Section 7.1 of Chapter 7: Preparations

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7.1 - In the Capitol, Magical being preparation area:

      Rose Weasley woke up with a splitting headache. 'What had happened?' she thought. Then, in an instant, she remembered. The wall. The screech of metal. The impact. Scorpius and her tumbling down the stairs. 'Wait.' she thought. 'Where's Scorpius??' and began panicking. Scorpius, who had comforted her at the prospect of lightning. 'Where could he be? Hold up... I don't even know where I MYSELF am...' She looked around and saw a long corridor, with only one other hospital bed around her, separated by curtains. 'One of the other Tributes' beds' she observed. As she waited for something of interest to happen, she heard a familiar voice yell "STOP, that tickles!" followed by giggling from multiple voices. "Scorpius.", Rose breathed a sigh of relief in the form of his name. The giggling stopped, and hushed whispers started. "Rose? Rose is that you?" Scorpius called out. Rose started to sit up but then her head gave her a warning pang and she lay down again, frustrated. "Yeah, it's me." she said with exasperation. She heard Scorpius hiss "Yesss" and smiled. Sure, he tried too hard for her hand, but he'd rapidly started to grow on her, and what was once annoying was now sweet, even endearing. Scorpius called out, disrupting her thoughts "Hey my stylists are already hard at work, torturing me because I'm super ticklish. Yours will come along soon enough!" Rose debated whether to answer or not, then replied "Okay cool, thanks" as she prepared for further boredom. When she began to close her eyes to get some more sleep, the curtains moved and four Capitol stylists walked in. They all had different colours of hair, and many tattoos and piercings. They immediately got to work, with wax strips and hair curlers. After a painful process, she looked at a mirror, and her auburn hair was in luscious waves down to the nape of her neck. Her skin was shiny, and still red from all the waxing. She liked this version of her. After a few moments of getting ready, she was going to be taken to see some stylist who would help her with clothing. She exited the tent at the same time that Scorpius walked out of his, which was closer than she expected. He had his blond hair flowing down the back of his head, looking like a yellow-haired Erik Karlsson. His skin was also shinier than normal, and Rose sucked in her breath. He looked more mature, more handsome. Scorpius had stopped when he saw Rose, and she saw him taking in the sight of the new her. She said "I look like a mess." and gave a small smile. Scorpius whispered underneath his breath she heard it: "Darling, you look perfect tonight." Rose widened her smile at that, and blushed. Scorpius blushed too, for he didn't think she'd hear it. They stood sheepishly looking at each other for a moment, then the silence was broken by her Stylists yelling "Rose, come this way!" Rose gave Scorpius another smile, her heart pounding, and then left to join the Capitol stylists without looking back. "Hello, my name is Bast, I have the perfect outfit in mind for you!", the new lady said when she walked in. She had long brown hair, also in waves, and a sweet smile. 'What's so different about her?' Rose thought, then immediately noticed that Bast had her nails resembling cat claws, and eyes that looked like cats' eyes. 'Contacts', Rose guessed, but she wasn't so sure. Bast led her to an array of costumes and different styles of clothing. But only one managed to catch Rose's eye, and that was a nice red and green dress, that shimmered and changed between the two colours. It would bring out her hair more than anything, and her now shiny skin would compliment it well. Rose couldn't wait to try it on, and luckily, that's the one Bast picked up. They shared a knowing smile, this would be a killer.


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