12- "Hyung... It's still me..."

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"Namjoon?" Jin turned to Namjoon one day, with Little Yoongi and Jungkook in Yoongi's room probably colouring or something, Jimin and Hobi at dance practice, and Tae in his room sleeping.
"Yes Hyung?" Namjoon looked uo from his phone briefly.
"I was just wondering. What did you even do while you were away?" Jin was asking casually, nothing intended, no secret meaning, but Namjoon tensed. His eyes fluttered up to Jin and back down to his phone, ran a hand through his hair and clenched his jaw.
"I just walked around." Namjoon stood and walked to the kitchen but Jin just followed him. If Namjoon had been casual too he woukd have dropped it but now... Now something was wrong. As Namjoon was busying himself with making coffee and reseting the microwave time that Tae always left at 2 seconds (my fucking sister does this I have to refrain from stepping on her everyday goddamn), Jin grabbed his wrist. "Namjoon... Tell me what happened."
Namjoon took a deep breath and stared at Jin. He should tell him. He should. It would be simpler to tell him. He won't forget this so he should tell him. He'd tell him.
"Okay... Hyung... I uh..."
"Namjoon it's okay..." Jin's soft voice and loosened grip on Namjoon's wrist made Namjoon lose it. He stepped towards the older, who was confused but didn't move away, and leaned down to kiss him. At first it was hesitant, but as Jin tiptoed up and placed his hands round Namjoon's neck, it became real. They never thought of eachother like this. Even during the kiss, what did they think of eachother? Sure both were good kissers and sure both loved the other but how? How did they love eachother?

Namjoon pulled away first for air, and Jin just stood there wondering what the fuck just happened.
"Namjoonie I..."
Namjoon lost it. He started panicking, looking at Jin worriedly.
"Hyung... It's still me... I- I don't.. I'm sorry. When I was missing I... I realised something and it was that I missed you the most and I felt something for you... I don't know. I was so beat up because I told my old friends from Busan that I met years ago when travelling that I thought I loved you and they didn't agree and, and, and-" Namjoon finished his rant with Jin slamming his body onto his and hugging him tight. Jin looked up to Namjoon. "Don't be sorry Joonie... I missed you like that too... When you got back I honestly had to refrain from kissing you right then..." Jin hid his blush into the younger's shirt and Namjoon held him tighter.

"HYUNGS!!!!" Jimin and Hobi were standing there, Hobi speechless and Jimin smiling too wide for his little cheeks. "AHHHH I NEED TO TELL JUNGKOOK THAT LITTLE MAKNAE SHIT OWES ME 20!"
"Language, Park!" Jin called after Jimin as he ran through to Yoongi's room, hearing a yelp as Jimin slammed the door open.
"HYUNGS KISSED NAMJIN IS REAL FANS ARE RIGHT COUGH IT UP." Not only did Jungkook pick up Yoongi and bring him too, resulting in Yoongi making grabby hands towards Jin who gladly took him, but also they woke up Tae who heard "Namjin" and was up like a damn bullet and practically flew into the kitchen.
"Namjoon move over you'll break the damn kettle." Namjoon hadn't put enough water in the kettle before turning it on which made the whole coffee making progress delayed. "Sorry Hyung..." Namjoon was about to leave the kitchen when he had an idea. Walking back, he kissed Jin on the forhead and stole his phone from his pocket. Everyone else just stood there absolutely dying while Jin realised and shuffled Yoongi off of his own hip and onto Namjoon's, stopping him from running, and stole it back as he bounced Yoongi playfully. "You little shit."
"Do something about it."
"Fine have ramen for dinner."
"Little shit." Jin laughed under his breath and went back to making coffee, blushing from everyone screaming "I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!". All except Hobi actually, who was still standing there speechless. Only a little whine from Yoongi and a loud "Seokie!" with grabby hands made Hobi snap out out it and take the Little, while also screaming "WHAT THE FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK ship it." In his head.

Lol bet you weren't expecting that tho. Hahahahahahaha have some Namjin I was meaning to put it somewhere in here. Not much Little Yoongi but ya know thought I'd try and make a little bit of a story line although that is going to shit 😂 nvmmmmmm

(Again not edited but I'm ill and y'all can fight me)

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