Section 10.6 of Chapter 10: Second Day of the Games

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10.6- In a park-THG:

                    Katniss had dodged the hole that had opened in the ground, but had ended up in Edom nonetheless. She had seen the demonic creature infect and kill the poor boy with the glowing hands, yet she couldn't do anything about it because those things would have come after her the second she loosed an arrow. Once she had gone through the force-field-type thingy that had teleported her away, she realized she was in an entirely new area. So the arena was indeed a ploy, the real battles would happen in different world for certain, now. This looked like an abandoned park. Not so much a national park like the woods where she had hunted with Gale when she was younger, but a one that had attractions and rides and such. Something you would only see in the Capitol. This park was massive, and it seemed more like an open zoo than anything else, because of enclosures all around. She walked through each of them, careful to have her bow at the ready. It looked eerie, the whole park was covered with thick underbrush, and there was no sign of life all around. And then, behind her, she heard a voice say "Hey Katniss.", she whirled around to see Kile standing with his hands in the air, cross-eyed while looking at the tip of her arrow. She decided that since he didn't have his weapon out, she'd be alright. And so she lowered her bow, eyeing him warily. "Talk.", Katniss said menacingly. Kile said "Hey listen, first of all, thank you for not killing me. Secondly, I know you're a good dudette, so like, maybe we could be allies?" The night was approaching, and since Peeta wasn't there yet, Katniss considered it. It would be pretty useful to have someone watching her back while she slept. She knew Kile could be trusted, because otherwise, he would have killed her by now. "Fine", Katniss said. They set up camp in the remains of an amphitheatre that was facing the water. That left only two entrances that they would have to watch out for, and Kile promised to take first shift. Katniss closed her eyes, and it seemed as if she had slept for only a second before Kile shook her awake. He put a finger on his lips, and pointed. Across the water, a group of Tributes was clearly visible under a lamp post. Katniss could see Clarke, Bellamy, Petra, Ben, and Astrid all there. Another group was arriving to meet them, it was Annabeth, Rose, Emma, Sam and her heart panged, Peeta. It seemed like Kile and Katniss were the only two left that was not part of a larger group of allies. So they watched as the two groups approached each other, weapons drawn. But then, the lights flickered. Everyone anxiously looked at them, yet nothing happened. Annabeth's group started edging closer to Clarke's, slowly at first, then with increasing fervor. Both groups started to yell, but then something bizarre happened. Katniss saw this coming, as she had dealt with traps in abandoned streets before, yet as Sam set foot on the ground mid-sprint, the ground sunk low where he stepped. Everybody froze, and Katniss expected an explosion 'Yes it would kill Peeta, but it would take out any competition as well.', she thought, then shook her head at such a belief for a) She wouldn't imagine losing Peeta, not yet, and b) Nothing happened or so she thought. It was a tense few moments that followed, as everyone waited with bated breaths. Sam, who had been bracing for impact, relaxed, and everyone released their breaths in a relieved sigh. Perhaps they should have kept holding their breaths, for exhaling at once covered the sound of shuffling. Katniss saw Bellamy cock his head to the side, then whirled around, facing away from the other Tributes. Astrid noticed and appeared to ask him what was wrong, Katniss noted by her repeated gestures. Soon everyone turned around and saw vicious Velociraptors eyeing them hungrily. "MUTTS" everyone yelled, and they started running away. Katniss looked back at Kile, who had become very pale. A gigantic eye was looking at them, obsidian-black and full of evil intent. Kile screamed as a tail came out of nowhere and slapped him in the face. Clutching his nose, he told Katniss to run, and the T-Rex clamped its jaws down. A cannon shot resounded, and Katniss left to join the others. There was no time for a happy reunion between her and Peeta, the latter breathing a sigh of relief when he saw her, but more Dino-Mutts were on their way. They made their way towards the gate, hacking away at snarling prehistoric menaces. Suddenly, a sound like a volcano rumbling began to resound, and a stampede of dinosaurs was now seen bearing down on them. They ran for their lives, stumbling towards that gate, and managed to cross just in time. The Tributes ran through a portal which had appeared, as Katniss looked back up at the gate and thought of Kile for a moment. Faded letters now shining from the light of the moon were being revealed.. "Jurassic Park", she read out loud before walking through the portal.


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