospital.

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