Epilogue in an omniscient view

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        And lo and behold came the beginning of the end. Our surviving Tributes and their closest friends and family from their respective worlds were faced with one final challenge. To work with those they deemed as evil to save the world, and thus humanity with it. However, this kind of optimistic thinking that they thought they had, was all for naught. Our heroes were faced with so much more death than they had ever imagined, for the human race along with every single species would find it was certainly too late to change their ways, or even delay. As every living thing rushed to find an escape route of sorts, Earth and the other worlds as we knew them exploded. Chaos and Darkness certainly had a hand here, but before it quenched every light in the universe, this would be its last. Every living thing, was no more. Or so I thought. The story continues of two humans. They had managed to make their way onto one of the spaceship pods their family and friends were taking, but with the force of the planet being destroyed, the ship was as well. There was one pod that went flying and spiralling into space, and that contained the last two living beings in the entire universe. The pod flew and flew, until it collided with a moon far, far away. It was about as large as the Blue Planet, and had water and temperatures both of which were able to sustain life. The only two living souls left were none other than Rose Weasley, and surprisingly, Octavian "Tavvy" Blackthorn. Thinking themselves as the last of humanity, they settled into this new planet and sharing their love of literature archived the troves of knowledge they knew from since their younger years. They compiled their findings into a manuscript, which nearly got destroyed by their children many years later in a bid to produce genetically enhanced food (yes, somehow having a vast amount of knowledge and wisdom was not enough to be inherited by their children, so paper seemed foreign), but got saved as the new batch of crops popped up. With a chance to make humanity better from scratch, Rose and Octavian watched their children working hard and playing too, as they finished their most recent writings (central to the new colony of which I am a part of). The writings concerned the events that had plagued them so much not too long ago, with all they could remember. They named the writings... "The Fandom Hunger Games".

---End Book---

The Fandom Hunger Games (A Novella by @voldymorte_and_valour)Where stories live. Discover now