Section 6.6 of Chapter 6: Arrivals

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6.6 - Once Again in the Capitol Hospital-THG:

            Katniss was beginning to highly doubt Evan's escape plan. He had brought in some sort of military squad of kids. 'KIDS,' Katniss thought spitefully. How could kids be placed in charge of getting her out of the Capitol hospital? Katniss warred with herself over the fact that she too, was once just a teenager with an immense burden. Could mere children actually be the key to a better world? Could the youth of the world Free The Children and band together in unity for a better cause, a better tomorrow? 'Nah,' Katniss tilted her head, deep in thought. 'Nah, they can't be the leaders of tomorrow just yet. They must be the leaders of TODAY.' And that was the moment where Katniss decided to trust those little buggers for once. She walked over to a girl nearly her age, and was going to wait for the girl to notice her. However, just like Katniss, the girl had astute reaction timing, and turned around as Katniss approached. Both of them smiled awkwardly, then Katniss introduced herself. "Hey, I'm Katniss, what's your name?" The girl accepted Katniss's hand and shook it, and said "I'm known as Ringer, hey." Katniss looked around the room and realized all the other children were indeed military, because they had dog tags around their necks with their nicknames engraved. Ringer. Zombie. Nugget. Many more weird yet unique nicknames. "So I hear you're going to help us get out?" Katniss asked. "Damn right," Ringer replied. "We're just about set. We have men in the control room ready to put the cameras on loop, and as soon as they take out the regular guards, we can get a move on." Katniss threw a sideways glance at Peeta who was chatting with Evan and the other soldiers. Suddenly an alarm started blaring, like an air raid siren, but much louder. As it pierced her eardrums, Katniss grabbed her hidden bow and a picture of her kids who she may never see again. The soldiers set their guns on"ready' with an audible *click*, and started moving out. The hallway was a mess, there were Capitol officials whose bodies littered the floor, and all the while the steady, monotone foghorn of an alarm. The lights flickered, and as they walked amongst the bodies, Katniss could have sworn she saw just the slightest movement. Maybe the twitch of a hand, or a shadow in her peripheral vision. Either way, she knew something was wrong, and that they were being watched. Ringer and Zombie stopped in front of a metal door, and listened to the radio. They opened the door and gestured for everyone to move in. Peeta went first, then Katniss. As she turned around and waited for the other soldiers to walk in, she saw Ringer with a mischievous smile. Katniss yelled out and leapt for the door, but it was too late, the door shut in her face. She put her ear to the door and heard laughing and receding voices. She should have never trusted Evan and the others. Especially Ringer. Peeta was looking for a way out, as he noted there was no handle from inside. Suddenly, Katniss screamed at Peeta "SHUT UP FOR A SEC" and Peeta looked hurt, but then he heard it. A hissing sound, gradually getting louder. Both Peeta and Katniss looked up as the gas descended on them, and as they clutched their throats, they slid onto the floor. Unconscious.


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