6. Curious

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Yoongi woke up to his phone ringing and immediately got irritated. "What do you want?!" He yelled into the microphone without checking the caller ID, and heard laughing on the other line.
"Aww is baby not feeling so little?" Jungkook mocked down the line.
"Jungkook?" Yoongi asked sleepily and flipped his hair from his face.
"Yep. Jin said breakfast is ready." Jungkook hung up and Yoongi slumped over the bed and managed to pull himself up, only because of the smell of Jin's pancakes. As he walked through, Jin smiled and gave him his plate. "Not little?"
"Ugh no." Yoongi hated when they talked about his Little Space when he was Big. He felt embarrassed, and they knew that so didn't push it.

Later, after lunch, everyone except Jungkook and Yoongi had left. Yoongi wanted to sleep and Jungkook wanted to plan some ideas for the album that was 3 weeks from being written. Yoongi didn't always remember what happened when he was in Little Space, but this time one memory struck him. Cigarettes. He didn't know Jungkook smoked before yesterday, but he could tell that Jin did. Yoongi tried it once in high school when he was stressed out of his mind and was one textbook away from a mental meltdown. He liked the burn but the taste didn't appeal to him at all. Maybe... He thought suddenly, laying on his bed with his eyes closed, Maybe I could try it again... tastebuds change and clearly Jungkook likes it... he made his decision, and Yoongi is one of the most stubborn people (@-Boo) I know of. He sneaked out of his room to find Jungkook asleep on the couch. Perfect. Yoongi had seen where Jin put the stolen pack of cigarettes last night before both he and Jungkook were sent to their rooms, where both eventually fell asleep.
Jungkook had felt awful for not just putting out the cigarette and making an excuse to have just a few minutes away from Yoongi, to change, wash his hands and brush his teeth. Anything to keep his baby away from the -essentially- cancer sticks.
Yoongi crept over to the fridge, tiptoeing and feeling around for the small cardboard box. When he was just about to give up and allow his arm to dangle at his side until it didn't hurt, he found the nearly full pack and pulled it down; he took care to remember where it was and which way it was facing so no one found out that they were ever missing. Yoongi went to his own room, prising open the window and settling down on the wide space which he made for the sleepless nights he often had. The pillow was black and thick with a matching blanket, cookies always below the inside ledge, and fairy lights strung in and around small glass bottles to reflect a dull, pale orange light all around the room. The lighter he used for his special candles was set down next to him after lighting the cigarette, and Yoongi made the stupid rookie (ROOKIE ROOKIE MYYY SUPER ROOKIE ROOKIE BOY) mistake of burning his thumb on the heated metal of the lighter while setting it down, flinching and crashing his head into the cute little glass bottles just next to his head, causing some to fall down and smash, one large shard slicing his fluffy white hair and making him bleed at the back of his head. Jungkook woke up immediately, running through to check if he was okay. Yoongi, being distracted, forgot to drop the cigarette and still had it lit in his hand when Jungkook burst in, running over. When he saw the cigarette, worry turned to anger turned to guilt turned back to worry and came to settle at anger.
"MIN YOONGI WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!!" Jungkook yelled and snatched the packet, and even the special candle lighter- the one that was obviously only for candles.
"Y-you were doing- ahhh- it yes-yesterday- ahhh shit!" Yoongi pulled his hand away from his head and bit his lip, seeing the redness shining over his palm. Jungkook took no notice.
"You think that hurts?! What about your throat after you get addicted huh? I know I do it but I said one more before I start quitting!"
"O-oh..." Yoongi looked down.
"What the hell, Yoongi?! Because I do it doesn't mean you should! You know what, I'm taking your turtle stuffie."
"W-what?!!" Yoongi's voice was raised higher.
"No, I'm taking Terence until you behave." (I HAD A TURTLE TEDDY CALLED TERENCE AWWWW i miss him)
"N-no!" Yoongi whined as tears threatened his eyelashes.
"YOONGI!" Jungkook shouted louder than he intended and Yoongi started crying, staring up at him defiantly.

Great. Another tantrum.

Lol enjoy that.... Imma say masterpiece so I don't cry over how bad that was. More text timmmme 😊😊😊🖤

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