16. Mint

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Jungkook sat on the side of the bath, Yoongi sat facing the corner sniffling yet still in his tantrum.
You see, it was all good. All fine. Yet when Yoongi decided he didn't like something, that was it- the world had ceased to exist.

3 hours earlier

"Yoongi!" Hobi had been feeding the Little, when suddenly he let out a cute little hiccup-burp.
"Sowwy Seokie." Yoongi opened his mouth for more baby carrots when Jin and Namjoon walked in. They had spent all morning at the hair stylist's- planning styles, colours and other stuff for them all- yet somehow forgot to mention that Jin would be home with brown hair instead of black and Namjoon would have pink instead of grey.
"Oooo, Daddy, Daddy look!! Joonie and Jinnie have pretty colours!" Yoongi stopped trying to get Hobi to feed him his chicken dinosaurs and waddled over to them after shuffling adorably off the high counter stools. Jin picked him up before Namjoon could even say "Kumamon".
"Heyyy Prince!! Do you like mine and Joonie's hair? Maybe Daddy will let you get your own pretty colour."

One look.
One look from Yoongi and Jungkook knew he was fucked.
One look from Jungkook and Jin knew he had it even worse.

"Jin Hyung. Give Yoongi to Chim Hyung. Then you're going to want to run very VERY fast." Jungkook was calm but glaring. Jin's eyes flashed in amusement before he realised Jungkook was serious, by which time he had passed the Little on, ran to Hobi's, Jimin's and Namjoon's room and locked the door.

"Daddy? Can Yoongi have a pretty colour too?" Yoongi looked so cute when he... I don't know... sparkles I guess. So excited and happy and expectant and holy wow Jungkook didn't stand a chance.
"Well you might not be able to pick it, baby, but... okay you can have a pretty colour too."
They wanted to wait until Yoongi was big to be able to dye his hair but thanks to a certain someone, they kinda had to improvise with this one.

So that leads us to now, where Yoongi was staring at the minty green paste in the bottle like it was poison, and yelling "I WANTED PURPLE" over and over again.
"Yoongi..." Jungkook tried but Yoongi was about to yell again.
"Yoongi." Not many times had Jungkook managed to use that tone- the one that makes Yoongi stop immediately- but thankfully this was one of the rare occasions he found it easy to spit out. "Come here right now."

Due to the tantrum, a room was trashed, a sink broken, towels thrown everywhere, and about 6 headaches had struck in no time- 7 if you include one from crying and screaming so excessively. He wanted purple, was hoping for purple, was certain he'd get purple. So when Jungkook got home all happy and cheerful with a bottle full of what looked like toothpaste- the kind that hurts your teeth when you drink water after using it- Yoongi was more than disappointed.

"I told you that you wouldn't be allowed to pick didn't I? I didn't have to let you have a bright colour like this. And just last week green was your favourite so that's why Jinnie and Joonie picked it for you. How could they know it would suddenly be purple?" Jungkook rested his hands on Yoongi's shoulders lightly and wiped his tears away- along with his fluffy white hair which was knotting into his eyelashes.

"I'm sorry Daddy... can Yoongi still have a p-pretty colour?"
"Does Yoongi want it to be green now?"
"Yes pwease!" Yoongi changed instantly, his sniffles replaces with giggles and tears replaced with a gummy smile while Jungkook wet Yoongi's hair over the bathside and massaged the minty green paste into it.
"Okay baby it might sting a little but we have to leave it like that for a whole 2 hours. Do you want to go apologise?"
Now, any normal kid would have been too embarrassed. Yoongi was anything but normal. So he nodded and took Jungkook's hand- knowing he couldn't be picked up because of the messy dye.

"Y-Yoonie is really sowwy... for giving you headaches and for breaking the sink and yelling and making TaeTae's and Daddy's room messy... oh and for not saying thank you for my pretty colour. I like it, see!" Yoongi pointed to his green covered hair and grinned at everyone from behind Kookie's back where he had hidden as soon as everyone looked at him.

"It's okay baby, we can clean it all up. The tap wouldnt work properly anyway. Do you want some watermelon? You must be thirsty." Jin held out a bowl of watermelon cubes he had cut up especially for messy Yoongi; the others could manage the slices but only just about.

One whole Disney film later and a glance at his watch, Jungkook led Yoongi to the bathroom to rinse and blowdry his now bright mint hair. Yoongi barely complained; only when the water got in his eyes or the blow drier was too hot and too close.

Another half an hour later, a fluffy, minty, happy Yoongi was running around and sharing his pretty colours with everyone who had been too tired after the tantrum and movie so went to bed early.
Lastly, he climbed in next to Jinnie for cuddles instead of Jungkook- just for that one night. He never did say thank you for his new favourite colour :)

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