Section 4.4 of Chapter 4: Goodbyes and Farewells

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4.4 - Still inside the Glade-TMr:

            Long after Sonya and Minho had discussed strategies in the Homestead, they had relayed their plans to their friends. Thomas had helped Minho come up with a plan to get to the supplies first in the arena, using Sonya as a diversion. Sonya would have to go out and throw knives at the feet of whoever was approaching the Cornucopia, as she had a knack at handling knives. If the other Tributes were threats, she would be forced to kill them, or at least severely injure them, while Minho ran past, grabbing the supplies. "I think this is perfect, Thomas! Imagine if they put us in the Maze as an arena. That would be ironic!", Minho said, giving Thomas a sly smile. "Ironic? Fancy words there, for a shank like you!", laughed Thomas. They hugged, knowing it might be one of the last times they would see each other. Meanwhile, Sonya came past talking to Harriet. "Wow. Really manly, Minho. Hugging a friend like that. Shame...", Harriet said. Sonya and Thomas stifled laughs as Minho defiantly looked up at all of them "Damn right, it's manly" and walked away. Harriet catcalled after Minho, as Janson approached them. "Is everything said and done here? We have to be off soon", Janson asked. Thomas didn't look him in the eye, and Harriet was still chasing Minho with taunts, so Sonya said "Yes, thank you. I'll just go get Minho." and ran to find him and Harriet. She last saw Minho walking in the direction of the Deadheads, the graveyard in the forest. She called out "Minho! Harriet!". No answer. She walked farther, towards the tiny stream of water before the graveyard, and crossed it. When she got to the graveyard, she saw an appalling sight. A solitary shoe lay behind a makeshift gravestone. She slowly inched forward, and picked it up. Heavier than usual, then she pulled it a tiny bit, and a leg slid out from the pile of leaves the shoe was behind. Horrified, Sonya put a hand to her mouth, and eyes wide, backed away into a tree. As repulsing as she found it, curiosity got the better of her as she approached it again, hoping to identify the body. She grabbed a splintered spear that conveniently was right it front of her, then she grasped the shoe once more, and pulled with all her might. She yelped and jumped to her feet, as a full human body rolled out. She feared for the worst, and looked at the head that was facing away from her. Both Minho and Harriet had short hair. So did the body. She slowly circled around the body, keeping a safe distance, and as soon as she saw who it was, she screamed. The blood-curdling shriek echoed through the many trees in the woods, and mere minutes later, Director Janson's Berg appeared above the treeline. When the Berg had landed and Sonya's friends had come running, she still stared with horror at the very bloody, mangled sight of the face... Still quite recognizable.

It was Minho.


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