Section 8.4 of Chapter 8: Training and Interviews

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8.4 - In the forest behind the Tribute Training Centre-Tmr:

    Sonya waited in the forest behind the Tribute Training Centre, for it was time to test her survival skills. The Capitol trainers had set up a makeshift booth outside to identify poisonous plants. A hunting area was set up too, complete with a build-a-trap workshop. There were also mini fire pits and a place to learn how to build a shelter. Closer to the river, there was a water filtration lesson set up. When all the Tributes had arrived, they gathered around the identification booth. "Alright so hey guys, today we'll be teaching you how to survive in the wilderness, obviously.", the first trainer said. The second trainer then added "Also we'll mostly be doing the talking today, but you'll get an opportunity to try out what we teach you as well." Everyone looked around at the stations near them. "Now," the first trainer said. "Gather around and we'll show you the difference between non-poisonous plants, as well as things like berries. We don't want another 74th Hunger Games, ahaha," he started laughing and then noticed Katniss and Peeta's expressions, then stopped abruptly. Sonya looked behind her shoulder to catch a glimpse at the apparently famous couple that had just made the trainer shut up. They looked... Intense. As one, they had given the trainer a cold glare. Katniss noticed Sonya look back and gave her a small smile. Whether it was to reassure herself or Sonya, she didn't know, but it was genuine enough. The trainer gulped, and the other trainer gave him a long look before she said "Okay never eat anything you don't know, because it can poison you. This is called nightlock and can kill you immediately." 'Those tiny black berries could KILL?', Sonya thought. The first trainer spoke up again "Yes, well... Uh... There are also plants that you should not touch... Like poison ivy." The second trainer backed him up "Yes, there are certainly plants which do such things. Remember, if a plant has three leaves, never touch it, for it can make you unbelievably itchy. Now it's time to switch over to the hunting station, follow me." Surprisingly, Sonya didn't do that badly in terms of setting traps, guided by none other than Katniss Everdeen. Katniss had pulled Sonya aside as they were transitioning to the next station, and had promised to help her if need be. Sonya gladly took up that offer, and in turn showed Katniss how to filter water properly. Katniss was already very good at survival in the wild, and aced making fires and shelters. 'But not at the same time, of course' Sonya chuckled to herself. Sonya was more focused on making something far more important... An ally, a friend.


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