Section 10.1 of Chapter 10: Second Day of the Games

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10.1- Behind the veil-HP:

                    Rose knew very well that her family would have seen her use the curse on Ender. Yet, she didn't care. She had avenged the boy she had come to love. She had known that at least one of them would end up dying at one point or another, yet she didn't expect it quite so soon. Scorpius had liked her for the longest time, and she hadn't even obliged or even started to love him until later on. And now, he was gone. She knew she had to be tough, for there were likely to be cameras turned on her, though it was too much to keep in. Rose started crying, caught up in the swell of emotion that had been in her heart since Ender ('Curse his name') had pushed her Scorpius off that cliff. She had run away, and passed through what seemed like a veil before hiding in a cave she found. She lay down, and with a hand over her mouth, let the tears fall as she closed her eyes and went to sleep. Little more than an hour later, she heard a *Whoosh* of air and groggily sat up. She looked around, wand at the ready, but saw nothing. Then she looked up, and noticed a container attached to a parachute floating down towards her. Rose waited for it to land, then walked over cautiously. When it did not explode, she picked it up, and saw a note. It read 'To Rose: From the Malfoy, Weasley, and Potter families'. Her heart panged, and she saw that there was a full meal inside. She'd have to ration it, but there were her favourite sandwiches awaiting her! She took one out, and ate it. Ah, the delicacy reminded her of home. Suddenly, she heard an eerie moaning, and stepped out of the cave. Rose being Rose looked around in curiosity, and noticed that there was an entirely different landscape than on the other side of the veil. Could it be possible that instead of a clock arena she read about, could the Tributes be travelling to different worlds? Rose thought about how best to process this information, when a voice behind her said "Hey." 'Wait a second', Rose thought, 'I know that voice!' She turned around and saw her love awaiting her. "It... C-can't be...", Rose stuttered. Scorpius nodded and smiled sadly. Rose broke down, and Scorpius sang "When it gets haaaard, you know it can get haaard sometimes, it is the oooonly thing that makes us feel aliiiiiive". Ed Sheeran. Rose knew he was a Weasley cousin, one that everyone (Muggles and wizards alike) admired, especially Scorpius. Rose was at a loss for words, and the ghost of Scorpius told her "Rose. Listen to me. We knew this was coming. You have to go live your life for the both of us now. I love you, I always will." And with that, Rose sprang forward and tried to grab at what was left of him as he started to disappear. Rose wiped away a tear, and knew this was a true final goodbye. She turned around, and saw a hand shaking on the ground. She ran to the ridge and noticed the hand belonged to Gally, who was spread-eagle on the ground, clutching his heart. He gave her a wide-eyed look, and Rose knew he had seen his own ghosts of the past. Gally gave one final shudder, then looked to the sky. Rose couldn't have done anything, Gally had died of fright. A cannon sounded, and faces started to appear around her. Friends, family, and acquaintances both living and dead. She thought of Scorpius, then the faces rushed in towards her as she collapsed into the state of sleep.


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