Section 3.3 of Chapter 3: Meetings Between Tributes of Same Worlds

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3.3 - In the Los Angeles Institute-TMI:

Emma Carstairs, for the first time since her parents died and the L.A. Institute was sacked all those years ago, felt scared. She knew she was extremely good in combat, but in the Arena, you never knew what would come. What if her beloved sword Cortana cut down her boyfriend, Jules? What if Julian tried to kill her? What if everyone else ganged up on the two of them? There were just too many possibilities. She figured it was best to go and try to talk to Jules, and make sure there was a plan for if either one of them was forced to switch sides against their will. She walked over to Julian's room, and knocked on the door. "Come in,", came the reply. Julian was poring over stories about the Games, to prepare himself mentally for the task yet to come. "Oh, Emma, it's you.", He shoved aside his work and spun around. "What is it this time?". Emma, with a withering glance at him, said "It's about the upcoming Games of course. I was wondering if we'd be allies?". Julian got off of his chair, and crossed his arms and haughtily asked "Your tone is doubtful that we would be. You're my Parabatai and girlfriend, why wouldn't we be allies?". Emma sighed out of relief, and said "Of course we would, I just wanted to make sure that we had a plan in case one of us was forcibly turned to the other side. What would we do then?" "Well we'd have to try our best to persuade the other that we are on THEIR side, and try to make the other person more like them again.", Julian said. "Brilliant. Good idea, Jules.", Emma breathed out before running towards him. He caught her, and they both laughed until Julian said "Ah, but I still have to study. Do you want to help me work?" "Yeah, alright.", Emma replied with a sly smile. "Got to be prepared, but have time for fun too, right?" "Right."


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