2. Sleepy Yoongi

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3rd Person POV

Yoongi's eyelids began to flutter, warning the others that he would wake up sooner than expected. Hoseok, who was watching over him, rushed to quickly grab Jungkook who wanted to be the one there to wake him up.
"Jungkook-ah, he's gonna wake up soon."
"Oh thanks Hyung, do you have his bottle?"
"Nearly done!" Jin shouted from the kitchen, screwing on the lid tightly while walking to the maknae. "Thank you Hyung."
"You can handle him?"
"He was adorable yesterday, he's cute when he's sleepy anyway."
"If you say so... Need me, get me, okay?"
Jin walked back into the kitchen presumably to start breakfast.
As Jungkook neared Yoongi's room he heard whining and blankets moving around. Opening the door, Yoongi was still asleep but only just, tossing and  turning slightly, his nose scrunching up and eyelids slowly fluttering open. Jungkook was at his side as he woke up, rubbing his eyes and whining. 
"Hey, shh it's okay..."
"Mmm.." Yoongi rubbed his eyes again and felt around for something, stressing when he couldn't find it. Jungkook saw Yoongi's discomfort and quickly handed the bottle to him, but Yoongi wouldn't open his mouth, keeping his lips tightly pressed together so much that he almost began crying.
"No no don't cry, baby, here... Don't you want your bottle?" Jungkook tried easing Yoongi into drinking but he still kept his mouth closed.
"Come on, Yoongi, please?"
Yoongi looked at Jungkook with sleepy eyes and flushed cheeks, slowly outstretching his arms to be lifted up. Jungkook picked him up easily in his arms and held him tightly in his lap. "Kookie?"
"Yes baby boy?"
"B-bottle? Oh, uh... please?" Yoongi mumbled sleepily, suddenly remembering his manners at the end.
"Aw here you go, do you want me to hold it?" Jungkook pushed the bottle gently between Yoongi's lips and Yoongi took the bottle, answering Kookie. He held the baby-like Yoongi in his arms and Yoongi rested his head on Kook's shoulder, bottle in both his hands, drinking steadily. As he drank, Jungkook played with his hair and brushed brown strands from his eyes, tucking them lightly behind his pale ears. Yoongi's eyes were closed, his mouth moving rythmically and his cheeks becoming less reddened and his body less stiff. Once he had finished the bottle, Jungkook picked up the empty plastic in one hand and Yoongi on his hip, walking into the kitchen. Yoongi had his head snuggled into Jungkooks neck and his eyes closed, resting on his shoulder.
Jin smiled at the sight and stroked Yoongi's hair briefly before going onto the living room, Jungkook following behind. Everyone turned to look at Yoongi, Jimin stood and lifted him from Kookie's hip. However, Jimin being shorter, had to pass him to Namjoon. "Mm... Sorry J-Jiminie.." Yoongi mumbled, his words muffled by Namjoon's neck. Suddenly he began to whine, rubbing his eyes.
"Oh no, baby what's wrong?" Taehyung stood to wipe his tears away. Yoongi just cried harder. Why wasn't anyone giving him a dummy? (IM ENGLISH YOU CAN FIGHT ME ITS DUMMY HERE, PACIFIER IN EVERYWHERE ELSE OKAY? JESUS.)
"What happened?" Jin asked Jungkook who flustered.
"I-I don't know he whined when he woke up and at first he wouldn't take his bottle but he was fine after." Jungkook was as confused as the others, wondering if he had a nightmare and he was just in shock until then, or of he was sick, he couldn't be hungry or thirsty, not tired...
"Yoongi baby, what's wrong?"
"P-p..." Another round of muffled tears escaped and Hoseok ran to his room, coming back with a pure white pacifier. Yoongi saw it and reached out with both hands towards Hobi and the comforter. Jin took it from Hobi, and held it away wanting Yoongi to say please. Yoongi just thought they were teasing him so squirmed until Namjoon let go and ran back to his room, slamming the door and trying to get out of Little Space. No matter how hard he tried he kept feeling like a baby wanting to grow up, eventually finding the paci he slept with and sucking on it too hard, his lip splitting.
In the living room, the others heard a loud squeal and crying from Yoongi's room, all of them rushing to check he was okay. Jin ran in first, seeing the blood line dripping from his lip and Yoongi sitting rubbing his tears and sucking on the dummy. "J-jinnie, it hurtttttts!" Yoongi cried as Jin rushed over and picked him up, walking quickly to the bathroom to clean up the small cut on his lip. "How did that happen?" Jin wiped the blood away and had to take out the paci to find the split in his lip.
"I-I was angry and I h-had my p-paci in my mouth," Yoongi managed to spit out between sobs, "and it c-cut my lip..." Yoongi had stopped crying but his sniffles were still going steadily as the members walked quietly into the room.
"Why were you crying at all?"
"I w-wanted my paci and H-Hobi got it but you took it away and I-I thought you were making fun of me being l-little..."
"Oh no, no no baby..." Jin slowly cleaned the cut and kissed Yoongi's forehead. "No I was just waiting for you to say please, that's all." Jin smiled as Yoongi looked up and wiped his tears.
"Y-you were? I'm sorry I di-didn't know... I thought it was a joke to make me little and laugh about it..." Yoongi nearly started crying again, but Jin held him tightly as they all reassured him that they were helping him, and would never laugh at him since he's too cute. Especially when he's sleepy ♥️

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