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'Wow...you....you look stunning' Connie smiled biting the corner of her lip, she shyly pushed some of her hair behind her ear, she could feel the butterflies rising in her stomach, Jacob stepped forward holding out a single red rose, 'beautiful as are you' Connie took the rose 'Thankyou' Jacob smiled holding out his hand 'you ready to go?' She nodded, picking up her bag and locking up.

Jacob open the door and held it as he helped Connie climb in 'you're taxi awaits' she smiled 'so where re you taking me' he tapped his nose and winked at her, she smiled as he closed the door gently.

They sat in the car, Jacob smiled as Connie watched out the window her hand absentmindedly resting on his knee, drawing patterns 'you know that's very distracting' Connie went to pull her hand away but Jacob grabbed it 'I didn't say I didn't like it' she laughed, her head turning towards the window 'I love watching how the sky changes colour' Jacob nodded 'red sky at night shepherds delight' she looked to Jacob 'red sky in the morning shepherds warning' he nodded 'my mother always told me that saying as a child' Jacob placed a hand on top of hers 'she'd be proud of you' Connie nodded slightly 'she'd have loved Hollie, she'd have spoilt her rotten' Jacob smiled 'I'm sure you did that with her as a child' Connie sighed 'I tried to make up for you not being around but.....but all she ever really wanted was my time....love....and attention and that's what she got....holidays just me and her exploring.....pamper days indoors....I made show I went to all her shows...she.....she was hoping into get into a dance school but...but now' he placed a hand on her thigh 'she'll still have time' Connie shook her head 'it's selfish...I.....I don't want her that far from me...it's always been me and her...it will take time getting use to having another person around when she home tomorrow' he smiled 'I don't ever want to come between you're bond...both of you are to precious for that'.

The sky turned darker, the sun setting as they pulled up outside a large woodland area 'Jacob what' he smirked 'just go with it' she rolled her eyes.

He helped her out of the car, taking her hand, he walked them to the back of the car, he opened the boot and pulled out a oil lamp 'Jacob' he turned to her, she sighed knowing he wasn't going to give anything away, he picked up a bag and he  took her hand in his as she followed him into the woods.

Jacob walked her along the dirt path, the sky turning darker as the evening moved on, she gasped as she saw what he'd planned. Fairy lights strung around the trees, strings tied between different trees with photos of the pair hanging from them, large pillows laid out on a large blanket with a double air bed laid out under the blanket to make it mor comfortable as they looked out across the whole of Holby, with a picnic basket filled with all of her favourite snacks.

He walked over to the CD player pressing play, their song coming on, tears filled her eyes, he pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her waist as she rested her head on his chest, he held her body as they moved to the music, he brushed some hair away from her face, Connie slowly looked up their eyes meeting, she saw the love he had for her in his eyes, Jacob saw the love in hers but also the fear, the fear of losing him or Hollie, he smiled, giving her a gentle kiss to her forehead, as he sung to her.

'A drop in the ocean, a change in the weather, I was praying that you and me might end up together' a smiled came to her lips, moving forward she placed a gentle kiss to his lips, her arms lifting to loop around his neck, his moving lower to Connie's hips, their kiss becoming more passionate.

Connie pulled him to the blanket with her, their lips still attached, laying down together, their hands exploring each other, both slowly trying to undressing each other, savouring each moment, he slowly peeled her dress down her body, tearing himself away from her lips to move the dress down her body, her fingers undoing his shirt buttons, his eyes taking in every inch of her body 'you're ever so beautiful' she shook her head, taking her eyes away from him 'I'm not' he cupped her face 'you are' stroking her cheek.

'You're eyes....I get lost in them, they so blue, they are so pearly blue, you're lips...so red and full...you're smile it's so infectious, if I'm having a bad day just seeing you're smile makes it better, listening to your voice....it's calms me...reminds me how lucky I am to have you...you've given the best gift of all you, carried and raised our child on you're own' tears slipped down her cheek, Jacob lifted his hand to wipe it away, her voice vulnerable, as if she was scared he'd turn her down 'Jacob make love to me' he smiled 'I'd love to be able to make love to you every day until I die'.

Their love making lasted hours, he loved the noises she made and how perfect their bodies felt together, he pulled a blanket out of the bag he'd brought with him and placed it over their naked bodies as he fed her chocolate covered strawberries.

Connie laid her head on his chest, drawing pattern over his chest with her finger 'Jacob....he....he still out there....he'll come for' Jacob placed a finger on her lips 'sweetcheeks we've come this far....I'm not losing you or Hollie...we're a family...we're not teenagers anymore....I love you...I'm never going to let you go' he pulled her closer to him, holding her tight.

They laid curled up with each other, she looked at the time 'I can't believe it's one am and we're still curled up out under the stars' she shivered 'let's get you home, you're cold' shook her head 'I want to lay with you' he smiled 'we can lay together in a nice warm bed.

They were soon laid in her warm bed 'Jacob', 'yes sweetcheeks' she took a deep breath 'move in with us' the biggest grin spread across his face 'I'd love that...I'd love to be with you and Hollie all the time' Connie snuggles into his chest, sleep soon taking over her, a smile on her face at the thought of their future, future as a family.

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