Section 8.6 of Chapter 8: Training and Interviews

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8.6 - Behind a stage in the Capitol-THG:

     Katniss Everdeen was sick and tired of being singled out as either competition or as a potential ally. "Could I not just do my own thing, perhaps with Peeta as well?", she mumbled as she sat preparing for her third interview with the seemingly immortal Caesar Flickerman. The crowd was nearly the same attendance ratio as last night, for such a small place too now, the area in front of the stage was as jammed as if worlds had collided 'Which they have', she thought. She carefully analyzed all the Tributes as they went for their interviews. Katniss was quite happy that her interview would be last solely due to the experience she already had during the Games. Caesar was smooth as ever, cracking jokes where needed, and making the interviewees feel more than sacrifices to the evil forces in this world. Even still, Katniss could easily tell the difference between those who covered looking uncomfortable and those who looked genuinely strong-willed. The latter group would either be the most loyal allies or the deadliest enemies. THAT was not in Katniss's control. The girl whom Katniss had pulled aside at the survival skills training was a definite ally, and Katniss smiled as Sonya went up for her interview. Katniss watched a few more interviews go by, time going quickly in actuality yet feeling like eternity to her. The audience, however, was lapping up every tear, every joke, every piece of drama, like a pack of dogs at a river's edge. Katniss knew that the people of the Capitol used the Games as a form of entertainment, yet there were people of districts here too. 'Even some rebels', Katniss noticed with a shock. She tried to relax her face to not betray any emotions if the camera panned on her. 'What the hell is going on??', she looked around. The rebels were all armed, in disguise as Pact members. One was watching her, and when Katniss met his gaze, he winked and slowly inclined his head. The man seemed to be gesturing in a certain direction. Katniss looked at what he was indicating, and it was in fact, a woman Katniss knew very well. Commander Payne, former mayor of District 8 and leader of the rebels. She acknowledged Katniss with a nod, then mouthed 'soon'. Caesar was introducing Katnsis as if he was announcing a hockey player's entrance, and with a "KATNISSSSSSSSS EVERDEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!" she snapped back to reality and came out onto the stage. The mixed cacophony of applause and cheering was booming, rolling across the hall like thunder. Caesar was smiling and beckoned Katniss as she walked towards the interview chairs. He shook her hand then raised it for a polite kiss. Katniss pretended to blush and turn her face towards Peeta, and each member of the crowd shook with laughter. 'Well at least they're happy', Katniss internally grimaced. The show was everything. Caesar knew that every move, every word, that Katniss did and said would be under careful scrutiny by President Snow, and possibly the other Pact members themselves. Such were the consequences for a rebellious and untamed vigilante. Katniss watched Caesar brilliantly deflect all the attention off of Katniss onto himself so she could have a few moments truly to herself. They bantered, back and forth, on about how it felt to have found true love with Peeta, how the post-Games life was treating her, how she felt about coming back yet again. It seemed believable, but apparently, not enough. A member of the audience had stood up and was yelling obscenities about the Capitol and the Pact. With a shock, Katniss realized it was the same armed rebel who had given her a wink. More and more people, all armed, began to rise and yell that their rebellion wasn't over yet and that they would free Katniss. Katniss couldn't do anything but watch in terror, her heart pounding. She knew what would happen next. The crowd started to divide into two; those who supported the ongoing monstrosities along with the oblivious, and those rebels who seemed to have the right idea but not the right way to address it. Caesar started yelling at the crowd, trying desperately to warn them, but it was too late. Fistfights broke out, and then soon the scene was similar to a full-blown riot. The interruption which had disrupted the interview had drawn Peacekeepers and Pact members alike. The firing started from the rebels in the crowd, at their adversaries who were approaching and those already in front of them. As Katniss had a déjà-vu of being whisked away during the Victor's tour in the past, she was ushered behind a door. The last thing she saw before the Pact weapons fired into the violent, torn masses was Caesar tearfully lay down his own arm. His most prized and beloved microphone.


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