1. Suggestion

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I don't like when I read stories with 3 parts and one is an introduction, the other is a request for ideas and the last is pretty much 4 sentences and 9 authors notes so if you see an authors note, it's either this, very important or an apology for late updates/short chapters. I do attempt to keep up with stories but I sometimes drop them so sorry for that too... Right I'm pissing myself off with this now LEGGO BOI (remind me never to say that again).

3rd Person POV-

"Everything's okay isn't it Yoongi?" Namjoon narrowed his eyes curiously at Yoongi across the table, who noticed the dropped honourific.

"Are you going to correct yourself?" Yoongi glared back towards the disrespectful leader.

"What do you mean?" Namjoon dropped his formalities again.

"How dare y-"

"Yoongi, we've been worried." Jin cut across Yoongi who began to glare at him too. Jin ignored him and continued. "You stayed awake for three nights at that studio living off energy drinks and next to no food."

"I'm fine Hyung"

"You aren't..." Jimin replied before Jin could. "That's why we've had an idea. Have you heard of age regression... or.. Little Space, Yoongi?"

"The hell is that? It sounds weird.."

"It will be at first but it'll help you, we just want to help you with your stress, it's unhealthy." Jin put down his glass without drinking from it, deeming that persuading the younger was more important.

"What is it?"

"We'll treat you as if you were younger. You won't have responsibility when you're in something we call Little Space. It'll take away your stress. We'll look after you and buy you things as though we're your carers or something like that..."

"So essentially I'd be a baby."

"Practically yes. That's why we've been dropping your honorifics... to get you used to nick names and to get you in the head space of being younger. You'll get used to it eventually, but it might take time..."

"I'm in..." Yoongi mumbled in response. In all honesty he would feel better to know that people would be looking after him and taking care of his responsibilities.

"What?" Taehyung leaned closer towards him to hear his mumbles.

"I'm in!" Yoongi shouted louder, feeling irritated. A rush of praise flooded over him and he blushed.

"Lets finish eating then we'll help Yoongi find a level he's comfortable in."


"Which colour first?" Jin crouched next to the younger boy and smiled, referring to the pastel and white pacifiers. Yoongi looked around and pointed to the white and baby blue one, making grabby hands towards Jin and he handed it to the slowly adjusting boy, managaing to ease into Little Space. Jin abruptly pulled his hand away. "Ah, what do you say?"
Yoongi looked around at the other 5 members, suddenly shy as they're all looking at him sceptically, wondering if it will work.
"P-please..?" He mumbled just loud enough for Jin to hear.
"Good boy, here you go." Jin handed Yoongi the paci and he slowly put it in his mouth, getting used to the strange childlike feeling.
"H-hungry...." Yoongi mumbled again and Jin patted his head gently.
"Do you want to go to your room and eat..?" Yoongi nodded almost instantly and waved at the others, stumbling over his baby blue onesie before Jin picked him up onto his hip and carried him to their room.
When they got inside, Jin gently rested Yoongi down and told him he'd be right back.

[Follow Jin]

As Jin entered the living room to get into the kitchen, he heard Namjoon and Hoseok talking about how well Yoongi was already doing, and how they would probably end up spoiling him with their income. Jin smiled to himself and went to the kitchen, picking up the bottle for Yoongi. He passed back through the living room when Jungkook stopped him for a moment. "Hyung, how's it going?"
"I'm going to try and get him to use a bottle for inbetween meals and stuff, but he's made so many changes already today I don't know if he will or not."
"Good luck." Jungkook just smiled as Jin went back to the room. He opened the door to see Yoongi sitting on the floor sucking on his blue and white paci, tracing the hems of his onesie with his finger. "Here, will you try drink from this..?" Jin tentatively walked towards Yoongi who raised his head and outstretched his arms for the bottle.
"Really?" Jin was about to hand it to him when he remembered. Yoongi tilted his head for a moment, confused, then his eyes lit up. "Please?"
Jin handed him the bottle and picked him up into his lap as he sat down, slowly rocking him until his eyes fluttered closed, with the bottle still in his mouth, asleep. Jin smiled and took away the bottle, quickly replacing it with his paci before he woke up and laid him down in his bed with his new teddy bear.

Jin walked into the living room and smiled at the others' hopeful looks. They all relaxed and smiled as Jin reassured them that he was settling into Little Space easier than they would have hoped for, but also warning them that if any of them woke him up he'd slap them all with the thickest metal spatula he owned.

They spoke in whispers all night as Baby Yoongi caught up on 3 nights of sleep with a blue and white paci, fluffy teddy bear, and 6 boys promising to take care of him.

Thats the longest one imma make probably... Sorry for any mistakes my keyboard doesn't correct me...? ANYWAY I hate these notes so imma go now and may I add- Little Yoongi is my religion I love it so much 🖤🖤

(I corrected the part about mistaking age play for age regression since it was more annoyance than necessary. You may all rest well knowing i changed it 😂❣❣)

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