25. Breakfast

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"Yoongi! Breakfast!" Jin called from the kitchen, rushing to get everyone fed and ready before the long awaited filming. Idol was to be a hit, proving to all I-ARMYs that they're more than western promotions, and that they won't change them or their talents or their fans for new recognition. They had already turned down all interviews and collaborations in LA, only going there to perform and film, even though Miss Minaj herself jad requested to see them after they had become good collaborators during recording the song. The filming began at 11am; it was currently 9, and the set was 45 minutes away.

"Yoongi!!" Jin shouted louder this time, forcing Yoongi to leave the room.

"Why... Yoongi... are... are you Little?" Jungkook asked suddenly above his scrambled eggs, making everyone freeze and look up.
Sure enough, there was Yoongi, looking down sadly with a paci in and blanket in hand. He knew he should be Big, but couldn't figure out why.

"No no no no no no..." Jin mumbled quickly as he gave Yoongi his plate in a panic. "What can we do?" He looked around to everyone who looked right back with the same shocked and confused look, what can they do? When Yoongi's in Little Space, there is no pulling him out.

Half an hour later and they were officially panicking. With it being 9:30, they had 45 minutes left to make sure they were all ready to go and make Yoongi Big again. It wasn't enough time. No way.
Namjoon had an idea though, and as harsh as it was, Big Yoongi would understand right? He'd quickly move on... right?

Jungkook was currently on the ground with Yoongi's laptop, the production application up and running, while they tried to lure him back with his music.
"Come on, we need to finish the last little bit, Hyung." Even though they had finished the song completely anyway, they tried to convince him that it needed an extra beat at the end to finish it off. Yoongi scrunched up his nose and thought they had gotten through to him, but instead he started crying.
He was trying really hard not to be Little, but that past week had been so stressful to him especially, because him and Namjoon were the ones needing to talk to Nicki and her team as they were the main producers, another statement to "ARMY" that think they lack talent. With all the new events and saddening comments they had to read through to make their point as accurate and hard-hitting as possible, it pushed him to a point that he didn't know if he could get pulled out of, instead of sleeping it off like any other time.
They were calling him Hyung, making him dress properly, taking his paci and blanket and not giving him a bottle. He just wanted to cuddle someone, to be called Baby, to try and act Big instead- they knew he could do it because he's done it properly before in interviews. Yoongi was just too Small right then to tell them that.

"MIN YOONGI!" Namjoon yelled and startled everyone. "YOU WILL GO TO YOUR ROOM, PUT ON NORMAL CLOTHES AND GET IN THAT CAR." Although they all knew what he was doing, not all agreed. Taehyung, specifically.
As Yoongi sat there, scared and looking at Namjoon, he stopped crying. When he eventually scurried off, Namjoon fell onto the couch and put his head in his hands. Yoongi looked broken.
"Why did you yell, Hyung?! We had it!" Taehyung yelled, and Namjoon looked up at him.
"We didn't have time to 'have it' Taehyung. We need to go."

Yoongi sniffled in the car for some of the way, but was definitely out of Little Space. Jungkook initially placed his hand on Yoongi's thigh once they sat down but he had it immediately slapped away.

The shoot went well too. Yoongi got past the pain of being yelled at for his filming parts, but sat alone and quiet for the others. People often tried to talk to him, but he just put on the clothes, sat through makeup, and stood where he was told to. He interacted with the members and looked like he was having fun, so much so that some may compare his acting to Taehyung. Often Namjoon tried to talk to him, but one look at Yoongi told him that he was too detatched and out of focus to understand. He felt awful. Like lead. Heavy and dragging himself around all day, from set to set, from room to room. He was surprised how fast Yoongi could change from being fun and lively in the video to cold and numb on the sides of the set.
Jin was currently sitting next to Yoongi. None of the other members had tried to talk to him, saying he wouldn't want them to. But Jin didn't care. Although Yoongi didn't reply to him, he spoke anyway, in the softest voice he could.

"We're all stressed Yoongi-yah... Namjoonie didn't mean it. He needed to yell, and he thought it would help. I mean clearly it did but he could have done it better, right?" (Ngl I'm thinking about this speech in Korean in my head and it sounds so much better and more understanding but hey hErE wE aRe just know that this whole thing won't sound great but I imagined it all alot better 😔 ) "He really did his best. This means alot to him, you know. He's getting more hate than ever... they don't cheer for him now, Yoonie. They burn his photocards. He does so much for us, but he wants to give them a reason to hate him at this point, you know... He doesn't want to be accused for things he's not, so he makes himself into what they think of him. I've tried talking to him but he... he won't listen. He feels awful. I know it hurt you, but really... please try forgive him."
Yoongi nodded in return.
"... do you want a bottle when we get home?"
Yoongi's eyes lit up.

Getting into the car, Yoongi stopped Namjoon. Still not saying anything, he wrapped his arms tightly around the younger and held him tight. He kept thinking of what everyone says to him, about him... He thought of how they treat his songs, how they judge his looks, his voice, his talent. Yoongi pushed all the affection he had into the taller male as everyone sat, confused until Seokjin explained.

"I'm sorry Hyung."
"I love you Joonie."

And that's how they ended up with a squealing Yoongi, an exhausted 6 men, and plates of food infront of each, except Yoongi, of course, who had the bottle that Jin had promised.

"Baby drink your bottle."
"Baby." Taehyung's warning tone made Yoongi giggle and slide back down into his chair, grabbing the bottle of slightly warm milk and a small spoon of sugar and sipping softly. Each member slowly became more and more exhausted, and groaned at thinking about having to go back to the same set again multiple times the upcoming week.

Let's hope Yoongi isn't Little for breakfast.

HELLO! So, I liked the idea of this chapter but not the actual execution of it. I feel like I rushed some parts or didn't portray things correctly. Please bare with me, my other and more frequent stories are based off of smaller chapters, so changing back to longer ones is kinda difficult to do.
Anyway, writing this made me a lot happier and more motivated. I really missed this, but thanks for reading!!
Once again, not edited.

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