Section 3.4 of Chapter 3: Meetings Between Tributes of Same Worlds

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3.4 - Still in the Glade-TMr:

As soon as Minho saw Director Janson in the flesh, he spat. "I thought Thomas strangled your lousy neck, shuck-face." Janson smiled and said "Now now, don't want to start anything right here, do we? Considering you have to rely on us to transport you to the Games. It would be a pity if we had to collect your body from the ground in between here and there." He didn't have to say anymore, the threat was implied. Minho raised his fist and was about to open his mouth when Sonya spoke "Minho." Minho looked towards her, and they exchanged a glance. He stopped, for fear not for himself, but of what might happen to Sonya too if he said something else wrong. Sonya smiled weakly, knowing from the protective look in Minho's eyes that he understood. Minho turned to Janson and said "Ok fine. I'm sorry. Can we have a bit of time to speak together?" Janson, finally victorious, triumphantly said "Of course you can." Minho ran to Sonya, and whispered "Let's go to the homestead, private, but not scary like the graveyard in the Deadheads forest over there." Sonya whispered back "No worries, Minho, we went through worse in Group B, yet we got out three days faster and lost fewer people than you did. I should be reassuring YOU.", Minho, dumbfounded, followed Sonya to the Homestead. Once inside, he turned to her, and said "So I assume we are allies then?". Sonya smiled "Well we ARE both victims of W.I.C.K.E.D's phases, so of course. Now we just need to make sure that we have a solid strategy. Say, didn't you mention that you were a Runner?" "Yeah. So?", Minho asked. "SO we can both try to run faster than the other Tributes in the beginning, reach the supplies first, and find another place to hide!", Sonya replied. "Good idea. Let's try for that. You know, you have really good strategies, why did W.I.C.K.E.D. give us Theresa when we could have gotten you?", Minho said. Sonya laughed and shook her head saying "I don't know, Minho. I don't know."


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