Section 4.1 of Chapter 4: Goodbyes and Farewells

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4.1 - On Platform 9 3/4-HP:

Scorpius frantically searched for Rose and her family on the crowded Platform, as everyone waited for the Hogwarts Express which would, on its special route, take them to the Capitol. Draco Malfoy and Astoria Greengrass-Malfoy struggled to keep up with their energetic son. Finally, Scorpius, weaving around discarded trolleys, lone suitcases, and crying people, found Rose alongside her family with the Potters. Rose looked up, and her face brightened when she saw Scorpius barrelling towards her. James Potter rolled his eyes and made a face at Rose when he saw the way Rose was looking at Scorpius. Rose winked at him and turned back to watch Scorpius making his way towards them. Hugo Weasley and Lily Potter high-fived as Albus snickered and punched James playfully in the shoulder "Just because you're her cousin doesn't allow you to judge her love life, James." James looked at Albus "I have all the right to judge. BECAUSE she's my cousin". They looked at each other and then burst out laughing. Meanwhile, Scorpius was held up by a group of foreign witches and wizards who wanted his autograph. Scorpius, given the choice between being a celebrity and meeting Rose, quickly signed a photo of him and put a Gemini charm on it, multiplying them for the tourist group. He managed to push his way past them, and finally reached Rose. They collided in a tight hug, and stayed together. They locked eyes, Rose nodded at Scorpius, and they both leaned in for a kiss. The Daily Prophet reporters went crazy with the pictures, though Rose and Scorpius couldn't have cared less. Draco and Astoria reached the gaggle of people, and saw the Golden Trio standing there together observing the scene. Draco looked at Ron, who was astonished. Ron blinked a couple of times, and then broke into a smile. Draco returned the smile, and went up to shake Ron's hand, Astoria following behind him. Astoria and Hermione hugged and then whispered together, giggling. Ron jokingly said to Draco "Ah well look at this, Malfoy. Marriage plans are already underway!", as Harry slid up to join them with a huge smile on his face "This is great, they are so awesome together!". Draco looked back at Rose and Scorpius, who were now holding hands and strolling around the platform talking to Reporters, and said in a sinister tone "Weasley...I swear...." Harry, Hermione, and Ron's smiles disappeared. "I swear that when it happens, you will be a very good father-in-law for Scorpius indeed, I couldn't be more proud.", Draco laughed. Ron looked aghast, and said "Well Draco, same to you for Rose!", and Harry grinned again. Rose and Scorpius came back cautiously, and quickly assessed their families' reactions. When all was well, they cheered up immensely, and forgot the prospect of the dark place they were about to go to. But soon enough, the gloom came back. The Hogwarts Express had arrived, and the atmosphere changed from joyous to solemn. Death Eaters walked out of the train on every side, and surrounded the two families and their closest friends on the platform, separating them from the rest of the crowd. Someone screamed when they saw the Death Eaters approaching. One nicer one turned towards the little kid's family, and gestured to keep the kid quiet. The family understood right away and cast a Silencio charm on the kid, so as to not cause any trouble. The Weasleys and Malfoys stood waiting. Two burly Death Eaters flanked a smaller one. The smaller one stepped up to the families, and Harry winced. The man said "Scorpius Malfoy, Rose Weasley. Please say your goodbyes and bid your farewells. We shall be leaving in a few moments' time.", he stepped back, respectfully giving the families some space. Scorpius and Rose exchanged a look. They could cry later, but they had to be strong now, or who knows what might happen. Scorpius hugged his mom and dad, promising he would see them again. Draco and Astoria sobbed silently, but smiled for their son. Scorpius then turned to the Weasleys and the Potters. He first hugged Albus, then shook Ron and Hermione's hands. He waved to the little kids, and then waved to the audience. He stepped onto the train, and turned around. He stood there, waving. Rose jumped up, and hugged her family too, who were also quite sad to see her go. She went around hugging her cousins, and aunt and uncle. She also shook Draco and Astoria's hands, and ran to join Scorpius. They continued to wave until all the Death Eaters boarded the train again. Then, the doors shut, and they glimpsed their families for supposedly the last time. The train began to move, as everybody on the platform jumped and cheered. The parents of the Tributes continued to sob, until their closest friends, Neville and Luna, apparated beside them to comfort them. The kids were fine because in their hearts, they knew that Scorpius and Rose could win this as allies. As the train fully left the station, Scorpius and Rose left the doors and seated themselves in a compartment. It was going to be a long ride, so they would stay together, researching previous Games to study for the Games to come but also to give each other company.


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