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Hollie watched out of the window, as Jacob drove the three of them home, she wound down her window taking a deep breath of air, closing her eyes as she felt the cool air against her skin, Connie turning back smiling as she watched Hollie, Jacob looked to Connie a smile on his face as her placed a hand on her thigh.

The  car came to a stop, Hollie eyes looked up to the house from the car, Hollies mind filled with all the happy memories her and Connie had shared, a smile appearing on her face, she took a deep breath 'home....I'm finally home'.

Connie opened Hollie door, crouching down in front of her placing her hands on her knees 'yes baby you are....we can finally be a family' Hollie looked up Connie could see the unshed tears in her eyes 'are you okay?' Hollie nodded 'let's get inside', giving Hollie a helping hand they walked up to the front door while Jacob got Hollie's bags.

Hollie walked in, taking a large intake of breath, smiling as the smell of their home, her family home filled her lungs, closing her eyes momentarily, replaying a memory in her head.

'Mum...Mum...no...' Hollie laughed as Connie pulled Hollie off the sofa and forced her to dance around the living room to the films mamma Mia 'come on, you love to dance' Hollie laughed as the mother and daughter due, dance around the living singing at the top of their voices.
Connie laughing as they both collapsed onto the sofa, Hollie turned her head looking to Connie as she laughed, moving her head to rest on Connie shoulder placing an arm around Connie waist 'I love you Mum', Connie kissed the top of Hollie's head 'love you more baby...you and me against the world'.

Hollie soon headed towards the stairs 'where you going?' Connie asked unsure, Hollie turned 'to get a hoody, I want to feel snug' Connie smiled as Jacob placed his arms around her waist resting his chin gently on Connie's shoulder 'how about I make a Masters special home chocolate' Hollie took in the image of her mother and father, how happy they looked, she pulled her phone out 'say cheese' Connie smiled as Jacob said cheese, looking to the image Hollie had captured she couldn't be more happy, to be home with them both.

Hollie began to walk upstairs 'what about the hot chocolate?' He called after her, Hollie laughed as she climbed the stairs 'yes please dad'.

Jacob followed Connie into the kitchen, he picked her up and spun her around 'Connie did you here that...we're home and she called me dad again' Connie laughed, she cupped his cheeks 'of course she did, she wants you here, she wants to be a family' Jacob leant down and kissed Connie lips gently, her arms looping around his neck as his pulled her hips closer to him, they pulled away resting their foreheads on one another 'I love you Mrs Beauchamp' she smiled tilting her head to one side 'I love you Mr Masters....now let's get these hot chocolates made before our daughter comes down' Jacob smile grew wider listening to the last sentence 'our daughter....I love it' Connie laughed as she got the cups out ready for him.

Hollie and Connie sat curled up in the sofa, Hollie resting her head against Connie shoulder, a blanket wrapped around them both as they watched a film, Jacob couldn't care what film they were watching as he couldn't take his eyes off of his girls.

Connie turned seeing him staring at them both, she pulled back the blanket 'there more than enough room for you to' Jacob didn't need telling twice, he rushed off the chair and straight next to Connie, Hollie smiled turning slightly, holding her phone up in the air 'Mum...dad....smile'.

Hollie looked down to the image, all of them smiling, she felt a happiness she hadn't felt in a while, she upload the image onto her social media 'home is where the heart is and where the love for you're family will always be, best mum ever and finally my dad....home finally with these two lovebirds'.

The afternoon soon went past and Jacob stood in the kitchen cooking dinner, Hollie laid curled up asleep on Connie's lap, a chilled atmosphere filling their house for the first time in months, Connie watched as Hollie slept soundly on her, running her fingers through her hair 'you make me so proud Hollie, you've fought this so well and I know you're keep fighting it, I know things will be different....having you're dad with us...but....but I'll always love you....you're always be my number one girl...we're always be Hollie and mummy against the world'.

Jacob stood by the doorframe smiling in at the pair, he moved forward crouching down in front of them both 'Connie if you want me to' she shook her head her eyes meeting his, his face so gentle and concerned 'I want you....I want you to stay.....every night...every day.....I've wanted this for so long.....but....but' her eyes filling with unshed tears, he placed a comforting hand to her knee, she looked up their eyes meeting, a warm reassuring smile on his face 'I'm scared Jacob.....I'm scared you're hate me....that...that you're both hate me....as you bond....as you learn more about each other...I'm scared you're see how much you miss out on and hate me...and....' tears rolling down her cheeks 'I...I can't live without either of you...especially not without Hollie'.

Jacob took hold of Connie's hands 'I won't ever hate you, it wasn't you're fault, you had to leave to protect our daughter, to protect me, you're always be my Connie Chase, my first and only love..' he smiled down to Hollie 'well apart from our daughter' Connie learn forward claiming his lips 'I love you Jacob'.

Connie felt Hollie shift next to her, stretching she laughed seeing the pair together 'ewww. You two need a room' Jacob laughed and poked Hollie in the side 'oi cheeky' Hollie sat up stretching and yawning 'how long was I asleep?' Connie pulled Jacob to sit on the sofa with her 'an hour' Hollie nodded.

Moving forward grabbing her phone from the table she saw she'd missed calls from Blake 'I'm just going to make a phone call' Jacob smiled as Hollie left the room 'don't be long dinner will be ready soon', Hollie smiled as she placed the phone to her ear 'I wont', Jacob sat next to Connie as she rested her head on his shoulder as they heard Hollie on the phone to Blake 'I'm so happy she is home' Jacob placed a gentle kiss to Connie's forehead 'so am I sweetcheeks, so am I'.

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