Section 9.3 of Chapter 9: Let the Games Begin

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9.3- At the plains near the Cornucopia-TMI:

                Emma was shocked at how quickly the first cannon went off. They were all heroes, could they not respect each other enough to band together in peace? Who was she in an arena with? Friends, or monsters themselves? 'Crap', Emma thought. She had managed to snag some resources of her own, and had dodged quite a few projectiles. She didn't see the Tribute's death because she was too busy running to find Julian. He'd be the only one she could truly trust in this place. In these Games. She managed to get to the plains near the Cornucopia, before tripping over her trusty sword Cortana. She fell down with a large clatter of Shadowhunter gear, and groaned. That fall alone would have attracted the attention of other Tributes. Hopefully especially the one she was seeking. She got up, heart pounding, and looked around. It turns out that she had not only attracted Julian's attention, but as he gestured around him, Emma had attracted the attention of everyone. She looked in their eyes, and some were genuinely willing her to get up, and others had an air of madness about them even as the Games had begun. She'd have to watch out for both types of people. Sure, the loud, obnoxious, and generally crazy people were dangers. But the silent, polite, and calculated people could seem to be something else in its entirety. Emma saw fights break out, and charged at some people herself. They were fairly skilled. Actually, all very skilled. She couldn't tell who was who, she started to let the sword do the deciding. She fought in a frenzy, driving back anyone in her way. Suddenly she heard someone cry out behind her. Emma let down her guard for a brief second, and looked back. Suddenly she felt her hair being yanked, and she used the butt of her sword to club a male Tribute in the nose. He went down and rolled away, and the plains were quiet again... Save for the cries of a woman nearby. Emma moved closer and saw what was going on. A group of Tributes had decided to grab at the many stones surrounding them, and were chucking them at the tough military girl, June Iparis. June was in the center of a clearing, and held out her hands desperately as the other Tributes moved in on her. "It isn't fair," she said. A stone hit her on the side of the head. The Tributes just kept advancing, and threw another rock which collided with her knee. "It isn't fair, it isn't right," June screamed, and then they were upon her.


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