Section 2.2 of Chapter 2: The Reapings

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2.2 - In the amphitheatre of Camp Half-Blood-PJO:

             "I warned you that the Titans would win this time.", that was Prometheus. "Now you must face the consequences, as we had to do. No, you will not be chained to a rock and have your liver eaten out by an eagle for eternity. I am not that cruel as to pass on my old punishment to all of you. Instead, we have these wonderful War Games known as the Hunger Games! Here, let's choose the Tributes to the Titans, shall we?", Prometheus said with a pained smile, as if the truth was unwanted by him to happen, but necessary to say. He had a quick whispered discussion with the Oracle, and said "Starting with the female Tribute..... Ah yes, Annabeth Chase! What are the odds, my dear?" "NO! I volunteer as Tribute!", that was Annabeth's boyfriend Percy Jackson. "Formidable, Mr. Jackson, but you cannot volunteer for the girls. Though, if you choose to, you may join Annabeth if you volunteer as the male Tribute.", Prometheus said with a slight laugh and shake of the head. "I do." And at that, Annabeth shook her head slowly. Percy acknowledged her with a covert nod, and smiled. "I volunteer as Tribute."


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