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Hollie woke up as the sun streamed into her hospital window, she felt the warmth of someone laying next to her, she turned and smiled seeing Liv fast asleep with Liv's hand resting on her stomach, Hollie placed her hand on top of Liv's her voice a whisper 'you listen to me baby bug...you're mummy...she's my best friend and she'll be the best mummy to you ever...you're lucky...and me...I'm going to always be around...I'm going to be you're auntie Hollie...the one you come to on advice about make up and boys... but....you're always go to you're Mum to....be open and honest like me and my mum...you're Mummy loves you already little baby bug, and I can't wait to meet you'.

Hollie hadn't noticed Liv waking up, listening to everything Hollie had said, a smiling on Liv's face growing wider as she listened, 'Hollie' Hollie moved her hand and looked up 'sorry' Liv shook her head 'Hollie I want you to be their god mother...to always be around' Hollie smiled 'I'll always be around for them and for you'.

Liv looked at her phone she sighed as she rested back against the bed 'messages from my mum...she going mad....I'm so glad my dad is coming to get me....he...he says we can stay with him...that he was planning on moving back to Holby...but not just yet' Hollie nodded, her eyes filling with tears 'I...I'll....I'll miss you' Liv smiled hugging her 'I promise it won't be long until I'm back...let my Mum calm and I'll be back in a few months...me and baby bug' Hollie smiled as Liv tighten the hug 'while I'm away you make sure you keep fighting and keep getting better' Hollie nodded to emotional to talk 'I'll Skype you and message you and send you photos' Hollie just nodded Liv pulling her into a hug as tears rolled down her face.

Liv held out her little finger 'best friends forever' Hollie smiled as tears rolled down her cheeks still 'forever', Liv climbed off the bed 'I best be off, dad will be outside waiting' Hollie nodded her voice quiet 'take care of yourself and baby bug', Liv nodded 'bye Hollie' Hollie forced a smile 'bye Liv'.

Hollie looked around the room, with Liv gone she felt lonely, thinking of the next few weeks, she didn't know how she'd get through them, no Liv around Hugo travelling to visit her in his free time, Blake she sighed thinking of him, she missed him but knew it wasn't him staying away, it was his Mum stopping him from seeing her, pulling her knees up to her chest, tears rolling down her cheeks as she looked out of the window.

Connie came into Hollie's room an hour later, smiling and happy as she was getting her baby girl home, her smile soon disappeared as she saw Hollie curled up crying on the bed, she rushed into her.

'Hollie....baby what....what's the matter?' Connie climbing on to the bed, pulling Hollie into her, Hollie curled into her mother's side 'Liv....Liv...she...she gone....she moved away for a bit....I'm just....just being stupid' Connie shook her head 'no you're not baby, she you're best friend..you feel a bit lost', Hollie wiped her face 'Blake not aloud to see me, Hugo will spend his free time travelling up to Liv and...I'm here on my own' Connie cupped Hollie's face 'baby you're not on you're own, I'm here...I know I'm not the same but...I love you baby'.

Connie and Hollie had be curled up together lost in their own conversations hours soon flying past, when Jacob walked in holding a 'welcome home' balloon, he smiled cheerfully as he walked in 'how are my two beautiful ladies?' Hollie looked up a forced smile on her face, as Connie looked over smiling.

'Ready to come home princess?' Hollie nodded 'I can't wait to get in my own bed' he smiled 'you're sheets have been freshly washed, tumbled dried and back on ready and waiting for you'Hollie turned her head 'you did that for me?' Jacob moved closer to the bed, kissing her forehead 'I'd move mountains for you' Hollie hugged him tight 'Thankyou', she pulled away 'I best go get dressed, can't leave the hospital in my pyjamas' she forced another smile gathering her clothes and walking to the bathroom.

Jacob turned to Connie 'I feel like something happened that I don't know about' Connie sighed as she rested her head on his chest 'Liv, she pregnant and moved away with her dad, she told Hollie last night how her mum had been hurting her and....and now she gone' Jacob sighed closing his eyes pulling Connie in close 'she'll be okay, she a strong kid' Connie looked up to him 'but that's it....she's a kid....she's already dealt with so much' Jacob moved Connie hair behind her ear smiling 'she'll get through it, she come this far'.

Doctor Chimes came in while Hollie was changing, he smiled 'good afternoon Mrs Beauchamp and Mr Masters, where's Hollie?' Connie smiled 'she's just changing' he nodded 'right well I've got paperwork for you to sign and I've made appointments for tests and for you all to come and see me for results in a few months time and that will be regularly for a while but if anything changes, if she becomes ill and you're worried, bring her in straight away' Connie nodded stepping forward hugging him 'Thankyou....thankyou so much' he smiled at her 'she's a wonderful girl, you've brought her up very well, all the nurses say what a polite, lovely young lady she is' Hollie walked out the bathroom smiling 'because I take after my Mum' Jacob stepped forward shaking his hand 'Thankyou...you've given us the chance to be a family'.

Doctor Chimes looked at Hollie, Hollie ran forward and hugged him, he smiled as he returned the hug 'Thankyou for everything' he stepped backwards 'my pleasure, now as much as you've been a delight to treat I don't want to see you until I really have to' he held up his hand for a high five, Hollie smiled as she high fives him 'definitely'.

The family of three left the hospital room, Hollie walked in the middle of Connie and Jacob, Connie holding her hand as Jacob carried her back, they walked down through, the ED, Hollie looking around as the staff watched on, Connie grip tightening around her, Hollie resting her head on Connie's arm.

Robyn walked towards the three of them, 'it's lovely to see you going home Hollie, hopefully we're see you all soon' Connie smiled 'Thankyou Robyn' as Charlie walked over, the young girl dropping Connie's hand and rushing towards Charlie 'Grandad' as they embraced openly in front of the staff, Jacob putting his arm around Connie 'I'm so glad you're going home darling' Hollie held Charlie tight, 'I'll come round soon and we can watch all the films you pick' she smiled 'even if I put on the lion king?' He laughed 'especially if you put in the lion king, I'd happily watch it every day if it meant you were okay' Hollie cuddled into him again 'love you grandad' he kissed her head 'love you to darling'.

Hollie moved back to Connie and Jacob 'can we go home now?' Connie kissed for head 'of course baby', Hollie took hold of Connie's hand like before, but this time taking Jacob hand in her other hand, smiling up at him, he kissed her head and looked towards Connie before the family walked out of the ED together, ready to start the family life they'd all dreamed of.

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