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The next morning Connie woke before Hollie, she could hear voices in the room she smiled seeing Charlie and Jacob stood taking by the door 'good morning sweetcheeks...I was just off to grab us some drinks' she smiled at both the men 'morning...mmmm a latte would be great this morning' Jacob lent down and kissed her forehead 'should I get Hollie something?' She smiled looking back to Hollie who was still curled into her side 'maybe a bottle of cold water, rather than I hot drink' he nodded 'we're be back soon'.

Soon after Charlie and Jacob had left, Hollie began to stir, Connie smiled watching as Hollie moved around, she chuckled as Hollie pulled out the oxygen tube from her nose 'you never did like things near you're nose', Hollie opened her eyes seeing Connie holding her 'Mum' her voice cheerful and happy to see her, Hollie looked around the room 'Mum what happened?' Connie looked at her 'don't you remember?' Hollie thought for a moment 'I.....I remember being home...how am I here?' Hollie's hand soon moving to her neck feeling the bandage on it 'you fell....i sent you to bed during you're party as you were feeling tired and I was coming up to see you when you told me you felt sick at the top of the stairs before you passed out and fell down the stairs, you landed on a glass vase, that was two and a bit weeks ago' Hollies eyes widened, her expression changing, 'I just want this to be over....I want to be normal'.

Connie kissed the top of Hollie's head 'baby you are' Hollie shook her head 'no...no I'm not...I'm the girl who is sick....who is going to die' Connie shook her head 'no princess...you're going to get better...I promise you' Hollie closed her eyes tight 'Mum....you're a brilliant doctor but....but you can't stop the inevitable, I'm tired....I'm tired fighting...I'm scared of leaving you but.....I'm so tried' Connie held Hollie close to her kissing the top of her head 'baby we can beat this....together'.

Connie and Hollie stayed close, both holding on to each other tightly, Hollie breathing in her mum's scent, Connie looked up as he heard the sound of his voice outside, Hollie not paying much attention, both men walked in carrying balloons and drinks, he smiled at Connie, his smile growing wider as he notice Hollie awake, Charlie noticed, he decided to leave them for a while, give them the family time they all desperately needed.

Connie looked down to Hollie, she moved back slightly, he stepped closer to the bed placing the balloon and her bottle of drink down by her bed, 'Hollie...while you've been in a coma someone found us....someone who's been searching for us for a long time' Hollie looked up to her Mum before looking round the room, she smiled as she saw Jacob 'hey Jacob....Mum that's Jacob the nurse I told you about' Hollie noticed the balloon 'thanks for the balloon Jacob' Connie smiled 'Hollie he didn't know who you were at first....he found out the day before you're birthday...before the fall' Hollie frowned looking between the pair, Connie held out her hand for him to take, Jacob stepped forward taking Connie's hand 'Hollie this...this is you're dad' Jacob smiled 'hello Hollie'.

Hollie's mind was slowly taking it all in, she looked at the way they looked at each other, the way he held Connie's hand, the small smile on Connie's face, she shook her head 'go.....go both of you leave' Connie quickly turned to Hollie 'no...sweetie' Hollie sat up, tears rolling down her cheeks, her voice angry as she shouted 'GET.....OUT....GET OUT NOW...JUST GO' Jacob's eyes widen, he watched as a hurt Connie tried to reason with Hollie but she wasn't having any of it, turning on her side and she pulled the duvet up around her, he placed a hand on Connie's shoulder 'con...let Hollie have some space...it's a lot to take in'.

Connie stood by the window, looking into the room, watching how her daughter refused to speak to anyone, hurt taking over her, as her body shook, Charlie walked up behind Connie placing his hand on her shoulder, Connie turning and falling into his embrace 'she just scared, she'll come round' Connie turned her head, her eyes fixed on Hollie's, she saw Hollie look at her for a moment before turning over and looking away, 'Charlie....I'm scared of losing her....all I've known is her and me..and you' a small sad smile on her face as she looked at him 'but...but Charlie  I can't...I can't lose her' Charlie kissed the top of her head, he saw Jacob wandering over, he gave him a hand signal for him to come over, Connie soon falling into Jacob embrace as Charlie moved away from them and into Hollie's room.

Charlie sat on the chair beside Hollie's bed, he watched her as she tried to hide the fact that she was crying, much like Connie use to do when she was a teenager, when she'd first moved into his home, he sat forward, his voice gentle and soft with her as he spoke.

'Hollie....Hollie turn and look at me please' he waited for a few moment but she didn't move, she just laid there staring at the wall hoping he'd go 'Hollie, you're mother is terrified....she was terrified you wouldn't wake up, she hardly left this hospital, scared of leaving you on your own, and as for Jacob....a guy who barely knows you, hasn't left you're side either, he has stayed by your bedside, talking to you in the early hours of the morning when he thought the rest of us was asleep, telling you how he wished he could swap places with you...and you....you throw that back at them both....Hollie you and you're mother have always had a brilliant bond...what's happened?'.

Charlie waited for a response but got nothing, he sighed, shaking his head as he moved away from the bed, Hollie shuffled in the bed watching him walk away, her eyes finding Connie crying into Jacob chest, her voice barely a whisper 'I'm scared' Charlie turned moving slowly back to the bed.

'You and Mum are all I've known...and I'm scared....scared I'll die and she'll forget about me....scared she won't have time for me...I'm the one she'd climb into bed with at 4 in the morning after a crap shift....she's the one I cry to about things.....I'm scared that I finally get the family I've always wanted for me...for me...to...to die...' tears flowing down her cheeks 'grandad I'm terrified, terrified that one day I'm not gonna wake up and I would have spent months here when I'd rather be at home, sharing the time with Mum and maybe Jacob....I'm praying they find me a donor and this can all be over but...but' Charlie held her tight 'oh sweetie, they will find you one I promise...talk to Jacob...get to know him.....he's desperate to get to know you....to love you....for you to love him....for you guys to be a family......but please talk to your Mum she doesn't deserve this, all she wants is you'.

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