4. Tantrum

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3rd Person POV

Yoongi woke up on the couch, groaning at how his throat burned. The other 6 were watching TV on the chairs around him, looking at him when he made a noise. "Ah my throat." Yoongi was speaking in his deep voice, rubbing his neck. The others gave eachother looks, wondering if Little Space had worked.
"Ew I need to shower." Yoongi threw the blankets to the side and walked lazily to the bathroom, sighing as he closed and locked the door.
"What happened?"
"He didn't whine or anything..."
"Did it work?"
"I don't know."
"He seemed... Big again."
"Oh God he needs this to work..."


The shower shut off and a few moments later, Yoongi walked out in the blue onesie, claiming it was comfortable.
Jin brought out breakfast to the table, putting pancakes down infront of everyone, including Yoongi. As he looked at his plate, he started blushing; and looked meaningfully at Jin.
"Oh, sorry..." Jin got up to make Yoongi a bottle as he picked at his pancakes, trying a bite but pushing his plate away after. Jin came back in and put the bottle where his plate was and kissed Yoongi's wet brown hair.
"Is it okay..?" Jin asked towards Yoongi who was sucking on the top of the bottle. He nodded and kept drinking. When he was nearly finished, Jin looked at the younger concernedly. "Yoongi.. You do need to eat or drink something else too. You can't live off of bottles." Jin rested a hand on his head. Yoongi just looked at him, still out of Little Space, and shook his head. "I don't want anything else."
Jin just looked back, telling him he'd "make ramen for luch" and Yoongi had to eat some too.
"I don't want to."
"You have to eat something other than just your bottles Yoongi."
"No I don't want to!"
"Yoongi you know you can't live off of them."
"Yes I can!" His voice went higher and whinier, Jimin looked at Jin meaningfully.
"For today. Only today."
"Why?! I'm fine!" Yoongi scrunched up his eyebrows at Jin and crossed his arms.
"No, Yoongi. You aren't changing my mind."
Yoongi made a noise of frustration and threw his quarter full bottle across the room, the milk inside it spilling against the wall.
"YOONGI!" Jin yelled, Yoongi staring at him defiantly but instantly regretting throwing the bottle.
"You have until I get to three to either apologise, or go to your room."
"2..." Jin's tone became like a warning.
"3." Jin grabbed Yoongi's wrist, not hurting him but tight enough so he couldn't move out of his way, and took him to Yoongi's room.
Yoongi immediately threw himself on the bed and layed face down, refusing to look at Jin.
"Are you done?"
"Hmmph." Yoongi huffed into the pillow and continued to ignore him.
"Come and apologise before we eat. Or no more sweets." Jin left before Yoongi retaliated towards the threat. Yoongi just cried into the pillow until he fell asleep, still angry at himself for throwing the bottle.

Yoongi woke up to the sound of Jin doing the dishes. Was he too late? He panicked and ran through the hallway to the kitchen. "I'm sorry, Jinnie! I'm really really sorry!" He ran through to see that Jin wasn't doing the dishes, but serving ramen to the others.
"Did you have a nice nap?" Jin asked, not being mean, but genuinely worried because of how exhausted he was. Yoongi blushed and nodded. "Do you want some?" (DOLLAR DOLLAR) Yoongi nodded slightly and Jin smiled, handing him a bowl of cooler ramen so he wouldn't burn his mouth.

At the table, everybody kept leaning across to feed Yoongi, all except Jin who was lowkey mad since they were giving him food from their own plates, not Yoongi's. Jin kept eating until he felt a tug on his sleeve then of course he couldn't help it. Yoongi's cheeks were flushed because of the warmth of the noodles, and were all puffed out in a cute smile. He opened his mouth, and Jin put a tiny amount in his chopsticks for the younger who smiled and went back to his seat, eating ramen and drinking from his bottle too.


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