Section 11.2 of Chapter 11: Third Day of the Games

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11.2- In Trondheim-PJO:

           Annabeth woke up shivering, like there was a blanket of cold around her. 'As cold as snow', she thought. "Wait a goddamn second... IT IS SNOW", she exclaimed as she flailed out. Within a minute she was out of the air pocket she was in and had brushed herself off. She looked around, amazed at the sight she saw before here. An arctic tundra of sorts, there were dwellings carved into the mountains and fishing ports made of wood. From where the inhabitants found the wood, she had no idea. Right now, it did not matter. She was famished and could not remember when she had last eaten something. Annabeth caught sight of a large leftover piece of wood, and pulled out her knife. She managed to carve out a jagged strip so that the rest remained a spear. She saw a fox skulking nearby, and within seconds had skewered it so she could begin skinning it with her knife to eat. She had moments to enjoy her catch though, as she could hear yells through the swirling of snow around her. Out of her peripheral vision, she could see shapes appearing around her, locked in combat. She decided it was probably not best to fight in such an environment, and dove for cover on the other side of a hill. Little did she know, the other side of the hill was icy. She slipped and fell down, luckily only taking the impact on her legs as she slid onto a large body of water that was iced over. She looked around for the other Tributes, and nearly fell again. She would have to attempt to skate her way around. As she attempted to find her balance, a bomb of sorts flew at her and she caught a glimpse of dirty blonde hair disappearing. 'Clarke', she thought, before Annabeth remembered the bomb. There was, by chance, a hockey stick nearby, and she did not have time to question her luck. She grabbed it and gave a sly wrist shot so it would not explode on contact with the stick, and the bomb flew before landing in a fishing net and exploding. "Goal!", Annabeth laughed to herself. She managed to shakily make her way off the ice, trying not to fall down for that would mean easy prey for other Tributes, and any beasts lurking. She ran, taking care to check on her legs once in a while after her many falls. Then she passed by beautiful ice sculptures awaiting her. But she recognized them... They were scenes from her adventures with Percy and Grover... Medusa, the water park, she stared at them in awe. "How...? Could it be possible that people paid attention to my life story? That's messed." She heard a chuckle behind her, and whipped around, dagger and spear at the ready, to see Petra leaning against one of the sculptures, eyeing her warily. "I'm starstruck, Chase. Your story is heard. Soon enough, the stories of our endings will be too. I've always been a pawn in someone's game, this is no different." Petra inched forward, and winked. "You'd better make your way into the palace, you look injured. Not gonna kill you because I'm not going to be a pawn anymore. Run." Annabeth did, and into her vision came a gigantic and most majestic snow palace. Intricately carved to mimic Elsa's abode, Annabeth had to get her leg up and good before any marvelling at architecture. She entered the grand doors quickly. She saw a wall resembling with blocks reminding her of an igloo, and decided to try tapping any of them in case there was a chance they were concealing a secret passage of sorts. After pressing a few, and nothing happened, Annabeth would still not give up. She took the butt end of her knife, and slammed it on one. It crumbled, and inside was indeed a mechanism. She pulled the handle, and the wall started turning around, along with the snow she was standing on. On the other side was a freaky sight. A gathering of anthropomorphic snowmen with long red toques smiled at her. She backed away, but they gestured her forward. They immediately rushed her, and she yelped, but when they grabbed her, they carried her gently to a chair emblazoned with blue fleur-de-lis. Jabbering away excitedly in french, they gave her beans to eat and hot chocolate to drink while they fixed her leg. As soon as that was done, they each gave her a hug and pointed to a chute which had appeared. She waved her goodbyes, thanked them, and slid down the chute before touching down on land. Annabeth suddenly felt such a great rumble, and the ice of Trondheim started to crack. She stayed out in the open, away from buildings, and saw Petra struggling to stand on the other side of the crack. She gestured for Petra to jump, and jump she did. The trembling stopped and the ice broke off into the coast. Petra and Annabeth looked down, and saw the water receding. They knew what that meant. They broke into a sprint uphill, and kept running. As they passed other Tributes, they heard them curse and join them. An icy tsunami was approaching the shore. They turned and saw the massive wave picking up boats in the harbour, and slamming into the fishermen's homes. Luckily they were abandoned for the Games, but then the water started rushing towards them. At this point they were far uphill, but Petra fell. The jump and run had hurt her leg far more than Annabeth imagined. Annabeth stopped and tried to help her up, but it was fruitless. Petra screamed "LEAVE ME BEHIND, RUN" and Annabeth, torn between morals and her survival, knew at least one of them would be left to perish by the rising water. Annabeth wiped a tear, hugged Petra, and jogged away, looking back to see Petra disappear into the debris-filled cold water. Annabeth waited for the cannon before she kept climbing, disgusted with being unable to have helped. There was a Portal at the top of the hill, and she turned around to see Trondheim turned into an ocean before walking through.


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